Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] these " in BNC.

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1 The whole balance of the bird population altered where these changes were going on in the landscape .
2 In the following account , localities for vegetation types have been given where these are present on the dot maps of the NVC .
3 In Table 8.1 information on sample size , chronological age , sample frame and exclusions is included where these factors are described in the test manual or other publications .
4 Nor would different pictures have succeeded where these failed .
5 Yet it was only by contrast with Fei Yen that these things were noticeable : as if in Fei Yen lay the very archetype of Han beauty , and all else , however fine in itself , was but a flawed copy of that perfection .
6 Reverend Sawyer is praying that these measures will help fortify the congregation and the the church coffers .
7 We can surely think of pleasure and pain as referring to felt qualities of experience without denying that these qualities are of radically different kinds .
8 At the new Grand Central in New York there was a separate waiting-room for gangs of labourers and immigrants , with its own attendants , so designed that these groups need not encounter other passengers .
9 Meantime , there was a lot happening just down the street to capture his attention , as troop after troop of soldiers passed through Frome on their way somewhere else : 300 of the Staffordshire Militia came in April of 1799 , replaced by an equal number of the same later in the month ; then the 300-strong Somerset Supplementary Militia arrived from Wells , complete with their own band , followed by the glorious Fifteenth Light Dragoons — ‘ It is supposed that these are the finest men and horses of any regiment in England ’ ; and the next year no fewer than nine hundred men of the Seventeenth Regiment of Light Dragoons came at one go .
10 But as well as indicating strong loyalist sympathies in the town , he had to inform that these were evidently not shared by Bruce 's own nephew , the new Earl of Carrick , Edward Bruce 's second son , who was lord there now and had handed over the castle , with his allegiance , to the usurper .
11 The textures and general characters of the gneisses suggest that these rocks have been metamorphosed to high grades such that they are migmatised ( melted ) in places .
12 The Loch Lang pollen record and its clear indications of mixed birch-hazel-oak-alder woodlands in the early and mid-post-glacial suggest that these southern-atlantic cryptogams may indeed be relicts from the period of more extensive woodland cover in the mid-post-glacial and these shade-demanding species have survived locally in ravines , gullies , and sheltered block litters on the Uists .
13 But developments in the eighties suggest that these fears are not as worrying as the very real fear about other libraries in Britain .
14 Some accounts also suggest that these waves swept over the low-lying parts of St Pierre , near the waterfront , causing some damage and casualties .
15 It used to be thought that this was temporary diabetes resulting from the stress of infarction , but present data suggest that these patients have undiagnosed diabetes before infarction ( Husband et al , 1983 ; Oswald et al , 1984 ) .
16 Data reported by Malingreau and Tucker ( 1988 ) , however , suggest that these estimates are incorrect and that conversion to pasture is at least as significant as shifting cultivation .
17 Medical theorists suggest that these experiences are actually hallucinations caused by the brain 's mood-controlling limbic system being starved of oxygen .
18 Again the higher values were measured by Robertson Research , and suggest that these strata were formerly buried to depths and temperatures sufficient to generate oil under a thick blanket of Permo-Triassic rocks that has since been removed .
19 We tentatively suggest that these observations support our working hypothesis , although there is no monotonic inverse relationship between incidence of plurals and incidence of use of both , as one might suspect .
20 In their later paper they suggest that these two types of anaphor are interpreted with respect to two aspects of text representation that are well-established within psycholinguistics : a superficial or surface-based aspect and a content-based one .
21 Recent surveys suggest that these are the foreign languages at present most in demand by employers .
22 The new results suggest that these galaxies undergo intermittent outbursts as a companion passes particularly close to them .
23 The wounds suggest that these dinosaurs were much more territorially inclined than had been thought .
24 In my book Nations and nationalism since 1780 I suggest that these short-term changes and shifts of ethnic identities constitute ‘ the area of national studies in which thinking and research are most urgently needed today ’ , and I maintain this view .
25 The authors suggest that these changes may reflect the publicity surrounding the Ford Pinto car scandal , and the various price-fixing conspiracy trials including the Folding-Carton industry trial in 1976 .
26 As the same alanine and glycine codons are present at these positions in both human and bovine cDNA sequences and because the human gene , where analysed ( data not shown ) , has the same intron/exon boundaries , we suggest that these conclusions are applicable to the GGF gene structure and to the mRNA splicing patterns in both species .
27 The isolation of a cDNA clone from testis of S. macroura and the long open reading frame in the M. eugenii genome suggest that these marsupial genes are not pseudogenes .
28 The synchronized variations between the redshifted components in the flux and the peak velocity suggest that these maser components have a common pumping source and are distributed within 0.1pc each other .
29 One such structure , the calciosome , was originally thought to be the InsP 3 -sensitive store , but recent studies on Purkinje neurons suggest that these organelles may be heterogeneous as some may be sensitive to ryanodine .
30 Trends in sickness absence since the 1950s suggest that these costs are likely to increase .
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