Example sentences of "[noun] turn out " in BNC.

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1 This unusual experience turns out to be informative and fun .
2 A suitable plane at these parameter values turns out to be the plane , which includes C+ , and the return map obtained , for r-values just less than and just greater than , is shown schematically in Fig. 6.7 .
3 There are many new motorways not shown ; the detailed form of the roads is not reproduced faithfully ; and what is shown on the map to be an isolated settlement turns out to be hardly any bigger than the many other settlements you can see .
4 The disruptive rhetorical structure in this case turns out to be the undecidability between inside and outside worlds within the figure of metaphor .
5 Often the coincidence turns out , on the shortest examination , to be unremarkable : typically , it might consist of two acquaintances from school or university running into one another after a gap of several years .
6 The knumdrum where the people have gone has now been answered because the amount of domiciliary care needed to keep them out of residential places to meet their needs and wishes turns out to be very much less than we expected , on average less than seven hours a week .
7 But masked first-person narrative turns out to be deflected stream of consciousness — ‘ He was not really afraid ’ will only transpose into ‘ I 'm not really afraid ’ flitting through his head as he passes the landlady 's open kitchen door — so that the past tense collapses into the present , and we find we have put our finger on something pertinent to the novel 's urgency and attack and ( to borrow Andrew Forge 's ugly but useful key-term for late Monet ) its frontality .
8 NEVER say Canada can not produce unexpected changes , even if the change turns out to have a rather Canadian twist .
9 He crushed them up But this powder turns out to be Soneryl . ’
10 The ark turns out to be decidedly too hot to handle .
11 The difficulty is that , however strong in outline , the characterization turns out to be weak in detail .
12 It should therefore be of little surprise if the expenditure on inner city regeneration turns out to be a risible fraction of that necessary to have a major impact on the level of urban immiseration as long as it can still produce the sort of photogenic spectacle so clearly embodied in Birmingham 's super-prix or Phoenix 's grand prix , Boston and New York 's marathons or Liverpool 's Tall Ships Race .
13 Moreover this divergence turns out to have other consequences apart from the difference of interpretation with which we have started .
14 Since this second sufficient condition turns out to be of some importance , it might be useful to have an intuitive idea of what is involved .
15 Having been to confession and passed through ‘ the wall of fire ’ , Lewis wrote to Sister Penelope , ‘ the suggestion about an orgy of egoism turns out , like all the Enemy propaganda , to have just a grain of truth in it , but I have no doubt that the proper method of dealing with that is as I intend to do , to continue the practice .
16 They 've had some important and notable cup victories here in their time have Shrewsbury Town , but none can have been as dramatic as this match , whatever the final result turns out to be .
17 But the notion of an instrument turns out to be as empty as his posturing .
18 Attention in these films , like in realist films , is called to the referent , only the referent turns out to be , like the ear or the flowers in Blue Velvet and the imaged and real automobiles in Jules 's living quarters in Diva , a set of false , glossy , or monstrous signifiers .
19 Tomas turns out to be sexually as well as politically opportunistic , resulting in vengeance , desperation and a lot of emotional broken glass .
20 Certainly the Catholic Church had a vested interest in Aristotelian philosophy , but much of the conflict ostensibly between science and religion turns out to have been between new science and the sanctified science of the previous generation .
21 ‘ Let's just say , Mr Newman , that in so many murder enquiries the culprit turns out to be the person who discovered the body .
22 The English which is to be formulated as the major instrument for achieving the more general policy goals turns out to consist of systematic inculcation of linguistic practices , firmly aligned to a very specific sense of Englishness .
23 Thus jus in bello turns out to have considerable implications for conduct in peace-time , including in time of crisis .
24 Thus , on closer inspection , the issue of the ‘ underachievement ’ of black pupils in British schools turns out to be rather complex .
25 Sometimes , the model or theory being examined leads into a blind alley or the methodology turns out to be faulty , and the researcher feels as if the effort involved was worthless .
26 which is about the future and about as accurate as any forecasting of the future turns out to be , a robot agitator is formed in the shape of a young woman .
27 Recent ethnography of writing has demonstrated that the same is true for many contemporary societies now labelled ‘ literate ’ ; much of the practice turns out to be , as in Iran ( see below , Section 2 ) , writing names on crates of produce , keeping records of business transactions , writing cheques etc. , or , as in English factories , reading warning or instruction labels , one-word sign symbols and signing names or filling in forms ( see Section 3 ) .
28 The New Left was in practice turning out to be almost as bad as the Old Left when it came to defining political priorities and treating women as the cheer-leaders , nurturers and sexual services brigade of the revolution .
29 The door facing the entrance turned out to be a bathroom .
30 Walking without the wheelbarrow turned out to be a success .
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