Example sentences of "[prep] [art] many " in BNC.

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1 The caterpillars so far unidentified , which feed on its leaves provide an abundant source of protein for the many young birds .
2 Flaps are described in detail for the many pilots who do not fully understand how to make the best use of them , and who may be nervous about their first flights in a flapped machine .
3 Specifiedly general objects , such as forms and universals , by their very nature stand for the many things which are instances of them : a single particular may be in a variety of relations — most obviously causal , spatial or temporal - to others , but the nature of a ‘ standing for ’ relation is obscure .
4 There is no neurophysiological model of the kind of convergence that would seem to be necessary for the many different sensations of the moment to be brought into synthetic unity , without loss of their individual distinctiveness and specificity , into the instantaneous sense of ‘ being here ’ ; or of the manner in which experience of many different moments can be synthesized into a sense of continuing self without those moments losing their separateness in memory .
5 Central Council would like to express their gratitude for the many generous donations and gifts which help to maintain the high standard of care given to the Home 's guests .
6 David Coleman has unwittingly given his name to this tradition of sporting gaffe published mercilessly in Private Eye , of which Murray Walker 's ‘ this car is absolutely unique , except for the one behind , which is identical ’ must stand for the many .
7 Wolfenden was commissioned not by the state but by the Central Council of Physical Recreation ( CCPR ) , which had been set up in 1935 as a co-ordinating body for the many voluntary associations involved in the running of sport .
8 This area of the holiday business is a growth area — which is good news for the many scholars who would formerly have worked only for universities and can now supplement their incomes as tour guides .
9 It is these same institutions which are responsible for the many second-rate modern buildings which make any comparisons between Barcelona and Leeds , Manchester and Milan , ludicrous .
10 The crofter could apply for the ‘ de-crofting ’ of his land , but if this were approved he would no longer be eligible for the many special rights and privileges enjoyed by crofting tenants .
11 The markets were not so much of a problem for the many part-time farmers who had a good non-farm income .
12 Let us give thanks for the many people throughout history who have dedicated their lives to working for peace and justice .
13 The stark fact is that Nottinghamshire could not afford to do both and generated local controversy by protecting the vertical efficiency of the developmental approach at the expense of fieldwork support for the many .
14 In the meantime , let recycled papers be conserved for the many purposes they are more fit for .
15 Creating a Carer 's Benefit for the many individuals who forgo normal earnings to look after elderly or disabled relatives .
16 The friendly owners both speak English and this comfortable little pension is a good centre for the many walks available in the surrounding countryside .
17 In Florida , the Caribbean , Queensland , and South East Asia they may be extremely extensive , and are important not only for the huge variety of life within them crabs , spiders , molluscs — but also for the many creatures that visit them for food ( herons , egrets ) and which breed in the shelter they provide .
18 But for the many guests who lie basking in the sun , around the pool or on the Club 's beach , the most familiar view is the endless expanse of brilliant blue sky .
19 Since previous to the revolution the majority of women had very low levels of education and , therefore , few opportunities open to them , the FMC embarked on an educational program and a rehabilitation scheme for the many women who found themselves in degrading and unrewarding situations .
20 Sadly , even their combined efforts can not hope to compensate for the many jobs lost .
21 Thanks also to Lynn Inglis and her team for the many newsletters they produced to such a high standard .
22 For it was then that I felt the first healthy flush of anticipation for the many interesting experiences I know these days ahead hold in store for me .
23 If the molecules were some part of the chromosomes , this might account for the many nuclear changes which had been observed .
24 Nearer our own time , millstones were fashioned from the gritstone rocks of the upper slopes for the many water-powered mills in the district , and debris of this industry may still be found by diligent search near Sand Tarn .
25 Women also created important opportunities for the many tasks of childcare to be handled through routines ( see page 36 ) , another example where what is good for the child can be good for the parent .
26 Physical mobility is essential for the many activities aimed at maintaining safety , whether at home , at work , at play or while travelling .
27 Now it should be re-named the ‘ Oil City ’ , since its shops and industries are booming as the main base for the many services supplying the oil wells of the North Sea and their workers .
28 For the many foreign visitors who call at the Ponderosa each year it is often their first visit to an Irish pub , for local people it 's a chance to meet old friends , and make new ones .
29 The Union organises meetings of its members , presents a comprehensive entertainments programme on all sites , and provides funds for the many clubs and societies in the University , as well as offering a wide range of services to students .
30 It is also , for the many people who feel , as I do , that Sigmund Freud 's influence on psychiatry has been generally damaging , a rich source of Schadenfreude .
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