Example sentences of "[verb] [been] taken " in BNC.

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1 Can I just say then we seem to have agreed that that standard Andrew points been taken on board and dismissed out of hand
2 Such caution is prudent in a business where errors of judgement can be extremely expensive ; at least the reader of an auction catalogue knows clearly what view has been taken by the cataloguer on a number of questions .
3 This has been taken to mean that teaching children together with the aid of a definite programme to reduce prejudice would not work , thus invalidating any proposed integration of schooling .
4 Their place has been taken by a row of ‘ Argenta ’ leeks raised in the seed bed and dibbled into 6in holes spaced about a foot apart .
5 It has been taken for granted for a long time that criticism and the academy go naturally together , and a large pedagogic and publishing industry has been built on that assumption .
6 Something like a third of the increase has been taken up in higher prices , with the prices of some capital goods , such as houses , actually doubling .
7 No decision has been taken but he argues few countries include them , that they obscure the underlying trend and mean tightened monetary policy produces an illusory rise in monetary inflation .
8 Howard has a rather formal , almost rhetorical way of speaking , and a deliberate delivery that has been taken for hesitancy , but seems more like the manner of someone who weighs and measures his words .
9 ‘ The decision has been taken for the good of Turkish football and its players , ’ a federation spokesman said .
10 Since then Stanley has been taken over by Ward White , Harris by James Gulliver 's Lowndes , and Ward White has been taken over by Boots .
11 Since then Stanley has been taken over by Ward White , Harris by James Gulliver 's Lowndes , and Ward White has been taken over by Boots .
12 The decision to make this process possible by the foundation of colleges or universities and the financial maintenance of students has been taken , down through the ages , by the sources of munificence in each succeeding period , until in our own day the lion 's share is produced through public funds voted by central government and local authorities .
13 No action has been taken to trim tax relief for pension contributions or house mortgages ( although the Treasury has ended the entitlement to tax relief for two mortgages on one property and has maintained a limit of £30,000 on mortgages entitled to tax relief ) .
14 In addition , the subtle nuances of British socialist and Liberal ideas have been charted in detail , while similar care has been taken by those historians who have surveyed the rich and varied political ideologies of the right in Wilhelmine Germany .
15 Considerable care has been taken to retain a ‘ period ’ appearance to the building .
16 Outside , equal care has been taken to ensure a picturesque setting for the restored building by removing most of the jungly vegetation which formerly swathed the canal banks , dredging the canal and regrading the banks so that guests are greeted with a pleasant prospect from the ground floor lounge and the ‘ wharfside ’ location of the building is appreciated ( Plate 52 ) .
17 Rate capping has meant that for every ‘ profligate ’ pound spent on such provision , £6 has been taken away .
18 And there always seems to be some shed which has been taken down somewhere , yielding very inflammable material , so we show no signs of running short .
19 Critics also argue that little account has been taken of changes already forced on commercial broadcasting before legislation .
20 The bidder 's estimate is that at least £31million of the property profit has been taken above the line , and Kingfisher also questions whether Dixons made any profit at all in 1988-89 from selling electrical goods in the UK .
21 For the first time , the level of proceeds from council house sales accrued by each local authority has been taken into account in deciding the distribution of this year 's £1,784 million of borrowing permissions and capital grants .
22 The cause of recovering Greenham Common for the people has been taken up by the author of Watership Down , Mr Richard Adams , who knew the area before it was requisitioned during the second world war .
23 Keepin and Kats were responsible for a calculation which has been taken up and treated with biblical reverence by the anti-nuclear lobby : for nuclear power to displace coal from the energy mix in a high energy scenario 8000 large reactors would have to be brought on line worldwide at the rate of one every one-and-a-half days .
24 No decision has been taken but the move could be as early as the summer .
25 Their blueprint for a sort of gun-rack for spades and hoes has been taken up by one manufacturer .
26 Because this newspaper commonly uses numbers , italics and small capitals ( in which abbreviated names , such as UN , appear ) , special care has been taken to make these unobtrusive .
27 In practice , it has been taken as allowing the jury to assess whether the mental abnormality was such a significant factor in the killing as to reduce D's culpability to the extent that the offence should be reduced from murder to manslaughter .
28 If the aim of the rules of the road is to protect safety , and if the driver broke those rules in a way which may be labelled ‘ reckless ’ , then the risk has been taken and the sentence should not be affected significantly by the materialization or non-materialization of the risk .
29 Prosecution is thus reserved for the cases in which some unfair advantage has been taken of the girl , particularly where the girl is under 13 ( when lack of proper understanding is assumed ) , where the man is considerably older than the girl , where the man held some position of trust in relation to the girl , and where there is some element of deception involved .
30 The Ford New Holland dealership in the Taunton , Somerset , area has been taken over by Jewells , part of the Kellands group .
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