Example sentences of "[noun] still [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've stopped , ’ she said vaguely , her ears still ringing .
2 She was sitting on the veranda , her ears still straining for a sound of the departing plane .
3 In any case , for as long as they remain as powerful as they are and until the country is ready for a proper comprehensive system the grammar school should be preserved : ‘ It would , moreover , be absurd from a socialist point of view to close down the grammar school , while leaving the public schools still holding their present commanding position .
4 The decapitated head spun like a ball in the air , lips still moving ; his trunk stood for a few seconds in its own fountain of hot red gore before crashing on to the blood-stained ice .
5 She rubbed the back of her hand over her mouth in a vain bid to obliterate the taste and touch of his lips still tingling on hers .
6 However , with Vendelin Gajdusek out of town and that interview still hanging over her head , a missed trip to the third spa town of the triangle , she inwardly sighed , was the least of her worries !
7 The boat owner seized them , twisted the hooks from their mouths and tossed the fish , tails still flapping , into a bucket .
8 But when Graham left later , with something of the earlier benignity still binding him and Phoebe together , he had asked ,
9 When the door had opened to admit her , the waiting tension still gnawing at him had finally transformed itself into swift action , and he 'd been too busy quitting the bed and judging the right moment to attack to identify the intruder .
10 After that , everything was just the same with Mrs Parvis still complaining as much as ever .
11 ‘ We 've experience of two kinds of Darkfall , ’ continued Gilbert , still looking to find a way around Cardiff , the words still spilling out of him .
12 She had seen salvation for him in McAllister , that was for sure , and if Neil was more doubtful , about that and about her , with Havvie 's hateful words still ringing in his head , and his memory of her tortured face growing the more painful whenever he recalled it , the passing of time only accentuated the agony of his loss .
13 And for the second time since she 'd first met him , he turned on his heel and left her , his blistering words still seeming to echo in the very air around her .
14 Riven pulled his cloak up about his neck , his bones aching and stiff and his legs still complaining about the horse between them .
15 I shouted , my legs still shaking with fright .
16 As Dexter staggered out of the door , he saw the superintendent still pondering over Nicola 's letter , her face bathed in the light of her desk lamp .
17 For the thousands of fans still listening to Stones records today , it 's enough to know Brian Jones ' music .
18 ‘ You 've probably lain like that with dozens of women , ’ she threw back at him , not caring what she said as long as she could exorcise the intimate pictures still flashing through her mind .
19 Another Mitchell known as " Puddin " was for many years tree planter in the village and at the later part of the 19th century planted trees around the cemetery , always maintaining he was one short , and if one takes the trouble to look there is a gap still awaiting the missing tree .
20 I went to the Maly Opera Theatre that night and saw Verdi 's Otello , and with the voices still occupying my mind I decided to take a subway down the Nevsky and have a drink at the Astoria .
21 And there 's cranes still standing on an empty river ,
22 Tacitus tells us that this incursion was into the territory of Rome 's allies , and this could place it in the lower Severn , where Caratacus could have linked up with the other group of dissidents in the south-west still smarting from the operations of Vespasian , who with his sea-borne mobility swept right along the south coast , taking the Britons by surprise .
23 but the echoes of light still staining our eyelids .
24 Afterwards I sit with him in the room at the back , the late afternoon light still coming in through the windows .
25 CW still awaiting new keys from engraver .
26 There are only one or two quarries in the parish of Swanage still working , the majority being in Langton and Worth .
27 Given the amount of negative equity still locking in to the system , it may be instructive to look at the UK consumer 's reaction to lower interest rates .
28 And Souness ' attempt to sell Dean Saunders has hit the rocks with Aston Villa still refusing to pay Liverpool 's £2.3million asking price .
29 And the unstilled wheel still turning
30 This prospect appeared to recede after the Washington talks , however , as both sides reported little progress on outstanding issues , particularly on the provisions dealing with air- and sea-launched long-range missiles , with the Soviet side still seeking a treaty to cover air-launched cruise missiles carried by tactical fighters as well as by heavy bombers .
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