Example sentences of "[noun] within [art] " in BNC.

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1 THE WAR of words over the John Birt affair intensified yesterday when the former managing director of the BBC , Bill Cotton , criticised six senior journalists within the corporation for writing to the Times backing Mr Birt .
2 The traditional boundaries of a catchment area were frequently established by the LEA as homes within a fixed radius of the school .
3 Run in association with BBC Radio 5 , Radio Wimbledon will be accessible by way of special headsets in the grounds , as well as on radios in cars and homes within a radius of at least two miles .
4 Customers come mainly from the more socially deprived homes within the area .
5 Okay , I think the suggestion is , is that , that we identify er , er , homes within the east of the county and that is done by the P A G , is there any dissent from that ?
6 What they will do is give the GPs a role to play in allocating resources to the hospital services and will contribute nothing to the delivery of better VFM within the family practitioner services .
7 In March Hedilla had talks not only with members of the Comunión Tradicionalista , but also with some of the supporters of the Alphonsine dynasty , whose political future also depended on the outcome of what was becoming a bitter , subterranean confrontation within the main conflict against the Republic .
8 These probes were chosen on the basis of conserved sequences within the POU domain of octamer DNA binding proteins [ 8 ] .
9 Munich fully exposed the divisions and confusions within the peace movement .
10 The number of neutrons within the atomic nucleus of an element can vary , producing isotopes , for example , graphite , charcoal and diamond are isotopes of carbon .
11 I found that Winsor & Newton Liquid Acrylic Colour and ACP by Rotring performed exceptionally well , neither requiring dilution within an Aztec airbrush , and there was no hint of clogging .
12 Moves towards fiscal harmonisation within the European Community after this year could lead to lower diesel fuel prices in Britain , too .
13 The fact of Darwinian evolution and the fact of the irrefutable need of mankind for a ‘ god ’ are capable of complete harmonisation within the tenets of the Alternative Religion .
14 Since its introduction , the structure of VAT has gone through some significant changes and is again the focus of debate following pressures for tax harmonisation within the EEC .
15 Tohou opened the scoring in the 11th minute when she beat goalkeeper Jo Thompson and after Mary Nevill had levelled with a penalty stroke within a minute , Tohou made the game safe with her second goal two minutes from time .
16 They chart its effects on employment , on the division of labour within a family and on the care of children and elderly relatives .
17 it looks at the context of family life , ageing , the role of work and the division of labour within the household .
18 As long as the attitudes to women 's status and obligations and the division of labour within the family remain unchanged , it is difficult to believe that gender will be irrelevant to politics .
19 It is now generally accepted that there is a division of labour within the brain , with different parts of the brain carrying out different functions .
20 Men also gain from the unequal division of labour within the home , in which women do more than their fair share of housework .
21 There is , in other words , a division of labour within the home .
22 One could argue , for instance , that the conditions of work and the forms of division of labour within the operating unit should be the subject of democratic decision-making within that unit while the general investment policy of the enterprise should be decided at the ‘ higher ’ level , by means of a mechanism involving representatives from the operating units , central enterprise staff and national planners ( assuming , that is , the kind of investment planning referred to above ) .
23 Finally , we may designate the division of labour within the workshops as division of labour in detail ’ ( Marx , 1976 , p. 471 — emphasis added ) .
24 Finally , what he calls the ‘ division of labour in detail ’ will here be referred to as the division of labour within the enterprise .
25 For Marx , the further development of this form of division of labour in society appears as a prerequisite of the division of labour within the enterprise under capitalism :
26 In Marx 's view , this ‘ total mechanism ’ or regulated system of division of labour within the enterprise develops in two stages : those of manufacture proper , and large-scale machine industry .
27 To summarise this conception : for both Marx and Braverman the developed form of the division of labour within the capitalist enterprise is not so much a technical division of tasks — as in early manufacture — but a socially determined structure , reflecting the exigencies of the production of surplus value .
28 But the division of labour within the enterprise is not a juggernaut which crushes out all trace of ‘ skill ’ or peculiarity in the wage-labour of each and every branch of production , and neither can the ‘ capitalist ’ attain the Taylorist ideal of total control over labour .
29 If the division of labour within the enterprise were as ( tendentially ) uniform as Marx and Braverman suppose then there would be little problem in specifying this ‘ division by strata ’ : it would simply be the paradigmatic division within the enterprise ( mass of simple labour , restricted cadre of intellectual workers and N.C.O.s ) writ large .
30 However , the builder may be expected to make some contribution towards travelling time and costs where he has failed to obtain suitable sub-contract labour within the vicinity of the site and a subcontractor is requested to travel an excessive distance .
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