Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do hate goddamn junkies , and I especially hate rich goddamn junkies .
2 This may reflect a difference in emphasis in that parents seemed to be looking for information about their child 's overall character and behaviour ( eg ‘ good at sharing toys ’ ) whereas staff seemed to report specific good behaviour ( eg ‘ She 's done a lovely painting this morning ’ or ‘ He ate his dinner up nicely today ’ ) .
3 I mean flipping two sips of cider and I 'm anybodys !
4 Consequently readmission has little future as a general indicator of outcome , even though the increasing ease with which this index may be calculated by using computerized patient admission data bases is a strong attraction .
5 The delivery itself has to be lit with communication in mind : lights which throw the midwife 's face into shadow make lipreading impossible .
6 They generally consider themselves female and develop exaggerated female mannerisms .
7 QUIRK OF NATURE : The eunuchs of Pakistan dress like women , develop exaggerated female mannerisms and provide cheap entertainment
8 Punctuated by his own guffaws , he continued : ‘ Said ‘ No , sorry , Mr Meadows ; come this Wednesday I got to be out courting strong like . ’
9 With a strange cock of the head that made Ace certain he was grinning , the figure handed the card to the overweight , elderly man in the sedan chair .
10 Thus , although trade with the Soviet Union would enable Latin Americans to benefit from lower prices and improved credit terms , to conserve scarce foreign exchange and , according to opinions recently expressed in Latin America , to receive better guarantees and local servicing , it is still generally the case that both public and private sector companies prefer to deal with the West .
11 The human being as " producer " is forced to perform grotesque alienated tasks at work to provide products which exploit and dominate the very same human being as " consumer " .
12 Maggie had fallen asleep rejoicing .
13 Any natural selection involves differential reproductive success that is nonfortuitous because determined by the way variant organisms are interacting with an environment that is causally sensitive to those particular physical differences in the organisms .
14 Practitioners use fine needles — normally stainless steel — to stimulate specific anatomical points of the body .
15 The French government was being criticized in the French media for its traditionally paternalistic relationship with former colonies , with the implication that it was content to support repressive African regimes .
16 It can affect anyone whose work involves specific repetitive movements : gardeners , hairdressers , cleaners , chicken gutters , writers and musicians , as well as the sportsmen and women whose activities can lead to aptly named conditions such as tennis elbow .
17 Front-line supervisors make short-term day-to-day decisions and have no time for longer-term plans and decisions .
18 Typically , this will benefit builders and developers who intend to make a taxable supply of property , but who , in a troubled property market , make short-term exempt lettings before making the taxable supply .
19 In 1984 , the Education ( Grants and Awards ) Act was passed to enable the DES to allocate directly a small proportion ( up to 1% ) of the Block Grant to support specific educational projects which the Secretary of State judged to be particularly important ; a grant could cover either 50% or 70% of the costs of a project ( 60% from 1990–91 ) .
20 Furthermore , it is reasonable to expect that there will be an increasing demand from management in general for personnel information to support specific operational problems .
21 It is notoriously difficult to discuss the role of aesthetics in Rome and to ascribe definite aesthetic interests to specific places or social groups : Brendel ( 1979 ) and Brilliant ( 1974 ) .
22 The second aim was to assess whether , as a bulking agent , psyllium could modify echographic gastric emptying time and , in parallel , sensations of hunger and satiety .
23 And de Gaulle had , on each occasion , made strong personal appeals for a large " yes " vote , implicitly and sometimes explicitly indicating that he would resign if the vote went against him .
24 There are two methods of making these blinds ; Method 1 gives a professional finish using narrow wooden laths , which are slotted into channels in the lining to keep the pleats defined and neatly layered ; Method 2 is simpler , using vertical rows of tape and rings , and creates a softer , less rigid line which is more suitable for use at a small window .
25 Experts have concluded that , given public health initiatives to minimise or eliminate involuntary public exposure to other environmental pollutants with less carcinogenic potency than several of the substances in tobacco smoke , similar efforts to prevent involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke are necessary .
26 The ease with which it 's possible to construct very professional looking presentations has to be experienced to be believed , and some of the tools it provides would make professional traditional animators green with envy .
27 In language which retained the authentic ring of Robert Owen , it still sought far-reaching social and political change , ‘ a different order of things , in which the really useful and intelligent part of society only shall have the direction of its affairs ; in which industry and virtue shall meet their just distinction and reward , and vicious idleness its merited contempt and destruction . ’
28 They are forced into accepting low paid jobs , exposed to health hazards with no job protection because of family responsibilities or affordable child care .
29 Flip through the wacky but informative manual ( which casts you as a movie director ) and you 'll find that the first three programs let you construct 20-frame icon-sized movies .
30 The development of the national curriculum will do a great deal to stimulate more interest in science because more pupils will have to sustain well-judged scientific programmes of study until at least the age of 16 .
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