Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The next move towards national organisation for seamen also arose on the north east coast , though as a result of a very different impetus .
2 Political Islam made its biggest splash not in the Middle East but in distant Algeria , and for reasons wholly unconnected with the Gulf war .
3 There are Windsors , Mountbattens , Brittans , Weidenfeld , etc who have changed their names for reasons well known .
4 Still others — few enough in number — advance relentlessly for reasons even they find hard to fathom .
5 7.2 If the Supplier shall become substantially unable , whether for reasons within or beyond its control , to fulfil its obligations to supply the Products to the Company in accordance with any purchase orders outstanding at any time and , ( after the Company has notified the Supplier in writing of such default ) the Supplier shall not have remedied the same within a period of 90 days from the receipt of such notice , then the Company shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement forthwith , and obtain supplies of the Products from third parties .
6 If Graham is searching for reasons why Arsenal have lost their way , surely it has something to do with his reluctance to use his most gifted players .
7 ‘ Everyone was looking for reasons why he left us and no-one appreciated at the time that his health was suffering .
8 Benefits are withheld for reasons indirectly related at best to the activity in question .
9 For reasons best known to the fuel companies , the Gulf crisis never turned into an oil crisis , although petrol prices generally leap up and down quicker than a Tory backbencher during a Neil Kinnock speech if a dealer on the Amsterdam spot market so much as sneezes over his computer screen .
10 For reasons best known to themselves .
11 People , for reasons best known to themselves , regularly push wardrobes or pull pianos up the motorway that calls itself the tourist path .
12 Ramprakash , for reasons best known to himself , treated a Cambridge batsman , Marcus Wight , to a stream of verbal abuse and then had a stand-up row with his own captain , John Emburey , which allegedly continued later .
13 Four years later , like so many of his generation , he was sucked into the tragically wasteful conflict of the First World War , serving — for reasons best known to himself — as a soldier in the Canadian Army .
14 More irritatingly , for reasons best known to his ego , the last two untitled tracks are situated ten minutes into the abyss after the last listed track of the album .
15 For reasons best known to himself Halzman , the senior sonar operator , preferred not to discuss it over an open line .
16 This ex-rugger international has , for reasons best known to himself , tired of rambling on about the oval ball game ; as a consequence he has taken to bespattering the media with stories about his allegedly ‘ sexy ’ life and times in terms which strive risibly to emulate the writings of the greatest rock journalist in the world — just like practically everyone else in the media has been muscling in on my territory in recent times .
17 Obviously , in both of the instant cases the parties had chosen , for reasons best known to themselves , not to adduce any extra evidence of the sort provided by the tapes .
18 As you do n't seem to be responding to telegrams for reasons best known to yourself , I am writing to say that I am not coming home immediately .
19 There seems no point in saying that I love you in spite of everything because that only seems to irritate you for reasons best known to yourself and which you choose neither to explain nor comment on .
20 For reasons best known to himself Carr kicked the legs from under Murray , leaving referee Brian White with no option but to order him off .
21 For reasons best known to the RAAF at the time , they started cutting back on pilots and offered his course a transfer to the RAF .
22 For reasons best known to themselves , they attached great importance to the idiot 's efforts to fill his useless bath ( I think it was B ) and it seemed vital to their purpose that I too become involved with the whole farcical business and , what 's more , come up with some sort of an answer .
23 For reasons principally of economy , most county councils have preferred to concentrate development on a few villages which can then conveniently be provided with the full range of public amenities — schools , shops , libraries , sewerage facilities and so on-This saves on the enormous cost of duplicating amenities in every village and helps to direct and contain population growth to a few well-chosen sites .
24 If the Dani are being killed simply to make space for settlers from Java then it is appalling , and for reasons previously advanced on behalf of the Ethiopian tribeswoman .
25 Or , if the court follows Smith v. Jones , then A will be liable , but if it follows Robinson v. Edwards , which is to be preferred for reasons previously given , then A will not be liable .
26 We 're all aware that for th for their number patients with superficial bladder cancer provide an enormous amount of our workload , and for reasons partly of husbanding our precious resources and also because lots of these patients come up with negative checks reducing the amount of irritation and upset to them it would be useful if we could do less than we do .
27 He knew about the light shining in darkness , and had come , for reasons completely different from Alexander 's desire for exactness , specificity , to mistrust figurative language .
28 A child may appear before a hearing for reasons other than offences ; and he will have a disposal tailored to his needs for care rather than to the seriousness of the offence ; and a child may not only be put under a supervision requirement for reasons other than an offence , but he may remain under such a requirement for a period of years for reasons completely unconnected with breaches of the criminal law .
29 I invariably sat at the back of the class for reasons not unconnected with gang warfare , and if I needed to glance at the blackboard there was always someone to show me roughly where it was .
30 Huntingford confirmed on 14 March 1788 that ( for reasons not given ) he had resigned the post of secretary , being succeeded on 14 April by Mr Raggett , another attorney of Odiham .
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