Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] as " in BNC.

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1 The research will examine the adoption of new technology within a local labour market using Sheffield as a case study .
2 * IF * Wilko was ever to go I would want Strach as manager at Leeds .
3 I do n't think that that chance will come until your husband retires so , in the meantime , you must learn to see Germany as your home .
4 I have always understood , and believed , that you just can not " dance at two weddings ' , but I admired and respected Cochrane as the most efficient serving officer I had encountered in my short 33 years in uniform .
5 Experts cite Romania as a possible future instance where human rights violations could lead to a call for action from outside national boundaries .
6 The Western banks regarded Romania as a good risk : cynically , they judged that Ceauşescu would keep the lid on the pot in Romania in a way that Gierek had manifestly failed to do in Poland .
7 It 's quite conceivable they were involved in it and he met Maria as a result .
8 He wanted other states to see Romania as part of neither bloc .
9 Ludwig Erhard , who succeeded Adenauer as Chancellor in October 1963 , was an experienced minister , the man held responsible for German economic success since 1949 , deeply committed to the US alliance and who , at 66 , could look forward to a long career as Chancellor — given the record of his predecessor .
10 The bases were , in the event , guarded by Eden , who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister in April 1955 .
11 But it made the situation no easier because Churchill distrusted Temple as a sort of Socialist and as too outspoken a politician .
12 The advantage of using d'Compress as the launch pad for other programs is that you can use the facilities of d'Compress to gather the files together , a stage that would otherwise have to be done in the DOS window .
13 The spark that arises between Vronsky and Anna proves not only damaging to Karenin ( Anna 's husband ) but also to the young Kitty Shcherbatsky , who seeing Vronsky as a possible suitor , was in love with him .
14 The MoD is keen to preserve Ferranti as an independent force in defence electronics .
15 In a letter of that autumn Eliot confessed to using Arnold as a scarecrow — apparently lifeless , but having under his arm a real gun to be fired against the old guard .
16 DEC and Microsoft , neither of whom could ever be accused of being the least bit friendly to Unix , look for all the world like they 're ganging up to try and kill it off once and for all , using NT-on-Alpha as the blunt instrument .
17 It is also possible to see Baker as a ‘ lightning rod ’ for the president , protecting him from the ire of conservative ideologues who , by definition , would never be satisfied with less than the whole loaf .
18 David Kidd , also from Seaby and previously with Hodder & Stoughton , Scholastic and Pan , rejoins Batsford as sales and marketing director .
19 After Olybrius 's death in 472 it was he who appointed Glycerius as emperor .
20 Yet at the same time , he needed each superpower to see Bucharest as a natural place for influencing the views of the other one and other players in the international game .
21 When Sir John Anderson ( later first Viscount Waverley , q.v. ) , the former head of the Home Office , was put in charge of a hastily improvised London civil-defence organization during the Munich crisis , he appointed Scott as his chief staff officer ; and when Anderson became minister for civil defence , he made Scott responsible for the urgent task of accelerating London 's civil-defence arrangements , with the title of chief administrative officer for the London civil-defence region , as from February 1939 .
22 SNA communications house Systems Strategies Inc says it has designated UnixWare as the primary development platform for its new Express 2.0 Unix-to-IBM ( AS/400 and mainframe ) comms software .
23 Such gestures appealed to many Romanians , as they did to Western observers anxious to see Ceauşescu as a ‘ patriot ’ and reformer .
24 ‘ I think that you 're too fond of using Bella as an excuse .
25 That was great and started a whole year of being in America for me , which was seeing David as a major star and also for myself , experiencing life as it should be as a major star , with your cars and people looking after you and the record company being polite to you rather than treating you like shit and not working .
26 ‘ This is his sort of course because he 's a grinder , ’ who succeeded Faldo as champion .
27 Uniform start date to be Thursdays , and matches to include Saturday as the third day .
28 Erm , and it turns out they 're all from T G I and it is because we got Richard as manager .
29 His eyes sought Dora as if throwing down a challenge and Melissa saw her draw herself upright , her nostrils flaring .
30 The Second Crusade was a less spectacular affair , failing because of many factors : the North German princes decided to direct their crusade against the pagan , Slavonic-speaking Wends ; the French forces nearly attacked Constantinople as a result of severe relations between East and West ; the native crusader barons were more determined to sustain their alliances with Moslem rulers in the Middle East than to help the next wave of crusaders ( who might themselves claim lands ) .
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