Example sentences of "[noun] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 Design management is an extensive subject but there are small points of technique about the information needed for control and the control of design information which are seldom discussed but deserve to be mentioned .
2 The mother who speaks with obvious dread about a forthcoming visit to the dentist may be responsible for unintentionally passing on that fear to her child .
3 ‘ Was that … was that the hospital ? ’ she asked , a numbing dread about the fate of her cousin suddenly driving all else from her mind .
4 ‘ What I have been interested to witness over the last year to 18 months is a newly confident Left in the Socialist International saying we have a common formulation about the best way to proceed .
5 Events such as the extension of the franchise , the seizure of power by working-class parties , the fractionated and conflictual basis of state institutions , the crucial mediating role played by state bureaucracy , the higher material and social benefits granted to the working class and , perhaps most importantly , the fact that the forms of political representation and state intervention in different countries have shown remarkable dissimilarities over time and space , have all been difficult to accommodate within Marx 's and Engels 's original formulation about the nature of power in capitalist societies .
6 All I need was a blooming all I need was five point nought point five baking powder about a teaspoon
7 Now I 'm not I like I like the thought of but I prefer the thought of in work and how people can work together using this type of thing and think about it in the context of work rather than in the context that it talks about erm and it 'll be interesting to talk to you tomorrow so if to see what you think have the think about the things we 've talked about .
8 The exhibit 's called ’ Yellow Peril ’ , and is supposed to question the way we in the west think about the Chinese .
9 Our message is that have a think about an alternative possibility , about being much more high-key , much more pro-active rather than reactive .
10 He said he would be pressing for the expulsion of several members of the local association who had privately aired derogatory views about a black candidate while publicly supporting him .
11 And anyway I 'm going to leave that on one side now because it 's more erm a problem to reconciling Mill 's views about liberty with his views about a proper government rather than directly about governments , so I 'm just going to note that and move on now .
12 now at the end of the day , whatever your own views about a contingency fund are , bearing in mind that it 's service , not management charged , if the residence do n't agree can you simply dictate to them that they 've got to have a contingency fund ?
13 However , if biographies of artists are carefully examined , it will be found that they do not necessarily contain much art criticism at all ; a biographer may prefer not to express personal views about the artist 's work ; a book 's main thrust may be to describe the artist 's own aims and ideas .
14 I am writing to express my views about the Graf/Seles situation .
15 Three or four sharply conflicting views about the suitability of Michael Heseltine for the leadership of the Partei should it ever become vacant again .
16 Two US scientists have been awarded the chemistry prize for a discovery that has changed scientists ’ views about the origin of life .
17 By themselves the facts are neutral but in so far as moral views about the proper role of the media are based upon presumptions about facts , our empirical findings are bound to have moral implications .
18 By way of introduction , this chapter outlines three views about the proper role and status of the media : the Mobilizing Ideal , the Libertarian Ideal , and the Public Service Ideal .
19 This is not an attempt to deal with these ideals in a comprehensive way — no single empirical study could do that — but merely an attempt to see what bearing our factual findings may have upon moral views about the media .
20 There are nicely balanced views about the great commanders — Harris , Cochrane and Bennett — with careful avoidance of the temptation to be smart after the event .
21 The Commission 's point accords with the development of Stone 's own views about the perils of affective individualism and finds a prominent place in the opening theoretical section to the book .
22 He is especially critical of their views about the historical primacy of group marriage and the gens ( see below ) , because they were all three in different ways followers of Morgan 's rival , McLennan .
23 In the previous section we have examined Marx 's and Engels 's views about the evolution of the family .
24 Although there have been some famous poets who occupied this chair ( for example Matthew Arnold and W. H. Auden ) , it has much more commonly been occupied by dons ; and the point at issue when choosing candidates for the Chair of Poetry has very seldom been their views about the subject on which they are supposed to lecture , still less their competence to do so .
25 The choice of the European Family of Anti-Air Missiles ( Fams ) , rather than a rival American system , is likely to influence the French Government 's views about the BAe-Thomson link .
26 As I see it , these three attitudes are not different theories about what the brain is like , but three different views about the best way to study it .
27 After the meal , Stirling had a private conversation with the Prime Minister , and put forward his views about the future of his unit in strong terms .
28 Two views about the origin of mankind have been current among the most notable scientists and historians .
29 He held the same views about the dangers of Serbian nationalism , and he tried to defend Pavlović from his accusers .
30 However , regardless of views about the benefits of legislation ( and this remains , as we shall see , a matter of some controversy ) , the evidence in the 1980s was that simply leaving action to employers had left older workers in an exposed and vulnerable situation .
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