Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 Like any other young couple they teamed up for outings to the beach , for barbecues with friends , or visits to the cinema .
2 But they 'll take stage victories , not the big prizes , and may often be deployed as super-domestiques to younger and more eager men .
3 For reasons to be examined below this belief commonly expresses itself in a belief in a defeasible obligation to obey the law .
4 This is partly because , for reasons to be discussed later , we shall be confining ourselves to a certain class of creative person , viz authors : it would therefore be presumptuous of us to extrapolate from our conclusions to other forms of originality .
5 All the work in this approach must go into a persuasive account of what it is for reasons to be conclusive .
6 However , for reasons to be examined presently , he regarded the subsequent proceedings before the House of Lords as leaving the court ‘ powerless ’ to take the matter further .
7 At the close of the hearing before the Judicial Committee Lord Templeman announced that their Lordships would advise that the petitioner should be granted special leave to appeal for reasons to be delivered later .
8 At the conclusion of argument Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. announced that the appeal would be allowed for reasons to be given later .
9 At the close of the hearing before the Judicial Committee Lord Keith of Kinkel announced that their Lordships would advise that the appeal should be dismissed for reasons to be delivered later .
10 For reasons to which I shall refer later I do not think that we should do that .
11 announced that the appeal would be dismissed for reasons to be given at a later date .
12 At the conclusion of argument Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. announced that the appeal would be allowed for reasons to be given later .
13 On 13 March 1992 , the court allowed the appeal for reasons to be given later .
14 Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. announced that for reasons to be given later the court would order that W. be transferred to the proposed specialist unit and there receive treatment without her consent .
15 At the conclusion of the argument Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. announced that the appeal would be dismissed for reasons to be given later .
16 At the conclusion of argument Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. announced that the appeal in M. v. P. would be dismissed for reasons to be given later .
17 At the conclusion of the hearing Lord Templeman announced that the appeal would be allowed for reasons to be given later .
18 For reasons to be explained , the original legislation was found to be defective , and was amended in 1976 ( and placed into the legislative context of the Public Order Act 1936 ) , but even after amendment it still gave rise to complaints that it fell short of the aspirations of its promoters in its effects .
19 Anyway , if the right hon. Gentleman had remained in the Chamber , he would have realised that much of what he said was total nonsense , for reasons to which I shall turn in a moment .
20 Such flows approach asymptotically to the self-preserving form , although often very slowly ; for reasons to be seen in Section 21.4 , turbulent flows have a long ‘ memory ’ of upstream conditions .
21 Thereunder in the county court , Ord 20 , r 15 enables notice to be given of intention to give evidence at the trial pursuant to s 2 of the Act whensoever , for reasons to be given in the notice , a witness can not be called : see Ord 20 , rr 14 – 24 and notes thereunder in The County Court Practice .
22 It is common in rent review for reasons to be available only if the parties pay the expert higher fees .
23 And if any words could be found in the Statute which provided that besides paying Income Tax on income people should pay for advantages or emoluments in its wider sense ( such as I think the word " emoluments " here , has not , for reasons to be presently given ) , there is no doubt of Mr Tennant 's possession of a material advantage , which made his salary of higher value to him than if he did not possess it , and upon the hypothesis which I have just indicated , would be taxable accordingly .
24 It takes genius to go from playful thoughts about beetles to a deep understanding of the Universe .
25 The group is invited to start at a common point : response to a specific trigger — a research quote , a statement about opinions to be completed , a range of factors to be ranked for importance , a role play .
26 They love the way the story trails away into the postscript about improvements to the mental health service .
27 At high temperatures the configurational entropy will be high and there will be many ways for molecules to be packed , with no one configuration preferred over another .
28 These range from wireframe models , through surfaces to full solid geometry .
29 They talked about hours to be worked , they quickly fixed a rate .
30 Beneath this an equally twinkling canopy overhung a pavement inlaid with tiles of lilies and acanthus leaves leading through swing-doors to a foyer rich in crimson carpet , mahogany , plump banquettes , frames of photographs of the cast in this or other productions , a Box Office within whose highly carved confines the Box Office manager or his assistant lurked like priests in the confessional receiving through the pinched grill the whispered wishes of communicants .
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