Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] not " in BNC.

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1 I said the argument 's between me not you .
2 You get the impression that teachers do have stereotypes about black kids , about them not being too bright at academic subjects but good at sports .
3 criticism about them not turning up and this sort of thing .
4 The giants washed their breakfasts down with immense tankards of mead and ale and grunted and were inclined to be morose , which seemed to bear out Caspar 's remarks about them not being morning people .
5 ‘ He was always the one cast member who always stood up for me if there were any bleating from Equity members about them not getting their money from repeats , compilations and so on . ’
6 There is as much chance of them having it , as them not having it .
7 She is worried about me not eating , she is worried that my periods have stopped , that I look thinner and thinner , that my hair has gone dry and flat and rasps like paper when you touch it , but she also admires me .
8 ‘ Well , you know you are always moaning about me not taking you out enough . ’
9 All of a sudden , she whined something about me not knowing what I had done and she broke down into tears .
10 ‘ What would my dad say about me not going to school ? ’
11 ‘ Well , you 've proved your point about me not knowing enough to be a manager .
12 he makes jokes about me not being able to talk but I ai n't been able to talk
13 I do n't think you can do anything about me not getting an erm they should just pay me more should n't they , if they ask to ?
14 In general , it is often unnecessary for exporters to cover every currency risk but imprudent for them not to cover any risk .
15 While members were asked not to behave in a representative manner , the source of their nomination ( councils , fellow doctors , nurses and trade unionists ) made it very difficult for them not to consider ramifications on their constituencies .
16 It is hard for them not to believe , for they slip in and out of belief caressed by the changing breezes of cultural fashion .
17 This partly explains why they 've been struggling on for around six years now , but is no excuse in the current climate for them not gaining some long overdue recognition .
18 So they reverted to their original position : that as neither of them missed sex , it was OK for them not to have it .
19 Reallocations will not be made automatically if the taxpayer has asked for them not to be .
20 For the normal continuation of the museums ' collecting and activities , it is better for them not to collect pictures by European masters for kopeks in Russia , but to buy equipment and restoration materials with serious money in the West .
21 As a result , their neighbour is for them not only a potential helper or sexual object , but also someone who tempts them to satisfy their aggressiveness on him , to exploit his capacity for work without compensation , to use him sexually without his consent , to seize his possessions , to humiliate him , to cause him pain , to torture and to kill him .
22 She came to see him once , was shy and vague and noncommittal , later wrote to say it was best for them not to see each other again .
23 Either they operated some kind of taboo against such things , or else the technological relics of past civilisations were commonplace enough for them not to attach importance to a vessel which they must at least suspect to be in operable condition .
24 Gives her income and it 's balanced by her allowances and if you move not sufficient to , for the income to exceed that then at the same time it goes into a bank or building society you apply for them not to deduct income .
25 Erm it would be extremely difficult t for them not to occupy our thoughts , I 'm not sure whether your question is is inviting me to consider what the European Community should be doing in the context of Bosnia .
26 He said that , despite the fact that representatives of the Russian Parliament did not want them to be built and decisions had been taken for them not to be built , they were still being built because of the nature of the command economy that is being phased out .
27 Er our distribution system has got great press recently and it 's regarded as one of the three best distribution systems in the U K. One of the things we 're trying to do is to pay less for our books , it 's very easy to pay very very fancy prices for , for er mid-range authors and for them not to earn out , so we 're looking for much cheaper books .
28 I long for them not to be there .
29 There 's no excuse for them not to go into the medical practice booklet because they 've got fifteen thousand patients or thereabouts .
30 He thought it was reasonable for them not to provide night care even now and essential for them to have a night sleeper for seven nights a week from this time on .
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