Example sentences of "[noun] set into " in BNC.

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1 The ½in plywood partition is cut to 33⅝ × 15½in to set into the box 2in from the manifold side and 8in from the piston side .
2 She climbed the rickety steps set into the hillside and got up to the porch of the Katz house .
3 There were to be listening posts with recorded messages , sturdy steps set into inclines , handrails at strategic points and gates adapted for guide dogs .
4 Then she turned and eased herself over the lip , clambered down the old wooden steps set into the clay wall , and ran across towards the jetty .
5 They had strengthened structurally weak areas around doors and windows with layers of fired bricks set into the mud walls .
6 Wallmounted lights ( including lighting bricks set into the wall ) are a good choice for steps , while post-mounted lights , bollard-type lights or low-level lanterns are good for paths .
7 Blanche 's lips set into a pout of annoyance .
8 The dashed curves trace the results of a full access frequency load to 100 per cent packing , while the unbroken curves show the effect of adding records of average activity from the packing densities set into each curve .
9 The other sentry 's trouser-leg darkened as he shakily but hurriedly turned the locking wheel set into the wall .
10 Where the new season 's races have taken place , all have been on strips of man-made snow set into dun-coloured grass .
11 His mouth set into a rather grim line .
12 For just an instant his mouth set into a bitter line .
13 Colour showed along his cheekbones , and his mouth set into a very taut line .
14 Eleanor 's lovely mouth set into a not particularly lovely line .
15 Jessamy stared at him for a moment , then her mouth set into a line that was almost as determined as his own .
16 He pulled up in front of the high iron grille gates barring the entrance to a drive , saw in his headlights a speakphone set into one of the brick pillars .
17 Two rounds after the door is opened , the floor between the doors to 76 and 78 retracts and the passage becomes a pit , 4 yards deep , with jagged iron spikes set into the bottom .
18 Partners can be accused of anything and the department sets into motion as if he or she is guilty .
19 When gloom descends , the candle 's flame sets into relief Neneh 's African features — her strong , expressive mouth and dark , oval eyes .
20 Well , almost all of them , she corrected herself , her blue eyes darkening and her mouth setting into an uncharacteristically harsh line .
21 During the summer months I can usually get away with leaving my boat conveniently tied up to the pier , but only if I am at home to keep an eye on the weather : in Shetland , even in summer , a gale can blow up from the south east , causing a swell to set into the voe .
22 Attached to the bulkhead between the hold full of gas drums and the fuel pumps , there was a large brick of strange pliable material with a wired board and cube set into it .
23 From Robert 's description of the place I presume that it had once been an attic , for it was small , the ceiling sloped , and there was no window set into the wall .
24 ‘ From Robert 's description of the place , ’ he read , ‘ I presume that it had once been an attic , for it was small , the ceiling sloped , and there was no window set into the wall . ’
25 Elsewhere , buildings were entirely of timber-framed construction , either with their sills set into prepared trenches ( E ) or resting upon the ground surface ( F ) or based upon timber posts set into individual pits ( G ) or in linear trenches ( H ) .
26 The gate seemed strong and solid , with four big hinges set into the stone .
27 The captain was becoming worried by the amount of ice setting into the bay and was anxious not to be trapped .
28 When he reached the top , he stopped on the landing for a moment to allow his eyes to adjust ; there was illumination of a kind , coming down from a grimy skylight set into the angled ceiling , and it showed nothing much more than three old-fashioned doors and a bare wooden floor .
29 Bardul has a small stove with a chimney set into one flue here , where he brews Lustrian coffee ( he has many sealed tins of this here ) and cooks whatever he can find to eat .
30 By 1700 it had an outer polygonal timber palisade one sazhen high ( a sazhen is 2.13 metres ) and 1,500 sazhens in length , with five towers set into it .
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