Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] between " in BNC.

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1 Their works sell for between £25,000 and £50,000 , which means that the ‘ New Democratic Pictures ’ alone are worth around two million pounds .
2 iPSC/860 machines installed with 300 systems sold worldwide , sell for between $300,000 and $4m .
3 The 12 person dormitories have been replaced by five purpose-built houses , each with rooms catering for between two and six people .
4 It was not that the mines were not producing for between 1564–1570 metal to the value of £31,167 was sold , but even this did not cover the operating costs .
5 Placed between between East and West , its missionizing role was important in bringing further territories under the Latin Church rather than the Greek .
6 As a rule of thumb , a pre-sensitised board can be exposed for between 5 and 10 minutes using an ordinary UV light box .
7 Although the resolution authorized a governing body established in Geneva , consisting of all 15 members of the Security Council , to decide how much would be paid into the Fund annually , the United States had reportedly pressed for between 40 per cent and 50 per cent of Iraqi oil revenues to be diverted each year .
8 Mean arterial pressure was the most important variable to adjust for between the two groups .
9 There are some places to know about between Oloron and the Col du Somport , at the valley 's southern end .
10 Nine solicitors were interviewed for between 20 and 50 minutes about the treatment of ethnic minority defendants .
11 I 've said I 'd be prepared to work for between two and three days a week
12 On average , the loss ranged from between eight and 15 per cent between November and February according to the study , the most comprehensive ever undertaken , with monitoring from ships , aircraft , rockets and ground stations .
13 A number of glasses of various kinds sprouted from between them like some bizarre flower bed .
14 Other analysts , however , are less confident about the economic outlook and reckon the country 's growth rate will fall to between 2 and 3 per cent .
15 In Madeira the local branch of it is dominated by the charismatic figure of Dr Alberto João Jardim and at any election , national or local , the party can count on between sixty-five and seventy per cent of the votes cast in the island .
16 Here , other Questions beat those to the Prime Minister on each programme ; coverage of other debates fell to between 4% and 11% ; attention to legislation rose to between 12% and 18% ; coverage of select committees roughly doubled , reaching 25% in The Parliament Programme ; between 3% and 6% of coverage was given to standing committees .
17 In one subject intubation failed at the second study , and in the other five subjects basal acid output was 0 to 2.2 mEq/h ( mean 0.55 ) and stimulated acid output rose to between 0.1 and 1.2 mEq/h ( mean 0.68 ) .
18 Young Guard , one of the most popular of this type of journal , had a circulation of only 9,000 in 1922 , and dropped to between 5,000 and 6,000 an issue by 1926 .
19 At Millport , in the summer of 1949 , Barnes and Powell ( 1950 ; quoted by Connell , 1961 ) recorded H. lapillus at 150 m — 2 , although this density had dropped to between 3 and 25 m — 2 by the Dog-whelks : an introduction to the autumn as the barnacles were consumed .
20 ICL also now generates about half its revenues from higher margin non-hardware sales , and expects this to increase to between 55% and 60% over the next few years .
21 ICL also now generates about half its revenues from higher margin non-hardware sales , and expects this to increase to between 55% and 60% over the next few years .
22 The Bank expected its own new lending commitments in the year 1990-91 to increase to between $16,000 million and $18,000 million , and those of the IDA to reach $5,700 million , including substantial concessional lending to eastern Europe .
23 It occurs when the temperature drops to between 22–25°C .
24 The form of the Jovian field indicates that the currents which constitute the dipole source are largely confined to between 0.6 R J and 0.9 R J .
25 Commenting on its reduced losses ( see page five ) , Bradford-based Microvitec Plc says it has cut gearing to between 40% and 50% from approximately 80% over the past two years ; profit on continuing operations before interest was £1.2m against a loss last time of £2.5m .
26 Category II contained the 32% of authorities who referred to between 5 and 30 programmes or courses , and Category III , the 27% of authorities who mentioned 5 or less .
27 Oil demand will , however continue to increase at between 1% and 2% per year .
28 The remaining population of the " white ghost " dolphin , as it is known locally , now stands at between 150 and 350 , and is believed to be falling fast under pressure from pollution resulting largely from intensive construction work on the massive new offshore Chek Lap Kok island airport .
29 The rate of growth for 1990 was forecast at between 4.8 per cent and 5.2 per cent compared with 5.6 per cent in 1989 .
30 Individual ministries would face an average 5 per cent cut in administrative spending , and public-sector pay rises were to be contained at between 4.5 and 5.5 per cent .
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