Example sentences of "[noun] set before " in BNC.

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1 Your program should not , of curse , subsequently try to use variables set before the clear statement .
2 For the best part of an hour Brazil produced a dainty dish to set before the Queen of the Netherlands , who may have felt that she had something better to do than sit out a sparring match in driving rain .
3 Was n't that a dainty dish to set before a queen ( king )
4 For example , Lord Crowther-Hunt considers that the Queen would be perfectly " justified " in withholding her consent from a bill which sought to abolish the House of Lords even if the government proposing this had secured a mandate through the manifesto set before the people at a general election .
5 Lady Diana Cooper ( then in her eighty-eighth year ) who attended the event , said in her inimitable way : ‘ Was n't that a mighty feast to set before a King ! ’
6 The writer of the Book of Hebrews links the joy and suffering of Christ by saying : ‘ Let us fix our eyes on Jesus , the author and perfecter of our faith , who for the joy set before him endured the cross , scorning its shame , and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God . ’
7 Allied governments have sent the Russians several extra conditions to set before Iraq , most of them designed to make withdrawal as humiliating as possible for Mr Hussein .
8 It is difficult to see how anyone could notice the absence of white meat or fish with such an unending variety of tastes set before them .
9 Quite an example to set before 7-year-olds .
10 Given a military problem , Osbern of Eu and his men resembled nothing so much , Cormac thought , as a starving man with a knife set before a belly-piece of fat pork and an ale-horn .
11 In a similar way , the fact that the Prime Minister is leader of the party and the fact that the majority party in Parliament invariably supports the Prime Minister 's lead and the legislation set before them , does not " prove " that the party itself is without influence over the Prime Minister .
12 In this elegant , compassionate , deeply researched book , the tremendously caring Geoffrey Moorhouse sets before us the facts and figures , the jingoism , pride , pain , as well as the hideous smugness , the cock-ups , the arrogance , and the disasters made by ‘ those who know better ’ .
13 The china cup of brandy set before him was like nectar .
14 It had been glorious just to sit there at the huge dining table , with the sounds of the sea wafting up through the open window , feeling her exhaustion slip away from her , while the energetic Mrs Birkin set before the three of them course after delicious course .
15 Before the main feature , however , there were a couple of important sideshows to set before the drenched assembly in the shape of the Plate and Bowl finals .
16 On the grounds set before him . ’
17 However , it was also acknowledged that the task set before the filmmakers was so large that it defied reducing the complex series of events into a simple formula drama .
18 The partnership sensibly place their account of five Seidl setting before the Rellstab and Heine sings .
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