Example sentences of "[prep] five years " in BNC.

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1 Jay had never been promiscuous after the fuck'em and leave 'em college years , and now , after five years of no sex except occasional pleasant nights with ex-lovers , her newly spare body thrilled with anticipation .
2 The relationship ended after five years : her lover grew too tired to cope with caring for her .
3 Earlier this year , after five years of agonising , it published the LA Plan , a document 5,500 pages long and a yard thick .
4 But they will be allowed to buy stakes of up to 15 per cent and after five years the barriers will come down .
5 After five years as Chancellor of the Exchequer , and after the lost election of 1979 , he says he found himself wearing this Shirt of Nessus .
6 But many were still standing after five years of air attack , and although German civilian morale was largely unbroken , it was the psychology behind the attacks which yielded valuable dividends .
7 On the day his result was announced , he was released after five years of detention without trial , still defiantly declaring his faith in the Sikh cause .
8 On the day his result was announced , he was released after five years of detention without trial , still defiantly declaring his faith in the Sikh cause .
9 After five years service , she clears £515 a month .
10 The Scottish Office , after five years of lobbying by the timber trade , and prompted by European Community farm surpluses , has agreed that marginal farmland previously kept for agriculture can now be used for forestry .
11 Those who work less than 16 hours per week ( or eight hours after five years with one employer ) also lose employment rights such as maternity leave , unfair dismissal protection and redundancy payments .
12 After five years on the dole in Easterhouse , Dr Bob Holman ( the estate 's campaigning community worker ) gave me a job working with him as a neighbourhood worker .
13 His predecessor , Barber Conable , who retires after five years in the seat , understood the size of that task when he arrived .
14 After five years of controversy it is about to be laid to rest .
15 New face at FARMERS WEEKLY … = Angus McKirdy joins the Arable Section after five years in the agrochemical industry .
16 He was very upset ; and still , after five years , he turned to her for comfort and advice ; still like a child , her child .
17 At present , BES investors can claim relief at their top rate of tax and take gains tax-free after five years .
18 For example , National Savings Chidren 's Bonus Bonds offer a guaranteed tax-free return of 11.84 p.c. after five years .
19 After five years , ’ his headmaster wrote , ‘ I find this boy a total enigma . ’
20 The contract ensures that if you decide to cash in after five years in April 1997 , you will not get less than the unit price on offer in April 1996 .
21 Meanwhile , if share prices fall , the guarantee of money back after five years still stands .
22 After five years as player-manager at Glasgow Rangers , Mr Souness has talked this season of mellowing .
23 Tonight , after five years of bulldozing and construction around the little farming community of Chessy in the flat countryside 18 miles east of Paris , Euro Disneyland will open its doors and 15,000 adult guests from around the world will be turned loose for two days in the vast theme park .
24 Old world and new SIR Kenneth James , formerly our man in Mexico , is retiring after five years as director-general of Canning House , the institute in Belgrave Square that maintains good relations with Latin America and the Iberian peninsula .
25 Mr Waite , who was freed last November after five years in Lebanon , says on the ABC programme 20/20 : ‘ One day I asked to go to the bathroom .
26 After five years ' argument , the UK agreed terms .
27 After five years , the initially reluctant southern states joined what then became the German Empire .
28 Her third marriage at the age of 47 , to a widower with a grown-up family , had again ended , after five years , with her husband 's death .
29 They are paid 7,000 Forints per month ( approximately 65 ) , rising to 12,000 after five years .
30 When he was jilted after five years together it had a devastating effect .
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