Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The YCs got punished more than anybody else and had a really hard time .
2 It is suggested that it is helpful not to emphasise the problem or disability , as some old people are reluctant to face their inability to continue to cope independently .
3 Preferring to carry only a light rifle , such as a .22 , and ammunition , but unburdened by other supplies , even water , they chase goats from about 7 am until noon , when they have to quit for the day Sometimes they will put down their guns and stalk a goat , leaping on it to deliver the final coup de grace with a knife .
4 After the therapist encouraged the couple to think of ways of being positive in their behaviour towards each other , Ann agreed to wear more attractive clothes , and Charles to show her more consideration and affection by praising her appearance , and expressing positive feelings towards her .
5 Consequently , nuclear power was excluded from the government 's privatization plans and instead a state-owned company , Nuclear Electric , was set up to run the existing nuclear power stations ( eight Magnox , five AGR , and the PWR under construction at Sizewell ) and to continue generating around 20 per cent of electricity in England and Wales ( Scotland has a separate company ) .
6 Because analogue videophones have to squash video and audio down telephone lines developed to carry just the latter , compression techniques are used to reduce the amount of information needed to create a video picture .
7 If normal good sleepers are woken from Stage I sleep or Stage 2 sleep , and asked whether they were awake or asleep , they tend to report definitely feeling asleep only In Stage 2 sleep , " 2 although this is not necessarily true for poor sleepers , who may deny they were asleep even when the EEG traces show clear signs of Stage 2 sleep .
8 If the South is redefined to include only the four regions of the South East , South West , East Anglia and the East Midlands , then the net movement of people from North to South can be seen to have risen from a low point of only around 10,000–20,000 a year in the early 1970s to a peak of nearly 70,000 by 1985–86 ( Figure 4.2 ) .
9 It was a matter of very small beginnings for everybody , and then as the pictures that they made became more and more popular , more and more acceptable , used not merely in fairgrounds or in odd corners of shops and this sort of thing , for the odd fifteen minutes or twenty minutes of movie , but entered into the music halls , became one of the acts in the music hall entertainment erm this really was the foundation of a new industry , a new industry of entertainment , a new industry of information .
10 You feel good about the help you 've given perhaps , but you still wish the person would only ring when it 's essential .
11 Throughout the 1980s , it battled to achieve two crucial , strategic shifts : to reduce its dependence on bulk , low-margin , commodity chemicals which tend to swing wildly with the economic cycle — in favour of high value-added , high-margin ‘ effect ’ chemicals ; and to cut the share of sales accounted for by the UK .
12 A potential result of such strong attitudes against credit is that when financial pressures mount to the point where they override a reluctance to borrow , the reluctant borrower may want to borrow covertly — that is , borrow from an informal-seeming local lender rather than from a recognised lending institution such as a bank .
13 So how much do you want to borrow then ?
14 The idea of a flying continuum becomes even more persuasive when we remember that very small animals tend to float gently in air , whatever their shape .
15 I have a streak of economy in me , even when contemplating how to épater les bourgeois , and recipes that make their sauce out of a stock made at an earlier stage tend to appeal most .
16 Soft , weighty fabrics tend to fall easily into gentle folds ; an obvious example is cotton velvet which is both soft , supple and heavy .
17 Under pressure , when some horses tend to fall apart , Milton responds by jumping even better , while John stays cool and professional .
18 Dried peas , beans or shells stored in durable containers can be much more satisfying than empty packets which , unless regularly replaced , tend to fall apart so easily .
19 Patterns of dots from a painting program tend to fall apart when enlarged or coagulate into muddy puddles if reduced .
20 Where goods are not durable , the mischief lies not in the fact that they ceased to perform adequately but rather that , at the date of supply , they did not have the capacity to endure .
21 ‘ We are obviously still concerned that there allegations of pushing drugs and we intend to monitor closely any future raves at the Ulster hall . ’
22 Make evokes merely the idea of " producing an effect " ( = the event expressed by the infinitive ) , so that causation is represented as operating instant by instant throughout the actualization of the latter and the two events are felt to coincide in time .
23 Bentham 's proposals were intended to promote both discipline and economic production .
24 Clodumar said that the government planned to invest further in Air Nauru , but that it would not re-open diplomatic missions in Hong Kong , American Samoa , Japan , Hawaii and the Cook Islands , which had been closed under the Aroi administration for reasons of economy .
25 And especially if they planned to go somewhere else today .
26 Where glues are concerned , I , personally , would not scorn to wear both a belt and braces .
27 She had n't intended to sound quite so vehement , but what she needed most right at this moment was to put as much distance as was humanly possible between herself and Adam .
28 Consider , for instance , the ability of the male praying mantis to continue copulating whilst the female steadily devours him from the head end downwards , or for the head end of a wasp to continue eating even when severed from the abdomen .
29 " You must promise and vow to go straight to Rochester , "
30 Yet its methods tend to treat only men as individuals , and women , simply as women .
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