Example sentences of "[prep] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 I thought it was a towing bar for that , but it 's another boat sort of down in the in the se se harbour .
2 and they 're gon na be , they 'll be sort of down in this area you know
3 my o my own personal view is if we just pay the fifteen and it 's sort of off in there straight away and then spend but not to sort of say , well you can spend it and update it ca n't you ?
4 Mr and Mrs Lennox were there in style and enjoying just being in the circle instead of up in the gallery where most of Rafferty 's regulars were .
5 Oh that would be good cos I was going to say normally , is er sort of up in that corner in charge of the tombola but er
6 I parked sort of out in the car park and then got a tr a trolley and wheeled it rather than have to try and get back into that lot .
7 What about up in the corner there there 's er Cos what we 've launched into in the last er nine months very heavily er
8 The project of integration with which Brooke-Rose began provided sufficient material for ‘ four average , competent novels ’ ( Brooke-Rose 1977a:134 ) , but it also led to a frustration with available formal strategies which prepared the way for the radical change in direction her oeuvre was to take with Out in 1964 .
9 There is no doubt that the transformation in style and approach which took place with Out in 1964 represents a fundamental reconception of the novel on Brooke-Rose 's part , but the technical and conceptual development which took place over the course of her early fiction points the way to the change to come .
10 He was screaming at her from down in the channel .
11 From down in the corrie , the first view appears of the Ben 's mighty cliffs and the spectacular Carn Mor Dearg Arête , which must be crossed to link the two peaks .
12 Winter sweet , viburnum , and witch hazel were all in flower ; the air was so still that they could hear the distant gurgle of the river from down in the valley .
13 ‘ Are you one of the young Harvey-Beaumonts , from over in England ? ’ she asked excitedly .
14 The lovely valley of the Aldudes is another great centre , be warned , for the chasse aux palombes , which means that in season , that is in late October , it is certain to be loud with trigger-happy locals and visitors , from over in nearby Spain as well as from France , blazing passionately away towards the magnificent beech woods in which the harassed wood-pigeons are presumed to be sheltering .
15 So consequently she 's living in Bay and I 'm living on my own in up in Holyhead .
16 And going up to John O'Groats and right into past Castle May where the Queen Mother has and into the church where sh where the royalty goes when they 're living up in up in Castle May At er well er Johnnie Groat is buried there too .
17 From up in Heaven ?
18 Latest , announced from up in Redmond , Washington , brings together 19 computer industry and high technology companies claiming aggregate annual revenues exceeding $110,000m in the Customer Support Consortium .
19 I hope that , from up in the Gallery , farmers will notice how little the Government care .
20 She too became a victim , but to many of the young , observing from out in the sticks , far even from the world of CND , she was a victor .
21 Usually the Law ignores what we get up to down in Deptford , but firing off shotguns is something they have a duty to respond to .
22 And of course ’ Oh no ’ , I says to my mother , ’ I not going to out in advertising , I 'm going to join the forces ’ .
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