Example sentences of "[verb] [vb infin] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise Only to wonder at unlawful things , Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits , To practise more than heavenly power permits .
2 Daniel Becker , director of the global warming programme of the US environmental group , the Sierra Club , declared that : " The United States helped make this conference a failure .
3 That rises the wood that would dry dry that
4 One Tory MP , an aristocrat of impeccable right-wing views , who helped renegotiate some of Romania 's debts at the beginning of the hard years in the 1980s , also enjoyed joking with Ceauşescu .
5 I mean , I was there er , I left yesterday afternoon , I mean , I had to go in early and we had erm an auction and I helped do that .
6 The author and the Editor would like to thank the scientists who helped keep these tales within the bounds of fact : entomologist Dr John Maunder and parasitologist Dr Ian Burgess , both of the University of Cambridge .
7 Within a union as large , as diverse , as it is , the sectional conference has , in our case , helped allay many of these fears and concerns and our own clothing and textile industry is still as active as ever .
8 The timetable does n't appear to bear bear any resemblance to what er I 've got on the programme .
9 Has n't he ever let slip any little hint about who it might have been ? ’
10 You 'd make do that !
11 George Felix was surely in a rage , but he was also enjoying being angry , and that was something that never happened to her father , whose rages had made anger such a familiar monster .
12 Whenever we can we try and do stuff that is as close as possible to this house .
13 Well in the evening they ca n't do do that now .
14 Well , well anyway we 'll do do that and see see what the other 's like .
15 If there is more to be achieved in this forum , then I think my clients would like to fight for it because we we do believe that we would we do believe that logic and technical sense stands against the proposal that 's in the structure plan at the moment .
16 That 'll do keep those those go with those I hope that 'll fit I do n't know my other one erm that 's fine but the other one was a bit bigger though just have to see .
17 He 's sort of saying , he 's justifying it in , in a very Marxist way , he said this is our duty , what we 're doing is , is , is natural , it 's a process of , of his history you know that there 's nothing we can do avoid this and we should in fact be pleased to see th th this actually taking place , it 's er it 's not a question at all of , of the parents going , peasants going too far , it 's not er a reign of terror at all , erm in fact more than that it , it 's a sort of erm it , it 's not even retribution i it 's a , it 's a course of history .
18 And he ca n't , you ca n't do twist any more .
19 In this respect , however , the distinctions that are made resemble many others in political science which , as I noted at the beginning of this chapter , frequently emerge out of the dominant political concerns of the age .
20 If we let indicate that part of the surplus-value which serves for the personal consumption of the capitalists , and that which is turned into capital , thus , it we make and correspondingly , if we further let indicate that part of the surplus-value which is accumulated as a part of the constant capital , and that part of the surplus-value which is to be accumulated as a part of the variable capital , and thus posit and correspondingly thus the general formula for the product of both departments takes on the following form :
21 If we let indicate that part of the surplus-value which serves for the personal consumption of the capitalists , and that which is turned into capital , thus , it we make and correspondingly , if we further let indicate that part of the surplus-value which is accumulated as a part of the constant capital , and that part of the surplus-value which is to be accumulated as a part of the variable capital , and thus posit and correspondingly thus the general formula for the product of both departments takes on the following form :
22 exactly , yeah and we can do that with everything , we can do that with everything , this is my perception and that 's your perception of this thing that I 'm holding in my hand , everything that we 've seen have that ability you know , we 've got the ability to do that with everything , what we need to do sometimes is walk around the issue if you like and look at it from another perspective and , and this is what we 're doing with Ethiopia , now , erm , the good section again was looking at images and particularly the fact that a lot of images are very negative and throwing an alternative view , the second section we 're looking at news coverage which is very sketchy , erm , it does n't provide a complete picture at all , and this third section well you saw what that 's about there
23 If you 've helped someone and you feel really good about it , let go all those negative feelings about how you could have done it better .
24 In this way , protected by a structure created by a skilled therapist , we can cower in fear , howl with anger , weep with panic , rend our clothes in guilt and let go any need to hold on to feelings which belong to our past rather than our present lives .
25 Milton let pass that slur on his country .
26 Let's , just a minute let get this
27 So you see you do get some strange loads .
28 The figures show what considerable sums were made form these .
29 I feel it was an enormous privilege to have known them because they made work such fun .
30 ‘ I have n't dared make any ! ’ she responded sarcastically .
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