Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 John was confident enough then to leave Flynn to it and to go off himself to look at the proposed routes of the Waterford & limerick and the Waterford & kilkenny lines , both of which had been authorized by Parliament last year but neither of which had yet gone to tender .
2 We are all far too inclined to apologize for ourselves .
3 Family meant a great deal to him , obviously , and she had witnessed for herself his kindness and strength .
4 The reason Jake had had a change of heart was because he had finally realised for himself that Janice would not make a good mother for Kirsty , and that Shiona , on the other hand , would .
5 The report called for £200 million of government spending on fifth generation computing , that is computers that can think for themselves and get along with humans .
6 Snotlings do n't really think for themselves , they merely mimic the actions of Orcs and Goblins around them .
7 Instead of being encouraged to develop into mature professionals with the ability to learn and think for themselves , we were simply required to regurgitate large amounts of information by rote .
8 Nisbet ( 1979 ) has pointed out the irony that this new distrust may itself be a product of modern education , since a number of new approaches to teaching and learning encourage children to ‘ think for themselves ’ .
9 Oral questioning , by making the students think for themselves and convey their thoughts with precision , can be an effective cure for vagueness and sloppy thinking .
10 I do n't think this was the case , though , as many women did conform and those who stuck out in the way of Madeline Vesey Neroni and Mrs. Proudie were few and far between — few dared to be too independent or to try and think for themselves .
11 Like , you must think for yourself ; look at the IRA 's intelligence network …
12 ‘ Why ca n't you think for yourself sometimes ? ’
13 Who just want to take over your mind and not let you think for yourself .
14 The only uniformity of practice that the Board of Education desires to see in the teaching of Public Elementary schools is that each teacher should think for himself and work out for himself such methods of teaching as may use his powers to the best advantage and be best suited to the particular needs and conditions of the school .
15 In one study of primary schools , the 1918 Handbook of Suggestions for the Consideration of Teachers was quoted as making only one requirement of uniformity , " the Board of Education desired to see in the teaching of public elementary schools … that each teacher shall think for himself , and work out by himself such methods of teaching as may use his powers to best advantage and best suited to the particular needs and conditions of the school " ( Kogan 1973:145 ) .
16 Nah Wilko offloaded him cause Rocky knew which way to put his cashcard in the hole-int-wall implying he had a brain and there fore could think for himself — something Wilko do n't encourage .
17 Ruling groups have found that their interests are best safeguarded if they are supported by a work force which can not think for itself in the coherent way writing affords .
18 The Freshman though , is essentially a movie-maker 's movie , a self-congratulatory in-joke that does n't take the risk of letting the audience think for itself .
19 They were n't sheep , every nome could think for itself , and when you started to think hard about sudden darkness and mysterious humming noises , panicking seemed a logical idea .
20 The Freshman though , is essentially a movie-maker 's movie , a self-congratulatory in-joke that does n't take the risk of letting the audience think for itself .
21 I do n't know how I got through myself , because I was no good at school . ’
22 With a little time and imagination , there is no end to the low fat , high fibre energy breakfasts you can make for yourself .
23 Readiness to improvise and make use of scraps saves money that can be better spent on things you can not make for yourself .
24 Williams had a good ear , and since his death some of his admirers have made more sense of his procedures than he could ever make for himself , but the lamentable effect of his example has been to lead poets to trust their ear implicitly , thus discrediting the very notion of measure .
25 The Tryplase capsules provide your dog with a supply of pig pancreas enzymes to substitute those he can no longer make for himself and , as you have seen , they work well .
26 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
27 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
28 Do n't you think it 's time I was allowed to decide what I want to wear for myself ? ’
29 Then I 'm inclined to go for myself .
30 As decisions became for oneself increasingly final and far-reaching in their implications , it was refreshing to deal with problems that would be solved by the mere passage of time .
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