Example sentences of "[noun] only [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But other oil producing countries have claimed such taxes only contribute to the state revenues of rich , oil-consuming countries while reducing the earnings of developing countries dependent on oil exports .
2 They contain endlessly frustrated plantation slaves who are rebellious at assessments and in encounters with professionals , but whose views only reach daylight in fragmented and unvalidated form ; and they contain house slaves who agree with everything that goes on and use ‘ massa 's ’ language and concepts , but who believe something else all the time and are waiting for the day .
3 The alliance is cemented by that traditional political religion , forged in the previous century , which sees the natural law as most accessible to true believers , that it is obligatory to enforce its practice by law , and that those holding other views only have rights to put their views into practice when they are not seen by the bishops to do harm to the social fabric .
4 Some local authorities only support elderly residents in their own homes , whereas two authorities have no directly provided provision .
5 As the Post Office Authorities only favour us with two mails weekly at this time of the year , your impression of Saturday first will not reach this remote whisky-making comer of Her Majestie 's dominions until the morning will have dawned when Shepherds first received the tidings .
6 In practice , however , failures are often forestalled by governments that fear systemic contagion from the collapse of credit institutions ; and the authorities only allow mergers between big firms where they are convinced that competition will not suffer .
7 Leapor 's intellectual attainments are of no importance , and her poetic skills only obstruct her proper work in the kitchen .
8 It is already evident that new roads only generate new traffic , and the environmental impact is an absolute disaster .
9 The precepts of Confucius only make sense if the Son of Heaven to whom we offer loyalty and allegiance represents the power and dignity of the people .
10 However , it is clear that some collocations only exist in particular inflected forms [ Schuetze , forthcoming ] .
11 If the debt is unpaid at maturity the bank will in most cases only seek recourse to the exporter if non-payment is due to a contractual dispute .
12 The above four cases only scratch the surface .
13 Narrow definitions of money only include items that can be spent directly : items such as cash and current accounts in banks ( since they can be spent directly by using cheques ) .
14 However , these reactions only take place because of the presence of manufactured chlorine in the stratosphere .
15 Your five minutes only start when you make yourself known .
16 FIG. 2 Reaggregate cultures only support the development of 14-day CD4 - CD8 - TCR - thymic precursors when both epithelial and mesenchymal cells are present .
17 The fact that more sites have been identified as time passes shows that archaeological distribution maps only depict the activities of individual archaeologists or field societies up to any particular date , rather than the total picture of deserted medieval villages !
18 Major variations in formulation only occur in levels of alkalinity to deal with differing soil load expectations , the proportion and type of sequestrants , to balance the alkalinity and to cope with water hardness and the inclusion of minor ingredients .
19 But it should constantly be borne in mind that law and institutions only provide a framework for human activity and , in particular , for political activity .
20 His Mum only put flowers if people were coming .
21 if that was a possibility or if that became a possibility mum only live round the corner .
22 for a variety of reasons only work certain days .
23 The difference between them lies simply in the fact that while do situates the infinitive in time as an actualization , the modals only situate it as a potentiality .
24 He wants to give me two years , but the board only want to give me one .
25 Ella Pringle only let Luke into the Old Rectory because he said he was the Rector 's son .
26 The ‘ non-demographic ’ ( NDM ) projections only take account of expected trends in crime and the numbers sent to prison ; the ‘ demographic ’ ( DM ) projections also take into account expected changes in the age structure of the general population .
27 Of course TI is quick to note that these projections only take into account existing compilers .
28 Although these activities only relate to a fraction of the total number of UK library authorities , it may be hoped that they foreshadow a revival of interest in an essential and much neglected component of the book provision process .
29 It seems all the more of a waste if those long , cold hours only result in stale fish .
30 Such policies only make sense to the corporate investors and stem from the perceived need to avoid integrating the industry in any but the core capitalist countries .
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