Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It could be that I 've simply never felt strongly enough about anyone , ’ she cut in , instantly wishing the words unsaid as she realised how much they revealed about her feelings for him .
2 She followed him up the room , repeating her sympathy and when that did not hold his attention , she began to apologize for her lateness in coming to speak to him about the tragedy .
3 It seemed that Cathy had a lot to lose through her uncle 's death .
4 She tried to go about her tasks with the same thoroughness as before , but too often her mind strayed from what she was doing , and promotion became less and less likely .
5 Oddly , she felt less happy , less content , less well able to go about her daily business than she had in the three painful months of her sexual abstinence .
6 They had heard about her erotic exploits but their jaws dropped during the dress rehearsal of one of her entrances .
7 When the locum who had visited Allison at home heard about her multiple miscarriages , she suggested Allison should ask to be referred to the Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic at Pembury Hospital in Kent .
8 Had he heard about her romance with Ian White , the junior registrar ?
9 And she knew herself to look better , clad in what passed for finery these days , than she did in the house where with so much work to do she had not a moment to spare for her appearance .
10 She had been so busy with her dress house in Rome , coping with her designer , planning for the future and ensuring that everyone in the business was kept happy — each of which seemed a full-time job in itself — that she had hardly had time to spare for her three children , let alone her mother .
11 Equally , Penny remains on one level as a deluded fantasist who believes , very like an Iranian woman , that a wife 's duty is to wait for her husband 's return from the wars .
12 Pepita set down among the crates to wait for her friend and the rum to reach her .
13 They would have married sooner but had to wait for her divorce ; Pamela Chrimes told me that it took some time to obtain the evidence of adultery which was then necessary .
14 And Elinor was just going to have to wait for her merciful release .
15 She got herself seated at a table for four , ordered a glass of pastis , the local drink , and settled back to wait for her friends .
16 It sounded like a question , but he had never intended to wait for her answer .
17 His kiss was leisurely as if they had all the time in the world to explore each other , and he could afford to wait for her response , confident in his own powers of arousing it .
18 Even when she was tiny she had n't really thought of him that way , and when she was older , about thirteen , she had secretly been terribly proud in front of the other girls when Georg , who had never seemed to go through a spotty adolescent phase like other boys , used to wait for her outside school so that they could walk up the mountain road together .
19 Then , without bothering to wait for her answer , he had swung round again and was heading imperiously for the group of gold-brocade-covered armchairs that stood in the curve of the huge bay window , overlooking the sun-burnished waters of Loch Lomond .
20 to wait for her midwifery to come through and then er they 've closed that
21 When the war broke out , Anna was commissioned into the Army , where she did her service for her newly adopted country .
22 ‘ I was crazy to see a girl naked , and especially to see between her legs .
23 That Saturday evening she joined the passeggiata , with her hair pulled flat against her skull to smooth its crinkles and bring out its sheen , and the gold medallion of the Madonna she had received for her first communion hanging bright against the new pale shawl she had crocheted herself .
24 She has received for her 1990–91 sabbatical year a Research Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to support her work on a new book on Gottfried Benn 's lyrical poetry .
25 He had fantasized about her death almost as much as he had fantasized about Elinor 's .
26 But there were moments when he got through her barriers , and , although they were rare , this was one of them .
27 Despite her weightiness , Mrs Beavis got about her house like a two-year-old .
28 She shook her head to rearrange her disarrayed hair ; the golden tresses tumbling about her face and shoulders in glorious abandon made her look doubly desirable .
29 She did what she could with her tousled mass of auburn curls , but when she twisted it into its usual topknot the starkness of the style served only to emphasise the weariness in her wide-set eyes , and with a little mutter of disgust she let the curls fall again , tumbling about her shoulders in riotous abandon .
30 The other woman shook her head bemusedly , sending her tousled red curls tumbling about her face .
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