Example sentences of "[noun] then have " in BNC.

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1 Got the wrong fucking side then have we ?
2 If there is no particular justification for these categories , and they appear to be somewhat arbitrary , what faith can schools then have in them as a basis for review ?
3 The Secretary of State at the Department of Trade and Industry then has complete liberty to accept or reject these recommendations , and to decide whether , and how , they should be acted upon .
4 The trainer then has to decide whether the horse is being rather stubborn and refuses to work because he does not want to or because there is something preventing him from relaxing and settling down .
5 Once the source text is understood , the translator then has to tackle the task of producing a target version which can be accepted as a text in its own right .
6 Scott then had the cheek to tell me What can I put , good luck ?
7 What did I say , Scott then had the cheek to something me ?
8 In 1989 he was tipped to succeed Mr King when Mr Brooke was appointed , and despite his disappointment then has continued to covet the job and interest himself in Irish affairs .
9 The other parties then have two days after service to file written representations at court .
10 The practice then has to be " proved " by evidence as to the intention of the parties , expert evidence on a trade practice or usage , a trade or technical gloss on the meaning of a particular term , or even as a separate term implied into the rules .
11 Well that does n't matter if you 've got your , if you 've got your jack your jackety effect then have n't you ?
12 Having gone , it was clear that , if it reached there before any kind of serious and sensible peace proposal could be offered , … the task force then had to do something .
13 The teaching force then has the task of meeting the criteria established by these guidelines .
14 The revised format produced by the Senate is very unlikely to agree with that produced by the House of Representatives , so a joint Senate/House committee is then established to negotiate an agreed document , which the President then has to decide to accept , renegotiate , or veto ( usually in part rather than in its entirety ) .
15 The advantage of being able to store such a file on a direct access device in addresses which are directly related to the key then has to be balanced against the waste of space involved .
16 Shearer then had to clear after Dickins failed to hold another Cook kick .
17 The day 's individual performance came striker Gary MacDonald , who scored all four of his side 's goals in their 4–1 home win Blue Mark Outterside gave Blue Star the lead after six minutes , but the visitors then had Micky Robinson sent off for dangerous play .
18 England then had the best of the Lord 's Test ; true , West Indies lacked Richards , who was ill , but Edrich was absent too .
19 England then had lost their last seven wickets for 58 in the first innings and eight for 67 in the second .
20 The gunman then had turned to him .
21 UCCA then have to process it , they create a computer record , they photocopy it , and pass those papers then on to the universities .
22 The person with the cushion on their lap then has to stroke them on the head and say ‘ Poor pussy ’ without laughing .
23 In the evening abdominal and perineal shaves were carried out and Mr Reynolds then had a bath .
24 Our hero then has to cope not only with a lively two year old but also with his burgeoning infatuation for a woman quite a few rungs above him on the social ladder .
25 The script gave one a hint of what they were all about , but after that it was a question of backwards and forwards passing of sketches , ideas on backs of envelopes , bits of paper until ultimately we came down to this pepper-pot shape which Ray then had to translate into something which could be manipulated and made to work — which he did brilliantly .
26 The distressed parent then has an automatic thought that , since she can not control their behaviour , she is a bad person .
27 The district council then had to spend almost £250,000 to bail it out of a financial crisis .
28 What I , I intend to do is to , I think it would be unfortunate if , as the result of a major development which is actually funding this new junction , the County Council then has to pick up the bill for other ameliorating effects a little bit further on the network .
29 The response of the defendants then had to be looked at .
30 The child then has to work out how many paces to each side and where to turn through 90o .
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