Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] end " in BNC.

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1 One sometimes gets the impression that IBM Corp is more solicitous over the needs of its Stamford , Connecticut-based IBM Credit Corp subsidiary than it is over its own , and yesterday , in the wake of the parent 's big $285m loss , IBM Credit was able to announce that profits actually rose 0.3% at $58.3m ; the return on average equity was 20.2% , compared with 21.3% in the first quarter of 1992 and in the first three months of 1993 , IBM Credit originated financing for $1,700m of equipment , software and services for IBM 's customers and distribution channels , down 22% on the figure for the first quarter 1992 — financing for end users decreased by 45% to $600m while financing for distribution channels decreased by 1% to $1,100 , the company noted .
2 The concept of social responsibility , in contrast , demands that affected interests be treated as ends in themselves , and this will at times require a deviation from long-run profit maximisation .
3 Thus , the interests of employees , customers , or the local community , for example , may be served only as a means of increasing shareholder wealth and may not be treated as ends in their own right .
4 A sample of 20 g of fine sediment is suspended in a 1000 ml measuring cylinder charged with water containing dispersant , and thoroughly mixed through end over end rotation or by means of a manual stirrer which travels from the base to the top of the fluid column .
5 Indoors , though , ordinary window glass generally filters out some of the UV content of sunlight , and the author has never experienced any difficulties of daylight interfering with end results .
6 in Broadway and you just nip in end of that
7 If this population is representative of the UK nationally , a substantial number of patients dying from end stage liver disease is being denied the option of liver transplantation because they are not referred for assessment .
8 He is thirty-seven years old , with a high forehead , and thin hair that stands on end in the slightest breeze .
9 The hair stands on end and waits to be split
10 Money figures fuel hopes slump at end
11 Distributed scheduling , with departmental servers acting as individual data centres , needs to be organised at end user level , also with appropriate security .
12 If priest/parish usually process at end of mass , be ready to go with friend for cross and book .
13 Very little ‘ tearout ’ occurred at end of cut
14 Costed proposals for enhancing and extending the computer network are expected by end September .
15 Nearly every sausage , I mean there are odd exceptions , are made from ends .
16 The other half came from end user applications .
17 However , the UK failed in its attempt to head off the EC Commission , even though it made a last-minute offer to bring forward compliance of five water supplies contaminated with nitrate , from 1995 to 1991–4 , ‘ a shift , ’ according to ENDS , ‘ which , until then , the UK had insisted would be impractical . ’
18 Have you seen what he 's done to ends of them , they 've gone silvery , he 's rubbed and rubbed and rubbed
19 yeah , they now , looking at end ways , it 's like this i n't it ?
20 While this instrument is in a way value-neutral and may be used for ends of which different commentators may approve or disapprove , it may turn out to be — is indeed intended to be — a powerful force for overdue change , increased coherence and strengthened accountability .
21 The kind of products they handle are mostly fibres , films and acetate flake , going into end uses ranging from clothing and imitation suede to food packaging , confectionery and spectacle frames .
22 Um and I think there 's some acknowledgement in these quotes I 've got under end results , classifications and syndromes which um I suppose there 's some acknowledgement that maybe these things were adaptive at the time but maybe once people are grown up they 're not quite so adaptive .
23 The notion that British spectators would be bored by a regular diet of ‘ continental ’ football ( whatever that means : ‘ patient ’ , I suppose ) once again appeared fatuous as play flowed from end to end without too much of the cynical tackling that used to ruin the Spanish game .
24 Closed from end of October to beginning of March .
25 My hairs stand on end .
26 He is the one lovable who is always the same , rejoicing without end , in infinite happiness .
27 Suppliers are currently working furiously to bring all manner of object-oriented and distributed computing software services , mechanisms and applications to market — targeted at these types of systems — which wo n't work at end user sites unless those users have properly functioning networks of integrated systems on which to run , says Dawes .
28 Must dash at end of school to meet Tom , David and John from school ( my own boy and two of his friends ) .
29 Schedule : Checking — complete by end 1992
30 In his speech on May 25 Arafat put forward a five-point plan proposing that : ( i ) an emergency UN military force be sent to the occupied territories to protect Palestinian civilians ; ( ii ) a special UN envoy be appointed to deal with the Palestinian issue ; ( iii ) a UN resolution be passed calling for end to Jewish settlement in the territories ; ( iv ) UN members adopt sanctions against Israel ; and ( v ) the five permanent members of the Security Council convene to prepare for an international conference on the Middle East .
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