Example sentences of "[noun] has so " in BNC.

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1 Hitachi was one of six Japanese companies invited to invest in Kaleida ( CI No 1,931 ) , and of the other five , only Toshiba Corp has so far stuck its head above the parapet with an agreement with Apple to license Kaleida technology and use it in jointly developed products ; others invited to join were Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , Sharp Corp , Sony Corp and NEC Corp .
2 British Rail has so far totally failed to do so .
3 so what 's the winning formula … how come Swindon has so many young golfing greats …
4 All these four reasons are subject to varying degrees of criticism : Unskilled manual jobs may well be done just as well , if not better , by the less educated ; resistance to change in employment can be affected more by the alternative job opportunities that are available than by levels of education ; advanced industrialisation has so atomised and de-skilled the production process that for many workers further or higher education is not necessary in their jobs , etc. , etc .
5 For these reasons I conclude that as a matter of interpretation the powers of the Director do not cease , as regards the questioning of the person under investigation , when he is charged ; that the principle of common sense , expressed in the maxim generalia specialibus non derogant , entails that the general provisions of the Code yield to the particular provisions of the Act of 1987 in cases to which that Act applies ; and that neither history nor logic demands that any qualification of what Parliament has so clearly enacted ought to be implied .
6 An in vivo uptake of polypeptides by human enterocytes has so far not been demonstrated , however .
7 The proliferation of this literature has so simplified going into our wilderness areas that readers are literally taken by the hand .
8 Ludwig is also the Emperor 's bodyguard and his mere presence has so far proven enough to discourage any attempts on the Emperor 's life .
9 All the same , the insurer has so far agreed to pay £8 million in compensation to investors , a significant pile of money even for a major company , and a nasty hit to take for one slip in its monitoring system .
10 West Germany has so far denied , although with a detectable degree of ambiguity , that any deal was made , preferring to point to the humanitarian reasons for allowing an evacuation of the embassy , and the pressure supposedly exerted on East Germany by the Soviet Union to bring the occupation to a speedy end .
11 But it was also a religious movement : the invasion by Christian knighthood of the infidel world ; it aroused the savagery for which war in the name of religion has so often been the excuse .
12 The Left Coalition has so far ruled out linking up with the conservatives again — the improbable alliance of last June has been blamed for much of their drop in support — but has already hinted that it would be willing to support a national unity government as proposed by the New Democrat leader Mr Constantine Mitsotakis .
13 The fighting has so disrupted the country that some observers believe it may divide between north and south along ethnic lines , or into a patchwork of Islamic fiefdoms controlled by the Mujahideen tribal warlords .
14 The Advanced Courses Development Programme has so far involved two phases of pilot courses , each phase having represented a stage in the progression from the current Advanced Courses system to a system based on the principles in the Policy Paper .
15 A simple , non-invasive method which could be used in clinical pharmacology to monitor the close relationship between these two variables has so far been lacking .
16 They can calculate all too clearly that the average value of sterling has fallen 17.5 per cent , ( and over 25 per cent against the dollar ) since September , and the price of fuel and raw materials for industry has so far risen by just over 10 per cent , while retail prices have actually fallen .
17 But a bungled , unlawful business deal has so far cost them £5.3m and led to the sacking of all the BRDC 's 12 directors .
18 With old people , the physical condition has so much bearing on the mental state .
19 An appeal fund set up after the tragedy has so far raised £149,664 in memory of James .
20 Mrs Lamport has so far had 26 rejection slips for her book .
21 Our starting point for analysing structure happens to have been with an exercise , the form of drama popularised by Brian Way , and yet little attempt has so far been made by him or by anyone else to show how these apparently slight adjustments within the structure of the exercise can seriously affect the outcome .
22 No attempt has so far been made to incorporate the two higher levels ( discourse rules and world knowledge ) within the present project .
23 This chapter has so far focused mainly upon south Korea and on the American-Soviet deliberations upon producing a unified administration .
24 The discussion in this chapter has so far not explicitly recognized the changes that have been taking place and will continue to take place in manufacturing methods .
25 FIERCE competition between building societies and National Savings has so far spared savers even sharper cuts in interest as the base rate falls .
26 Although this review has so far concentrated on those findings which reveal most clearly opposite visual hemifield superiorities for verbal and non-verbal ( especially visuo-spatial ) stimuli it is impossible for one familiar with work in this field not to be struck by the lability of the laterality effects reported ( Cohen , 1982 ) .
27 The pattern of ultrasonics at Rollright has so far remained elusive .
28 AS WITH all the coverage the Echo has so kindly given our Battle of the Atlantic project , ‘ Battle Stations ’ , I was delighted to read Will Rolston 's piece in Friday 's edition .
29 UI , an $11m affair , wants to retain its input into X/Open , but unless it can come to an arrangement over some other form of membership which OSF has so far failed to secure , it is likely to turn in its cards at the end of the year .
30 IRAS has so far been one of the most trouble-free scientific satellites ; even its orbit is within 20 m of the planned 900 km high path .
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