Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] at " in BNC.

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1 The second reason for the Labour movement 's hostility was that the trade unions had still to be convinced that their strength had increased sufficiently to risk reconsidering the position as declared at their annual conference in 1930 .
2 This use of Shakespeare , the central figure of Anglo-Saxon culture , stresses that the poem is not only about the cultural change in Venice , but about that at the heart of our own language and culture also .
3 But frankly , if I thought about that at all , I imagined he had some side line , painting people 's houses perhaps or cleaning windows . ’
4 She had a plan of her own for the visit , though she decided not to tell Charity about that at this stage .
5 Mind you , Sunderland , of course , could have something to say about that at Hillsborough tomorrow afternoon .
6 Your first attempt will be untidy and probably more like a barrel roll ( Fig. 9.2 ) , but do n't worry too much about that at this stage .
7 ‘ They also understand about that at the time Kenny left he was obviously under a lot of the stress .
8 Everybody coming from military service er was er got the job back there were no question about that at all , you got your job back .
9 Not their botanical aspect — he probably learned all about that at some stage , as he learned about most other things ( except the heart of woman ) — but their symbolic aspect .
10 In the meantime her mother would worry , but there was nothing she could do about that at the moment .
11 Yes , I was right about that at any rate , thought Fenella .
12 Keith has to get up for school in the morning , but he 's not thinking about that at the minute .
13 What will he do about that at home ?
14 I have no announcement to make about that at present , but , as the hon. Gentleman will have heard , I made it clear that the discounts would apply to water and sewerage .
15 Now quite clearly that has er , implications on the registration service and believe the County Secretary will talk about that at some future point .
16 Erm I 'm not sh w w well would you really have , have , have worried about that at the time ? getting out of feudalism then why exactly how you 're gon na go from there .
17 well you know , the five per cent reduction you know , do n't worry about that at the minute and and all this sort of thing so
18 Be honest about that at least — ’ His fingers were biting into her wrists , but she was scarcely aware of the pain as his meaning burst in with hideous clarity .
19 Okay then , let's leave that there , and then talked about that at tea , and you can have a talk about it then .
20 you can worry about that at the early end of the week
21 Erm do they talk about that at all in your English Literature
22 Wi will you come on to talk about that at all ?
23 Erm do they talk about that at all in your English Literature
24 I 'm not arguing about that at all , but the people of Wheatley have a right to the same protection that everybody else has under the planning axe .
25 But they won a fair fight and they took a tremendous lot of trouble and they really did a very good campaign , there 's no question about that at all .
26 Oh , now doubt about that at all Peter yes , and with the sides equal on points , I 'm particularly disappointed for United who obviously would have liked to have climbed above Charlton in the table .
27 In retrospect , the ref should have blown for full-time at this point .
28 Government research says that the presence of dioxins in flue gases from plants such as that at Pontypool ‘ are in the low range of parts per trillion ’ ( one part per trillion is of the order of 30 seconds in a million years , or one ounce in 28 million tons ) , and that all the UK PCB-destroying plants together emit only a ‘ few grammes per year ’ .
29 He was clearly attracted to rural religious communities , such as that at Kelham where he himself participated or that seventeenth-century community of Little Gidding which he was later to celebrate .
30 The famous palaeolithic paintings found in caves such as that at Lascaux in the Dordogne have been interpreted as evidence that , at least implicitly , people were operating 20,000 or more years ago with teleological intent in terms of past , present , and future .
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