Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What grotesque outlandish possibility was it that made Piphros so certain , so frightened about it ?
2 Then , she got Jessica 's C for her cooking class instead of the A Jessica got off hers .
3 family and they put me onto valium , but having worked in psychiatric I knew the results of valium , so I I gradually broke them down and got off them but for six full months I could n't sleep
4 You got off us .
5 It will refuse to stand still because the last time we got off it was punished !
6 I said we 'd better go home and check and so we drove down to and as I got there , so the bus comes up , so it looked pretty but I thought well I 'd better check so I followed it back up and nobody got off it and
7 Oliver pretended to apologize for her .
8 Quite as remarkable as the original display of ill temper was the graciousness which prompted him to apologize for it .
9 If trees are alongside a road they are likely to conceal telephone or power wires , making it dangerous to go between them .
10 ‘ There will have to be someone to go between you , ’ he said .
11 But , even as she thought it , she rejected the question and felt a surge of anger go darting through her .
12 His hands brushed her breasts , already ripe beneath her blouse , sending shafts of electricity darting through her .
13 Food had become an obsession with everyone ; even the children talked and schemed about it constantly ; even the Padre , at this period , could hardly fall asleep without dreaming that ravens were coming to feed him but alas , no sooner did these winged waiters arrive with nourishment than he would wake up again .
14 Hands tightly clenched , Gina broke into the slow , seductive future he was forecasting for them .
15 You were right to break with him if you decided that you had made a mistake in accepting him , but oh , my dear , your uncle Orrin tells me that he dare not inform your father of the dreadful things Havvie is hinting about you for fear of what he might do to Havvie .
16 AFTER three years of hinting about it , Gencor , one of South Africa 's biggest conglomerates , finally announced on May 11th that it will break itself up .
17 It 's just that none of us actually knows how to go about it . ’
18 He knew how to get a product that was decent and rather unexciting on to the shop floor , but when it became necessary to add more to that product and to innovate in design terms , he did n't know how to go about it .
19 She had no idea how to go about it but she disliked waking an hour early from her rest and having nothing to do , and she disliked even more the idea that there was some household task or mechanical appliance which might defeat her .
20 Clemens Krauss had taught classes in the past but he had left the whole thing in the hands of a Professor Wunderer and a man from the Vienna Philharmonic who was interested in conducting but had n't the slightest idea how to go about it .
21 It was all very well for Bragg to instruct him to go the rounds of prostitutes ' haunts , but he had precious little idea of how to go about it .
22 He listened to me as to what I thought might be a reasonable way to go about it .
23 ‘ I 'd like to know how you 're going to go about it , Mother . ’
24 He did n't really mind which one , the Hallé would do for a start , but he had n't the faintest idea how to go about it and nor had anyone else .
25 To begin with the government wants private operators to cast a spider 's web of cable-TV over the country , It is n't obvious that this is the best way to go about it .
26 But they are battling over how to go about it .
27 Their problem was that no one knew how to go about it .
28 It is only possible to give a general description above on how to go about it , since every helicopter requires its own particular technique to produce the desired result .
29 She needed a good diet sheet and daily workouts , Mary Rose decided , and began advising her how to go about it .
30 He had hoped to impress her , and , though I knew this was the wrong way to go about it , since she was always embarrassed by emotional arguments , when she replied in a stiff , rather guarded way , I was deeply hurt on his behalf .
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