Example sentences of "[noun] still come " in BNC.

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1 Many diverse schools still come from Okinawa , but it is generally accepted that the mainstay of much of the karate that is practised in the world today is the original shotokan style , brought from Okinawa to Japan by karate 's modern-day founder and innovator , Gichin Funakoshi .
2 His euphoria was further fuelled by a delicious anticipation of pleasure still to come .
3 It was a full day later before Schmidt had been able to form a coherent sentence , though his words still came in a low , wracked whisper .
4 Susanna still comes to visit me sometimes , and we talk about the old days .
5 She walked further up the hill to where the golden light still came unhindered , following from one patch of sunlight to another as they fell through gaps in the houses , until she was in a little cul-de-sac quite open to it , ending at a railway .
6 Afterwards I sit with him in the room at the back , the late afternoon light still coming in through the windows .
7 There was better recognition still to come , adding professional achievement to a period of happiness in his private life .
8 Despite the need to return to a monetary economy under the liberal market conditions of NEP , by the end of 1922 over onethird of total revenue still came in the form of taxes in kind .
9 A third of SNI 's revenue still comes from mainframes , and 18 new 7500 machines running the enhanced BS2000/OSD1 operating system — promised to be Posix compliant and running the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment by the end of 1994 — will also emerge at Hannover .
10 This week has not seen the end of the row about Europe in the Conservative party , but merely a regrouping of forces for the battle still to come .
11 Many believe that there is a final Buddha still to come , who will be the Buddha of Love , as Gautama was the Buddha of enlightenment and wisdom .
12 Melody still came to the farm to help out with dairy work , but these days , much to Seb 's relief , she seemed content just to be near him , making no embarrassing demands .
13 ‘ A magnificent season — and Zarewitsch still to come .
14 The curists still come , it seems , to drink , gargle or bathe in the baths at the top of the town , but since the end of the last war the cure has been democratized ; in an age of health insurance many can afford it who before could not , and contemporary spa-goers both demand less and live less expensively than their more frivolous predecessors .
15 Despite becoming constant companions , she says his marriage proposal still came as a shock .
16 Curtailed in his researches he may have been , but Gould still came away from the parched furnace of the scrubs with some of the rarest novelties yet of his collection and a vast number of specimens of every description .
17 The transformation of what was little more than a set of lawyers ' chambers to a fully fledged government department is a story worth telling , with portents still to come .
18 Pursuing the concept that art and life are one , modern artists have chosen to use degradable materials concerned more with the nightmare of the present than with the recognition of generations still to come .
19 Some people in ICI still come up by one functional channel and reach the top , but most emerging people get the management development treatment rather like I did .
20 But prisoners still came here first for interrogation and waited here until the camp was full , when they were ‘ purged ’ to other camps .
21 Sunderland had a new manager to show off … a big crowd to shout them on … and the bounce of the ball … but Swindon still came out on top … mind you when Shaun Taylor gave away a penalty in the first half … things looked a bit dodgy …
22 A fund-raising target of £3,000 initiated on 30 November to buy a specialised bed for the Douglas Macmillan Home was reached before the end of last year — and has since been significantly exceeded with money still coming in .
23 I think it 's true to say as well , is n't it , Mr Treasurer , that there 's some money ticket money still to come .
24 Late roses tumbled over stone walls , Michaelmas daisies and chrysanthemums provided bright patches of colour , and the trees that surrounded the village were beginning to show the first hint of the glowing autumn colours still to come .
25 Palestinians still come to work in Israel , industry has adjusted and tourism shows signs of recovering .
26 Palestinians still come to work in Israel , industry has adjusted and tourism shows signs of recovering .
27 That such a beautiful woman should have a tongue dipped in acid still comes as a shock . ’
28 The maximum speed restriction is surprising considering that ZR-rated 255/60x16 Avon Turbospeed tyres are already standard equipment ; it is possible that the company wants to leave space for higher-performance versions still to come .
29 While approximately 80% of revenues still come from mainframe-related work , Haines sees open systems as a major growth area because , he says , MMT 's customers are generally drifting in that direction .
30 Gresham Telecomputing Plc , which last week released its first full year figures since the merger of the Gresham Group with Telecomputing Plc in 1991 is betting its future on the market 's movement towards open systems , despite the fact that its revenues still come from traditional ICL mainframe customers .
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