Example sentences of "[verb] [vb base] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Dare I say , as a once member of One Nation , that the world wants to know if Britain dare make Change its Ally ?
2 I was going good grief , she goes make her sick if it kills me .
3 Right push hands , push push your hands push forward .
4 Yeah , do you want sell your ?
5 Dr Nagle , does the way the patient was treated influence your success in rehabilitation ?
6 In this ethnographic imperialism if in no other way , the cultures anthropologists study and plagiarize gain their revenge .
7 The kids who have experienced the problems of occupational discrimination and believe their opportunities are limited make their beliefs public to those with whom they most identify — in this case , other blacks .
8 And they says as soon as you see one coming you sa say can I got make your bloody mind up which one do you want !
9 The conditions make Cannigione our recommended centre for those who want to develop sailing skills , whether on dinghies or catamarans , perhaps learning to windsurf when the wind drops .
10 So make Shell your first port of call every time you need fuel — and watch those Air Miles add up .
11 The German government has finally abandoned hopes of bringing onstream its prototype Kalkar fast-breeder reactor , in the wake of sustained opposition from environmentalists , farmers and the Social Democrat administration in North-Rhine Westphalia .
12 I 've a lot , a lot of my friends have got big dogs and they say oh they will jump up and I say squeeze her paws , it usually works
13 Im sorry , I really have to go now … something more interesting to do , like say pick my arse …
14 You say pick your anchors up in an old boat ?
15 The other one , the other one that I find interesting is I hope Mr will take his comments back to John , because John 's quite happy , I applaud him for once , it 's about the only thing I do applaud John for , erm , but John 's quite happy to turn round to Norway and say forget your centuries old traditions of killing whales .
16 If only for one short night , forget the ambition that gnaws unceasingly at thy soul — I say forget thy greatness and be a woman and — my wife . ’
17 Meanwhile those who should know say our manners are n't as bad as we fear … we worry too much about which knife to use , whilst being irritating in other ways .
18 So you as you say put your nought there you 've got to start from where you finished off last time and carry round again .
19 I hope those boys dinna' tak' my skipping-rope reet awa' , that 's a' . ’
20 They say look my name is and erm so I want you to think about how and talking about the way we talked about doing calls .
21 Find out what your mum wants give your mum a call today .
22 Then in that well-known Jewish intonation , with the words rising and lowering , and drawn out for full emphasis , he continued : ‘ If I vas a younger man I vould trow my visky at you , b-u-t dat vould be a vaste of good visky .
23 Most of them as might be expected give their two votes to the same party , .
24 Unable to stand it any longer , Sheila went up to him and before he had time to react seized both envelopes , feverishly tearing open her own and handing the other to Mona , who appeared almost unable to take it .
25 Well camouflaged stick insects , whose concealment has for once failed to work and who are about to be snapped at by a hungry predator , will suddenly flick open their brightly coloured wings in a dramatically unexpected display that may shock the enemy into retreat .
26 In nearby Sumatra , the Batak men went as far as deliberately slicing open their penises and inserting pieces of stone , which became firmly embedded as the wound closed over .
27 Say give our our some money for doing me hair .
28 How does the solipsist acquire his language ?
29 But this was dear old Mr Rabinowitz himself , spruced up , a new suit , who told in a quavering voice how this perfect stranger had come to his aid after the Blackshirts had smashed open his tailor 's shop .
30 Three non-government organisations also stayed throughout : Médecins Sans Frontières in Medina , the International Medical Corps ( based in the United States ) in Digfar , and SOS Children , keeping open its obstetric unit .
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