Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For Labour the traditional family has always been a moral absolute and not at all a changing social relationship , statistics on single-parent families notwithstanding — not to mention ‘ pretended families ’ .
2 The Women 's Cooperative Guild played a decisive role in helping to secure for Labour the newly-enfranchised female vote .
3 Unfortunately for Labour the Korean War by 1951 was having an adverse effect on the British economy and precipitated another balance of payments of crisis just after it seemed that Britain could dispense with Marshall Aid .
4 Unfortunately for Froggy the outsider romped in , the unexpected bonus of nearly £100 led to ‘ just one drink ’ to celebrate , and by throwing out time that night all the money had gone and Froggy was legless .
5 It is , in my judgment , putting it too high to say that the interim relief claimed covering only five weeks before the main hearing , must be treated as pre-empting the court 's powers of decision at the eventual hearing .
6 For freshwater the key criterion is pH .
7 GARDEN PLANTS FOR FREE The Gardener has 5 copies of Alan and Adrian Bloom 's Blooms of Bressingham Garden Plants to give away to the first five readers whose names are drawn from the postbag after 31 December 1992 .
8 BT will check for free the exchange equipment used to meter your calls , but you ca n't have it checked independently .
9 For free the solicitor then discusses with the client the legal aspects of the business and its plans , how it operates , ‘ key contractual and legal rights and obligations ’ and recommendations for any action , all followed up by a written summary .
10 And I will er plead for high a fast turnaround time from the Scottish stuff .
11 The role of the CNAA , as we have suggested , in sustaining a balance between guiding the sector and accounting for the quality of its degrees on the one hand , and delegating ‘ full academic responsibility ’ on the other hand , was inevitably a difficult one to fill .
12 This sometimes leads to a resentment of the teachers responsible for guiding the youth into sport , particularly if it becomes obvious that the interest in the youth was purely because of his sporting success .
13 Part of the explanation for this patchy development may lie in what Richards ( 1987 , p. 36 ) calls the ‘ fragmentation of the institutional arrangements within central government for guiding the changes ’ .
14 The legislation was worked out by conferees from the armed services committee of both houses , who described the spending plans as a road-map for guiding the US military into the post-Cold War era .
15 Crosby , who still has no guarantees of landing the job on a permanent basis even after guiding the club to the FA Cup Final , was concerned to see uncertainty show itself during the 2–0 defeat at Grimsby .
16 When they first met for real the fierce , cold , autocratic , heroically self-made man 's beady eye and cockily addressed him as ‘ Washy ’ to his face , well , petrification set in , sometimes terminal .
17 And of committee and of sorry a special erm meeting between the four officers that produced minutes to all part and this was one of them about this particular issue , which just just is just to record that Westbourne 's Parish Council 's er views were taken into account .
18 ( S. ) 460 , which established that where a juvenile pleaded guilty to an offence for which he could be ordered to be detained under Children and Young Persons Act 1933 , s.53(2) , it was open to the sentencer to impose a term of 12 months detention in a young offender institution , if he considered that apart from the plea of guilty a sentence of detention under section 53(2) would have been warranted .
19 The choice , then , between reform or revolution , involved two contemporaneous strands of development , the one towards political the other towards industrial democracy .
20 Er there 's another book which is similar to the other one in the sense that it made up of some papers by Phillips , Steel and Tants and that has some information about Mexicano in it , er and you find that some people er were giving Mexican language a low a low prestige rate whereas other group in the community were doing the opposite and giving a high prestige rate or certainly a less low one , er in favour of spanish a lot of the Because it was in I think it 's in South America I guess , er you find that a lot of the locals were switching to spanish because it was coming the dominant language er because of societal pressures and constraints and so on .
21 Arguedas , however , was faced with the thorny problem of translating into the alien medium of Spanish the sensibility of a people which expresses itself in Quechua , and his great achievement has been to evolve a style which captures the rhythm and flavour of Quechua to convey the spiritual world of the Andean Indians .
22 As in Jacob 's dream of old the movement is from earth to heaven .
23 Theodora knew of old the willingness of the clergy to be far ruder over the phone than they would venture to be face to face .
24 The famous team at the Baking Stall were more successful than ever with the ‘ talent envelope scheme ’ whereby bakers were given £5 with the request that they ‘ Take , Buy , Bake and Multiply , ’ just as of old the man in the parable had bidden his servants .
25 Indeed , it is tempting to suppose that the appeal of English a cappella groups in Europe ( not to mention in America ) is that the sound of Oxbridge chapel voices is so very ‘ classy ’ in every sense of the word .
26 These are not essential , and have the undesirable effect of stimulated the liver to produce more cholesterol , and raising its level in the blood .
27 Education : The art of guiding a pupil 's free hand BROAD CANVAS
28 Her successor , Stephen Martin-Scott , left for a variety of reasons , and the task of guiding the Association for a brief period fell to the honorary officers who received magnificent assistance from all the dedicated team at Trinity Road .
29 It begins from the premiss that English singers performing a cappella are currently able to give exceptional performances of medieval and Renaissance polyphony from England and the Franco-Flemish area because the ability of the best English singers to achieve a purity and precision instilled by the discipline of repeated a cappella singing in the choral institutions is singularly appropriate to the transparency and intricate counterpoint of the music .
30 The moving tale of Bluey the long distance shark
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