Example sentences of "[noun] bring over " in BNC.

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1 Fifty-three were the sons of MPs ( 18 per cent , much like the 17 per cent of Liberals ) and twelve of these sat for the same seat , although few like Stanley Baldwin succeeded directly ; fifteen of these fifty-three were sons of Liberals , further evidence of the value of recruits brought over in 1886 .
2 Sometimes the pastor found himself speaking to an empty church ; sometimes to a church filled with schoolchildren ; sometimes to a congregation supplemented by the relatives of islanders brought over from the mainland , and other tourists .
3 One of the village pubs , the Cherry Tree still has mementos of festivities at the well ; including a vial of well water mixed with river-water from the Ganges brought over for centenary celebrations in 1964 .
4 The barman brought over their hot toddies and Roy was glad of the few seconds ' reprieve .
5 Her knees were weak , and she sat down on a chair the press rep brought over for her ; she could not have trusted her legs to walk over to it .
6 The Cambridge Committee brought over at least seventy guaranteed children from Germany , mostly teenagers , who were all given a decent education .
7 The visit would not have been possible without their tremendous enthusiasm for our invitation , and we particularly thank John Neumeier for his determination to bring over one of his finest works .
8 There is also a collection of Wycliff 's writings brought over at the time of England 's Queen Anne .
9 According to the report Kuomintang troops brought over from the mainland massacred between 18,000 and 28,000 people following what was deemed to be a Communist-inspired rebellion which began on Feb. 28 , 1947 .
10 It is extremely probable that it was one of the many plants brought over to Britain by the Roman occupationary army to remind the legionaries , while they shivered in the damp foggy cold , of the warmth and dryness they had left behind at home .
11 There are over 50,000 Vietnamese in what used to be the GDR brought over in the Eighties as Gastarbeiter ( guest workers ) to do menial factory jobs .
12 Three days a week the Irish cross-channel boats brought over between 600 and 700 bales of bacon , requiring fourteen trucks to convey them to London .
13 Italian firm Same-Lamborghini brought over a pair of tractors for the Royal show with its extraordinary Global Monitor video system first seen at the Italian Bologna show .
14 i 'll bring my mate with me so then we just miss three ? are plans for such a game real ? ( joke i guess ? ) if so what kind of footwear should i bring over ?
15 With the help of a few sure-fire successes brought over from ITV , it gradually established itself , though still subsidized by the sub-scriptions .
16 By the end of April 1921 , the work was finished and they began to furnish the upstairs flat , mainly with items brought over from the house at Poplar , and to stock the shop with cameras , films and processing equipment .
17 In addition to its own application programming interfaces , IBM is also supporting the Express , Linda and Parallel Virtual Machine interfaces , which should help users bring over existing parallel programs to the new machine .
18 The author , Jane Pettigrew , has taken traditional recipes from Trust properties all over the British Isles and combined them with a fascinating account of the development of tea-drinking in this country , ever since Catharine of Braganza brought over a tea chest from Portugal as part of her dowry on her marriage to Charles II .
19 While cooperating closely with the RCM , children brought over from Germany under Youth Allyah auspices surrendered home comforts for the spartan discipline of the barrack room in agricultural training camps like Whittingham House near Edinburgh and Great Engham Farm and Pine Trees in Kent .
20 Nothing came of a suggestion to bring over a preacher from Germany to take care of the miners ' needs .
21 I am addressing this meeting , not because I am an expert in the field of training European teachers to teach their mother tongue , but because the Language Teaching Centre ( LTC ) of the University of York is running a project to bring over qualified language teachers from Germany and France and retrain them to teach their mother tongue as a foreign language in British schools .
22 To the same end , the clothes brought over from Germany were quietly removed .
23 In fact , he managed perfectly well if you did n't count a certain lack of variety in his evening meals and the fact that he was forever missing the lunch that the boys brought over from the mensa dead on twelve-thirty .
24 In spite of their weariness and thirst they declined to drink the water which the Europeans had been using and which was stored in half a dozen hip-baths brought over from the Residency a week earlier ( only one of which still contained any water ) .
25 By the autumn of 1935 the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission ( and Hector Charlesworth ) were replaced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation with a Director-General brought over from London in the person of W.E .
26 D my best one is the one that GrandPat brought over to show us .
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