Example sentences of "[verb] [indef pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the day goes past and you have heard nothing telephone or write and ask for news .
2 This perception was increased by the behavior of my father , who cared nothing tor appearances it this allowed him to save money .
3 The robin hopped around , pleased to see someone gardening .
4 It is not at all unlikely that at the conquest , Mehmed II appointed someone mufti in the newly conquered city ; and since the sources seem not to mention the appointment of anyone else to the post , it may possibly be that it was made an for Hizir Bey .
5 It were 'ard to see , but we could 'ear someone screamin " .
6 I know I 've told you this place might be run by these Chinese Triads , but I want everyone t'remember we 're dealin' mainly with kids here .
7 ’ I want nothing t'do with what 's got killer after y' .
8 Third base he do n't know nothing man !
9 say something mum
10 Say something mate
11 It will only buy so much , it wo n't buy everything money wo n't .
12 Want anything mum ?
13 he said to me part time er , but of course he did n't know , erm they might , might want somebody part time , but erm , I mean that 's got ta be at least even if it 's three pounds an hour
14 I say their contemplation can give no-one pleasure ; they are there because their absence would be resented by the average man who regards a large amount of futile display as in some way inseparable from the conditions of that well-to-do life to which he belongs or aspires to belong .
15 Four divisions of ten may not be the ideal solution for the future of Scottish football — it does n't , for example , address the problem of clubs meeting four times a season — but at least a reduction in the number of games from 44 to 36 will give everyone breathing space .
16 The goal for the formal system of education was to provide a system from pre-school through to adult education which would give everyone access .
17 Let's all be very good citizens and kill everyone man , fucking stupid cunt
18 Y'look like either you got constipation , or y'got somethin' t'say . ’
19 I was going to say , I like to set somebody task as they 're down for , and I look for it , and nine times out of ten you 'll find out if they can achieve that very shortly , very fast .
20 'Too bloody right , ’ says Perry , ‘ te ’ likes of yourself will lift everything tat ai n't nailed down .
21 What about doctors in those days , did they give anybody advice about erm
22 he 'll come and give everybody prayer books
23 ‘ Be assured that if they crown anyone king than your elder son whom they have with them , we will on the day following crown his brother whom you have here with you . ’
24 Why would I want to cause anyone pain ?
25 Lincolnshire only receive nought point five per cent increase .
26 Ever eager to please , he 'll fetch anything owner Robert Langton chooses — especially if it means he can climb a ladder to get there .
27 He has ‘ not been inclined ’ to return to company work since : ‘ The great thing here is that you can do anything film , radio , theatre , television .
28 ’ ‘ As 'e 'ad owt tiv eat ? ’
29 He wants to hear everyone use words .
30 The short answer to counsel 's submission , founded on freedom of speech , is simply that that right , under our law , must be exercised subject to the law of defamation which affords everyone protection against injury to reputation by untrue imputation .
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