Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] other " in BNC.

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1 Similar problems may arise where other instantaneous means of communication are used .
2 In ‘ thin-soiled ’ Attica ( Thuc. i.2 ) the olive was unusually important : its deep roots could penetrate the subsoil and get into the rocks , enabling the tree to thrive where other plants could not .
3 It does seem however , from the evidence of the Australian National University concerning the Gogo lungfish , that a complicated scenario arose where other techniques of air-breathing occurred accidentally , and that air-sac creatures invaded freshwater habitats while the diaphragm-breathers became the first land inhabitants .
4 The fisherman on the bank could be the first person to notice that fish were dying or other water creatures were being affected by the pollutant that had suddenly appeared .
5 Any sign of browning or other discolouration could be the onset of die-back , and if this is confirmed , you may be able to trim it away , but if it goes back below the node , you will have to prune back to the next growth bud irrespective of its direction .
6 The work need to be carefully mounted and double checked for spelling or other errors .
7 Her water-melon breasts rest heavily on her lap and her cleavage starts where other women have a navel .
8 In either case the two lift carriages would be connected by balance rope or other gear and would be actuated by winding or other engines or by rack screw worm or other mechanical means of transmitting motion .
9 Other unification schemes suggest that other modes of proton decay should be more common , such as the decay into a muon and two .
10 Data from the New Zealand cot death study show that the prevalence of the prone sleeping position decreased before the campaign in New Zealand and suggest that other publicity , such as that generated by fundraising campaigns , may have had an influence .
11 We suggest that other staff should be encouraged to write , but we are aware that this activity lacks an RBGE platform .
12 In order to explain why only some women but not others who experience such problems develop depression , they suggest that other social factors ( such as a lack of a confiding relationship in marriage ) make some women more vulnerable than others .
13 Surveys suggest that other motorists could do much more to make life easier for disabled drivers .
14 Secondly , it is only right that your doctor should know , because if there is a significant change in your condition with homoeopathy , he will ascribe it to the wrong treatment if he does not know that other therapies have also been given .
15 However I managed to find Mr Jaggers ' office , noticing that other people were waiting for the great man too .
16 Campbell focuses on girl shoplifters , but it should be stressed that other females who shoplift , perhaps pensioners or single parents , might do so for more basic material needs .
17 Teachers will help each other , and heads and senior teachers will continue to provide their traditional extra assistance , but in addition to a school being run happily it now matters that other verifiable indicators of performance which form the basis of outside judgement are also taken fully into account .
18 Thus , capital income is typically less accurately reported than other items of income ( such as earnings ) , and consumption is not reported in the tax data , so an extraneous source ( the consumption survey ) has to be employed .
19 Indeed , I was slow to discover that other men had had this experience , for it had been possible to read books and to associate with men on other grounds …
20 He was always surprised to discover that other people did n't feel this way about him .
21 Diplomatic sources say that other South-east Asian countries which , like Hong Kong , have offered a port of first asylum to the fleeing Vietnamese , are closely watching the mandatory repatriation programme .
22 Sources say that other documents and depositions of Barnes trustees reveal much more manoeuvring on Lincoln 's behalf , all of which would be illegal .
23 Trout-fishing on the Kennet is now more or less back to normal , but anglers say that other rivers are still affected and anyone else who spoils their fun in future can expect to pay for it .
24 This figure also illustrates that other interest , in problems which scarcely seem to have presented themselves to sculptors in the rest of Greece : alike in the patterns discoverable in the pull and hang of clothes , and in the relation of clothes to the body beneath .
25 Shortly after Abe 's arrest it was reported that other members of the Miyazawa faction were being questioned in connection with the affair .
26 Yet during interviews with managers involved , I found that other factors were at work .
27 Expecting ongoing punishment for the drugs episode , I forget that other people have different timetables for both acceptance and forgiveness .
28 The 1910 Annual General Meeting is not reported although other events of that year are , in particular those of the ladies who according to the reports had yet to break 100 gross in a medal .
29 A school enjoying high status compared with its neighbours , located in a solid middle-class area , housed in relatively new buildings and already in receipt of other resources ( e.g. Technical and Vocational Education Initiative ( TVEI ) ) would be felt to have so much going for it already as to be less sympathetically considered than other schools .
30 Please do not be concerned about measuring how much NI has done over the years ; it is not easy to quantify the awareness , understanding and other benefits your publication has brought to the children of the Third World .
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