Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] against " in BNC.

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1 The other hand , also in a clenched fist position , is tucked in against the opposite side of the body , with the thumb and fingers facing upwards .
2 Jenny found herself dragged uncomfortably over the gear-stick and hand-brake , her left cheek was pressed in against her teeth by the pressure of an ardent but misdirected kiss and she felt a button on her cardigan give with a violence which boded ill for Marks and Sparks cowering beneath .
3 This view represents the actual foil pattern layout and is the side which will be placed down against the UV light source .
4 Their love affair was carried on against a background of nightly bombings , wartime tension , the advance of the German army on Paris .
5 Conversation was carried on against a background of ear-splitting barking .
6 At the next intersection he drew in against the left-hand wall , peering around the corner into the corridor to his left .
7 Not until he had regained his composure did he crawl over to the side of the car and slump down against it , wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand .
8 Often , when I was cycling through the camp after coming off duty , I would spy Thursby in the distance beavering along , head down against the gale , full of eagerness to get back on the job and spot any mistakes we had made during his absence .
9 The man had approached him on the street while he was walking home , head down against the wind .
10 He moved in against his young brother , slowly this time , determined not to be made a fool of twice .
11 Gruesome flogging cartoons and fantasies of violent reprisal dominated the response , and when the magazine crashed down against the garotting packs and the sentimentalists ( and it was not always clear who was supposed to be the real villain ) both humour and artistic quality were sometimes surrendered as hostages to the gout .
12 ‘ We 've come through against all predictions , winning five away games in a row .
13 Furthermore , it is commonly argued that the courts can fail to place a proper actuarial value on potential pension benefits and that ( typically in pursuit of a ‘ clean break ’ ) a divorcing wife 's loss of potential benefits can be ‘ traded off ’ or glossed over against her need for a home .
14 It resists criticism and usually stands over against the culture of its day .
15 Another is the dialectic , a pattern of movement which proceeds from a starting-point ( the thesis ) to another which stands over against it in opposition or contradiction ( the antithesis ) , and then moves on to a third stage in which the two are reconciled and reintegrated on a higher level ( the synthesis ) .
16 Man stands over against the awful otherness of God , by which his own existence is challenged , questioned and judged ; but in faith he finds the power nonetheless to live in that encounter with God by which each present moment becomes a meeting with eternity .
17 He can not be taken for granted as simply ‘ there ’ in our religious sense , our spiritual depth , or our moral awareness , for he transcends , he stands over against all of these .
18 God 's Word is not simply a bare event of encounter with the Subject who stands over against us as Lord .
19 A realist approach lays stress on the belief that the world has an existence independent of any observer ; that it stands over against us as an entity in its own right .
20 The new outlook we have been outlining as coming to stand over against Christian orthodoxy was by no means necessarily irreligious or anti-religious .
21 charged off against each other 's .
22 Investors there would nevertheless be permitted to write off against tax 50 per cent of costs entailed in a one-year period , while employees there would have their tax allowances increased , and companies would not have to pay the same local property and capital taxes as in western Germany .
23 Companies in future will be able to write off against taxes only the first $1 million of what they pay any director or executive .
24 It is a real moral aberration that leaves at liberty those who violated human dignity and those who rose up against the constitutional order . ’
25 And when they were in the field , Cain rose up against his brother Abel , and killed him .
26 In February of 1982 , the Sunni fundamentalists of Hama rose up against the Alawite regime .
27 Western attention was mostly directed towards the Kurds , who rose up against him at the same time , but the greater threat to Saddam and the heavier loss of life was Shiite , Not Kurdish .
28 That is why the people of Scotland rose up against the rating system .
29 There came a day , said Freud , the sons in frustration , rose up against the primal father , murdered him , ate him , in a grisly act of cannibalism , raped the mothers and sisters , and then having gratified the positive side of , of the negative side of their ambivalence , about the primal father , their hate for him , their desire to supplant him , and so on , were left with the positive side unsatisfied .
30 The material is used in a ‘ montage-style , which … juxtaposes and cements ruins and fragments up against one another ’ ; as examples he cites Mahler and 1920s We ill .
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