Example sentences of "[noun] to those " in BNC.

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1 It is an error , therefore , to oppose Freudian explanations of religion to those of Marx , Engels , Durkheim and Weber .
2 Consideration of funding in relation to population distribution and the needs of the region seems to indicate a low and decreasing ratio of support from South East Arts to those areas of North Kent which can generally recognized as the Medway area .
3 But , throughout his long career , he remained impervious to the explosions on the modern art front , remaining true to himself and evincing many similar characteristics to those of that earlier great East Anglian watercolourist John Sell Cotman , whom he greatly admired as , notably , in The Dales , 1961 .
4 Nevertheless , Chinese rugs made in the heart of the country ( Suiyuan , Paotao and Kansu ) had slightly different characteristics to those woven in East Turkestan , Mongolia and Tibet .
5 The former , in so far as he considers explanations at all , inclines to those that stress the purely mechanical relations between events .
6 And surprising people show surprising acts of kindness to those in my situation .
7 In deference to custom , there was a party in the child 's honour , central to which was a dish of peas , which symbolises the lessening of grief to those who have been in sorrow — never far from the Jewish consciousness , and of particular relevance to this family ; a copy of the scriptures was placed in the child 's hands , along with a pen — how especially appropriate for this child ! — which will have been followed by the usual Talmudic discussions in which , no doubt , Lyon and Solomon will have capped each other 's comments .
8 On leaving the voting station , electors are requested not to reveal the result to those who have yet to vote .
9 How all those immigrants and children of immigrants , that the Statue of Liberty , means a great deal to those Americans who whose parents or who came themselves from another country .
10 This time is small compared with the time for a signal at the speed of light to travel from the detectors at one side of the experiment to those , 6 metres away , at the other side .
11 I parked Armstrong in Golden Square , which is known as On Golden Pond to those who work in the posh offices there , and cut through Brewer Street .
12 She said the support of other world leaders ‘ would give a great morale boost to those soldiers who are fighting — they have to bear the brunt of the battle to uphold democracy . ’
13 In posing law as an external force to those it purports to control the judgment fails to recognize law 's part in constructing experience of the world ; how knowledge is possible only through categories and symbols of language ; how meaning is produced out of legal ordering of supposed differences .
14 Such efforts to engage with discourses on quality by means of notions like " taste " and " style " may be understood in terms of challenges issuing from the peripheries of the discipline , as well as beyond its boundaries , which called upon the leaders of English studies to provide an account of " literary quality " of at least equal force to those being generated outside the Review 's pages .
15 " Culture " provided a powerful countervailing force to those by now discredited attempts from the left during the 1930s to introduce " class as a category bearing on literature.a Liberty and individual freedom could now be defined in cultural rather than social or political terms as the free play of the human critical and evaluative impulse .
16 Assessment which is used for providing feedback to those most centrally concerned with a pupil 's learning , the pupil , the pupil 's teacher and parents , is often known as " formative " in contrast to " summative " which is mainly for external purposes .
17 When feedback to those centrally concerned with a pupil 's education is required then information on what the pupil knows and can do would be more valuable .
18 VFM auditing provides regular systematic feedback to those responsible for the initial formulation of objectives .
19 ‘ Tho ’ I was young Thomas Chatterton to those I met , I was a very Proteus to those who read my Works ' : Chatterton 's story is mostly told by himself , and with a felicity of cadence and of reference which can be caught in the sentence I have just quoted .
20 It was a smell so keen that it momentarily brought back the holiday she and Martin had spent in Amalfi , the trudge hand-in-hand up the winding road to the mountain-top , the pile of lemons and oranges by the roadside , putting their noses to those golden , pitted skins , the laughter and the happiness .
21 The applicant , as defendant to those proceedings , sought at a late stage to introduce a counterclaim for a declaration that the alternative accommodation offered by the local authority was unsuitable and unreasonable , and for damages .
22 The result was a general and generally admitted inferiority of British men-of-war to those of France .
23 Guideline 5 : Restrict your requests and demands to those that are :
24 An upholstered armchair , a cream cake , a flat desk-top , are all objects of luxury to those who finally return to ‘ stumble around their own culture with the clumsiness of returned astronauts , to be simply uncritically grateful to be a Westerner , living in a culture that seems suddenly very precious and vulnerable ’ .
25 It is not clear how far there were similar local grievances to those of the Kentishmen in some of the other shires which were involved in the revolt , notably Sussex and Surrey , although it is probable that the resentment of the citizens of Salisbury at the powers which the bishop exercised there may have been one factor behind the murder of Ayscough ( 7 ; 147 , pp.63 , 66–8 ) .
26 The resolution , which also called on Iraq to " allow immediate access by international humanitarian organizations to those in need of assistance " , made no provision for any action to force the Iraqi government to halt its campaign of repression against the Kurdish and Shia minorities .
27 An offer of coffee or tea and a glass of squash for the child are added indicators to those essential elements of marketing — attention to people and thoughtfulness .
28 That work be undertaken to identify indicators of information use in companies and to relate such indicators to those of business ‘ success ’ .
29 For example , the Department of the Environment makes heavy use of similar housing indicators to those used in assessing GRE and little use of economic indicators in deriving its ‘ Z-scores ’ , presented as item seven in table 9.7 , which are used to identify special areas .
30 Not until the appearance in United Nations World , dated May 1951 , of an article by Professor Hans Thirring , entitled ‘ Is Peron 's A-bomb a swindle ? ’ , was Richter spurred to put pen to paper But his rejoinder , ‘ Argentina has no atom bomb ’ in the July issue of that journal , was a disappointment to those expecting some scientific enlightenment .
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