Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] example " in BNC.

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1 It may well therefore be necessary to have recourse to other defences , such as for example short time limits within which such claims have to be advanced .
2 No doubt in the exercise of its discretion a court may take into account a number of factors , such as for example the conduct and wishes of individual investors , which might in a given case militate against the making of an order .
3 Some anthropological researchers , such as for example Burton , and many of those whose work is collected by Cohen ( 1982 ) , also identify neighbourhoods and even towns by pseudonyms .
4 The still lifes which Picasso executed during the winter of 1908–9 and the early spring of 1909 , such as for example the Compotier in the Museum of Modern Art , New York ( a work of late 1908 ) , are more frankly Cézannesque than anything that preceded them .
5 It seems realistic to expect the auditor to take such information into account in his review of the audit and the person acting as auditor also needs to be aware of other non-audit work on his client that partners in his firm may be doing such as for example tax work and they in turn should consider whether any information that may arise from their work is relevant to the conduct of the audit and where it is , they should also consider whether it is relevant to the duty to report to the regulator , the partner carrying out the audit should also if possible , discuss it with his client .
6 So we we , in a sense we 've got a a clash of of principles or a conflict , between for example , the government wanting the the Lincolnshire Tech to have an hundred per cent output related funding , based on jobs and N V Q's which is not er er perhaps , er an easy way of delivering output related funding services to people who 've got special training needs .
7 It was it it it it was about for example
8 Erm Ray 's raised another point , it 's about for example the further education network links that he has to service , the five N Y B E C groups he has to service , erm collating work experience on the database .
9 We suppose that 's a rule in our minds and that explains our judgments about for example and proform substitution and so on that 's so we define the notion of a constituent plus label it with brackets , and then we make certain predictions about operations that can or ca n't be performed on .
10 But we need to know a lot more about for example his housing costs , his rent and rate rebates that he may be entitled to and so on , before we can really say erm that we can make a proper comparison erm and different countries have different priorities .
11 Whereas there is n't erm such clear provisions for a common energy policy erm and there are n't the same arrangements written into the agreement erm about for example sharing energy resources .
12 In a sense large firms are supposed to act as financial intermediaries for their related suppliers through for example the provision of trade credit or through the re-sale of capital equipment .
13 He wanted actors , through for example exaggerated breathing , to establish an identity between their bodies and the bodies of spectators .
14 My understanding is that change of traffic flows along the A sixty one , through Harrogate and Knaresborough will or through Harrogate anyway , will allow significant improvements to the environment to be to be attained through for example erm pedestrian er refuges on on the roads through i er allowing er pedestrian er priority areas .
15 Can I just make the point of clarification in what said there , that as far as staffing additional works spread through for example we are assuming that staff costs are within the figures you are looking at and the the work that was referring to was was after you made your decision to will need to take some element of that cost into the start of the budget there is no staff figures that would occur after you 've formalised this budget we are not aware of so there there will be .
16 Or , at most , they allow you to plug in your own cassette tape-recorder , but that 's a very slow and not very erm professional way of looking after for example your customer records .
17 When cooking , many people check the contents of for example bottles and packages by smelling or tasting them .
18 In 9a ) , for consideration of the representative volume element , Hill calculates the volume average of for example the stress as the integral taken over the volume , divided by that volume .
19 The IR spectrum of a solution of for example , has CO stretching bands at 2060 , 2030 and 2010 cm -1 only ; shows bands at 2043 , 2020 , 1997 and 1840 cm -1 under the same conditions [ 19 ] .
20 You only have to look back over what 's er happened over the last few years in terms of for example O S Two , Microsoft Windows , a variety of Unix , and you 'll see that technologies will come along and however sound a decision you make at one point in time the market circumstances and potentially mean that what was right for you then not the right .
21 I think it 's also reasonable to point out , that at the moment , the County Council does enter into finance lease arrangements to meet the business needs , of for example Translink and Computer Services .
22 That it 's all very well to say to Consultants last year or some it , it wo n't even be very little value to the economy of Hertfordshire but the position changes with the closure of for example erm
23 This means giving support to on-going campaigns like for example , the Tottenham Three Campaign , we believe those three brothers have been framed for murder .
24 He does believe they were powerful leaders and that to some extent the Bible erm shows a true like for example Freud says that there are some in the like Moses ' temper , and he loses his temper , he murders an Egyptian Freud .
25 Erm it 's for it 's it 's in order that , that in the nineties we have a historical record , I think I 'm I think I 'm saying this right , there is a historical record of the kind of words that are being introduced into the into our language into our vocabulary like for example i.e.
26 Erm er anyway , never mind , um so um also erm particularly from a feminist perspective this idea of of so-called faulty family dynamics has been called into question by people like for example Hall and Lloyd who were saying that um , something along the lines of if you if you blame the family as a whole then this draws attention away from the fact that it 's not the families who do the abusing , it 's often , from their point of view , it was often the men that do .
27 Some of the ways you 've , you 've laid out things like for example , putting in brackets , in , that it includes not sharing equipment if you inject , the , that is , that er could be seen as condoning people taking drugs .
28 Do you have a prejudice against for example eating oily food ?
29 I I one 's always got to er balance that against for example Policy I eight which refers to small scale industrial development appropriate normally permitted in rural settlements .
30 Evidence for this is so freely available even within a single language that it may be overlooked ; a random pair of examples from English , one abstract , one " concrete " , would be those in ( 40 ) and ( 41 ) , each showing the same notion present twice but only once in the guise of a noun : ( 40 ) the male ape has amazing strength the male ape is amazingly strong ( 41 ) Steve 's scarf was greasy there was grease on Steve 's scarf The question is not essentially affected by the need to enter certain caveats related to the superficial grammar of the language concerned ; thus in English , unlike for example Russian or Latin , there are relatively few nouns which can instantiate an entity without some article or other determiner playing a supporting part .
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