Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] than " in BNC.

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1 Twins , being of identical ages , are usually even better matched on environmental variables during upbringing than are siblings .
2 In addition , the number of people involved — usually as few as two , three or four adults with pupils at a ratio around 6 to 1 — provides a more manageable unit for change than special schools of at least twice that size .
3 Psychological and cultural differences were still thought to be grounded in biology ; indeed , Geddes and Thompson believed sex differences to be physiologically based , which held out even less possibility for change than did Spencer 's explanation based on evolution .
4 The companies and the workforces that came out of it we were far leaner , more committed , and more aware of the need for change than their predecessors had ever been .
5 For primary schools the review is also more of a whole-school effort , is more thorough and more useful in terms of producing proposals for change than middle schools and secondary schools ( the least ) .
6 My Lords , this case raises the important question whether the governors of a voluntary aided school which is over-subscribed ( i.e. has more candidates for admission than it can accommodate ) is entitled to operate an admissions policy which gives preference to children of a particular religious persuasion notwithstanding the statutory provisions which give parents a right to send their children to the school of their choice .
7 It is common ground that in the year starting September 1991 the school had more applicants for admission than it could accommodate without prejudicing the provision of efficient education .
8 They value their architects more for their business demeanours than for their designs , and choose them from a limited number of established companies , more valued for reliability than originality .
9 The physical differences between the two classes are related to the fact that ingrown meanders are able to perform much more lateral erosion during incision than are intrenched meanders .
10 This effect is doubtless less for victor than for vanquished , but the victor will not be spared it .
11 We do n't require much more energy for cooking than we ever have , because our demand for cooking is essentially determined by how much we can eat .
12 As Appendix II , and indeed the main survey results , make clear , it is not necessarily low income which makes credit at the same time both an obvious refuge and an unduly heavy burden — though in the main survey we found that in general people on low incomes were more likely to say that they were worried about money than people on high incomes .
13 And people who had bought their most recent non-routine purchase on credit — especially on HP or mail order — tended to worry more about money than people who had bought for cash .
14 While the familial basis of women 's oppression remains for all classes , upper class women have more chance for freedom than their working-class sisters who suffer a double oppression .
15 We get a lot more requests for funding than we can fund , and we have to develop priorities .
16 It could then be argued that ventriloquy is a better metaphor for fiction than criticism , because in criticism there are object texts which are not voiceless .
17 ‘ And I bet I 've absorbed more about seamanship than you would have about cooking . ’
18 Most of them have managed their own homes and catered for their families efficiently for many years , and even elderly men know a little more about cooking than their fathers did .
19 Species and genetic change , fixation of atmospheric N 2 , and nitrogen deposition may have facilitated plant response to CO 2 in the past when concentrations rose more slowly or with a greater relaxation time between change than today , but data are lacking .
20 Gina was anorexically thin , more through meanness than design ; she only ate when other people provided .
21 Meat is better value for money than ten years ago , according to Meat and Livestock Commission research .
22 According to Meat and Livestock Commission statistics meat is better value for money than ever
23 Meat is better value for money than ever — MLC
24 SunSoft claims it is offering better value for money than its nearest competitor Univel Inc which just dropped the price of its UnixWare client to $250 anticipating predatory pricing by Microsoft Corp on Windows NT .
25 SunSoft claims it is offering better value for money than its nearest competitor Univel Inc which just dropped the price of its UnixWare client to $250 anticipating predatory pricing by Microsoft on Windows NT ( UX No 428 ) .
26 A crucial Keynesian assumption is that if holders of speculative money balances decide to hold their wealth in some other form , they are likely to purchase financial assets since these are taken to be closer substitutes for money than other types of assets .
27 It is first necessary to recognize that some financial assets are closer substitutes for money than other financial assets , and so are the more likely to be immediately affected by a change in the money supply .
28 Community care services in this area offer much better value for money than the traditional NHS approach .
29 Certainly better value for money than donkey Deano .
30 The laboratory where the scanning equipment was developed was visited today by a Government Minister , who said the pictures were better value for money than sending astronauts into space .
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