Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 These scum went on to kill 92 people in the King David Hotel on 22nd July 1946 .
2 I do n't think needy people from other countries should be deprived of treatment , but surely our citizens should come first — especially as they help fund the NHS .
3 Not surprisingly , when we asked deaf people to examine videotapes of teachers using simultaneous communication , their rating of effectiveness closely matched their rating of the teachers ' use of facial expression .
4 ‘ I do n't want anyone to be frightened , but I do n't want unnecessary people getting in the way . ’
5 Given that people had no rational basis for choosing among candidates , it was scarcely surprising they used one they deemed natural .
6 However , given that people 's personal valuation of environmental qualities ( such as the open countryside ) has tended to increase in proportion to the degree to which they are degraded through development , it is reasonable to assume that what may appear to be a net benefit to the present generation in a trade-off between the environment and a proposed development , is quite likely to be considered a net loss in retrospect by a future generation for whom the natural environment has become a more precious commodity .
7 However , given that people 's personal valuation of environmental qualities ( such as the open countryside ) has tended to increase in proportion to the degree to which they are degraded through development , it is reasonable to assume that what may appear to be a net benefit to the present generation in a trade-off between the environment and a proposed development , is quite likely to be considered a net loss in retrospect by a future generation for whom the natural environment has become a more precious commodity .
8 Given that people die , sometimes fail to complete the registration forms correctly , or move without applying for a postal vote , the electoral register is never 100% accurate .
9 Finally , he reaffirmed the changing role of the CAP in helping rural people make a living off the land by encouragement of environmentally friendly farming methods , support for forestry and an early retirement and restructuring scheme .
10 ‘ That 's the first time Bailey met posh people , ’ photography writer , Martin Harrison says .
11 Liverpool Mayor Rosie Cooper , the daughter of deaf parents , said : ‘ They are ridiculing deaf people . ’
12 Yeah , cos I 've heard some people stand up , pronounce that
13 Well , the you 've heard , I 've heard some people being nasty and , and they did n't say no , but it was always , not always it was occasionally done grudgingly , and , and erm in many cases of course it was done willingly , you know come in yes please do , and , and they did n't even want the penny that , that you offered them for the telephone call .
14 Why do you think some people opposed the building of oil refineries near Milford Haven ?
15 She looked at Tommaso Talvi in her mind 's eye , she adjusted her image of him to fit with her sister 's , she inventoried his features , beginning with the eyes , and redrafted them in order to see them as ‘ pretty ’ , she scanned his caffelatte pallor and his big hands , grasping the bread she had cut for him , she looked at his mouth , the purplish fullness of his lips and the strong teeth that showed when he grinned , as he had done , often , but without laughter , when the men were disagreeing about the possibilities of change , the chances of the election on returning the Socialists , of bringing about improvements for the labourers now that the franchise had at last been widened to include some people who were n't bosses , like her father , a music teacher with a sense of honour , of justice .
16 Tim wants you to see some people he knows who do investment advice — then you 'd get more out of those shares .
17 They may , for instance , be capable of rising magnificently to the occasion when a neighbour 's sick , deprived , or even delinquent child needs help , or they may be wonderful wives , husbands or parents and do much useful voluntary work in the community , and yet lack the particular type of emotional muscle required to support old people .
18 Although the phrase ‘ care workers ’ is not in general use , the term has been chosen to describe a wide range of people who may be employed in the voluntary or statutory sectors and who have responsibility for the services made available in the community to support old people and their caring relatives .
19 There was very little sign in this report of constructive planning to use social work skills to support old people and their carers .
20 Other sources of fungi which may affect some people
21 See it would n't affect some people but
22 Some people , it does n't affect some people like .
23 And we ourselves became different people from those we had been a minute ago , when we were teasing Filimon the goat or getting into a fight with Pechonkin 's street gang .
24 Erm and once they got the problem resolved , you know , then they became different people .
25 A campaign by our supporters is the only option left , inevitably consisting of emotive stories and personal opinions , since reasoned articles in the health columns of the broadsheets will mobilise few people .
26 What is more , current social work and health policy seeks to move away from institutionalized forms of care provided by elderly persons ' homes and hospitals , concentrating instead on maintaining ageing people within their own homes .
27 Not people that could that can defend themselves that can what 's the name of it if they could Well they 've broken old people 's doors in and took their money and and hit them and whatsername .
28 Research also suggests it discourages some people from re-offending .
29 For a senior job it should not be regarded as a burden to see 12 people and then draw up a short list of three or four .
30 Mr. Thomas Graham ( Renfrew , West and Inverclyde ) : The new clause offers Scottish people the opportunity to have at least some confidence in the Government 's attitude to the privatisation of the bus service .
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