Example sentences of "[noun] had long " in BNC.

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1 Bischof had long conversations with him in Paris and London , in which they discussed choices to be made , goals to be pursued , and the practical and moral aspects of their work .
2 Most of our subjects had long duration disease and their diabetes was tightly controlled — both factors known to interfere with hypoglycaemia awareness .
3 Men in the rural setting had longer periods of unemployment , but fewer symptoms of depression , suggesting that the broad social context played a role in adaptation ( Gore , 1978 , p. 159 ) .
4 The girl with the cat had long hair , too , Louise remembered , but it was worn loose .
5 The southerners had longer legs and were generally of a less heavy conformation ; their skin was thicker , their coat less silky and they were slower to mature .
6 The brontosaurs had long necks ( lower picture ) that enabled them to reach the high-growing conifers prevalent in the Jurassic .
7 The African version of the stegosaur had long spikes all the way down to its tail , with spikes even on its back legs .
8 But Mr Blunkett said patients had no way of knowing why some consultants had longer queues for treatment .
9 It was a faint constellation lying between Leo and Gemini , and a twelfth of the world 's population born under its sign had long pincers and never let go .
10 The smelt mills had long flues that in some cases snaked up the hillside and across the fell .
11 ‘ She told me she and Mellor had long chats about politics , and that it had been suggested by the Prime Minister that at the end of the year Mellor would be made the new Party chairman . ’
12 Out study is broadly in agreement with those previously reported observations , with the exception that our patients had longer durations of contraction compared with the controls in contrast to the findings of Gill et al .
13 Some species had long spines ( anchors ? ) attached to the lower , thicker valve .
14 The old man had long white hair and a white beard .
15 However , some skins had long side-burns terminating at the lower jaw .
16 The girls had long ringlets of the deepest black that cascaded down their backs , while the boy 's hair , similarly black and lustrous , was tied in a ponytail at his neck .
17 The broadcasters were able to enliven their reports by incorporating actuality clips from the Chamber in about one-third of their parliamentary news stories , and these clips averaged between 25 and 77 seconds in duration , depending on the programme , which usually comprised about a quarter of the story ( exceptionally , BBC2 's Newsnight had longer stories , averaging eight minutes , and its average actuality length of 49.5 seconds comprised only 10% of these items ) .
18 Once again the meeting was a great success ; the Emperor had long conversations with the Prince Consort , Lord Palmerston and the Foreign Secretary , Lord Clarendon , while the Empress devoted herself to the Queen and the royal children .
19 Such favours were the cement of county politics , creating and maintaining political influence , for the Scottish gentry had long memories , both for kindness and injury , and if the latter was rarely , if ever , forgiven , neither was a favour forgotten .
20 The Board had long debates about whether the content of degrees in the areas should be for or in librarianship , what the academic content of study should be , and what career opportunities would be open to students if they were not subject graduates .
21 Swedish papers had longer words , while the English paper had about five words per sentence more .
22 Michael had long eyelashes and freckles that went down inside the neck of his uniform .
23 Though in the end his rights prevailed , the dispute had long repercussions on his control over the counts and castellans of the demesne .
24 ’ . Initially I was puzzled , until I realized he thought I had cut off my shirt sleeves , for in his force ( noted for its disciplined enforcement of a correct uniform presentation ) , all uniform shirts had long sleeves .
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