Example sentences of "[noun] provide for " in BNC.

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1 The visitor pressures at Younger , Dawyck and Logan Gardens are much less severe , since these Gardens are all some way from major population centres , and Younger and Dawyck in particular have the acreage to provide for visitor dispersion .
2 It is surprising what can be achieved in an old and complex building to provide for disabled people and also how much the internal and external architecture can benefit from the refurbishment that the opportunities of converting a building for disabled access can provide .
3 The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act , which became law in 1970 , revolutionised the public attitude to the disabled , including the deaf , by imposing statutory duties upon local authorities to provide for their welfare and to help them to overcome their disabilities .
4 As yet , these schools account for only a small amount of annual expenditure — 3 million in 1989–90 — but the government 's expenditure plans provide for this sum to increase ( to 20 million by 1991–2 ) as more schools choose to ‘ opt out ’ of LEA control and financing ( HM Treasury , 1990 , Table 11.1 ) .
5 The Yasa provided for the settlement of disputes and affairs of honour only between the races of the True People , for they alone were equipped with the talons with which the kanly — formal mortal combat — was fought .
6 The flow of funds from the personal sector to the financial institutions does not only represent workers providing for their retirement , but also represents the accumulation of wealth whereby socially privileged strata transmit their cultural patrimony ( e.g. saving through endowment policies to provide for private education ) .
7 These proposals provide for the replacement of the present local authorities in the area .
8 From the north of England and Scotland , the proposals provide for through and connecting international trains .
9 Part one provides instruction in the use and practice of English in different types of communication , including essay , business letter and other forms of business writing ; activities provide for development of all the skills .
10 The advantages to be gained from effective planning and forecasting , and a company willingness to adapt to changing circumstances , stems from three main factors ; as follows : a ) The making of forecasts , and their eventual review , forces managers to think ahead , to look to the future , and to use their experience to provide for it .
11 Law Society rules provide for the way client money held by a solicitor should be accounted for , and the rules currently require solicitors to submit an annual accountant 's report .
12 The characteristics of the controlled authority are in some ways those of the classic bureaucracy , in which rules provide for all cases of need .
13 If the debtor is away , inquiry should also be made whether or not letters are being forwarded to an address within the jurisdiction ( England and Wales ) or elsewhere ; ( d ) if the debtor is represented by a solicitor , an attempt should be made to arrange an appointment for personal service through such solicitor … the rules provide for a solicitor accepting service of a statutory demand on behalf of his client but there is no similar provision in respect of service of a bankruptcy petition ; ( e ) the supporting affidavit should deal with all the above matters including all relevant facts as to the debtor 's whereabouts and whether the appointment letter(s) has/have been returned .
14 The reasoning in the lawyer/client cases can not automatically be transferred to the financial services area because of the particular nature of the lawyer/client relationship including the fact that in order to prove a breach of confidence a client might be forced to forfeit the lawyer/client privilege , and that the very restrictive Law Society rules provide for only a very limited role for the Chinese wall where law firms amalgamate and the clients consent .
15 As their name may suggest , the rules provide for what may happen in the event of a clearing member " appearing to the Clearing House to be unable , or to be likely to become unable , to meet his obligations in respect of one or more Contracts " .
16 In conjunction with the necessity to provide for the transition from estate duty to CT .
17 Leitmotif of this year 's conference was certainly the invocation to provide for American Indian representation in the host country 's cultural life .
18 The obligation of Member States to provide for and impose real and effective sanctions in respect of a breach of Community law has been derived by the European Court of Justice ( ECJ ) from two fundamental Community law principles : the principle of co-operation and the principle of effective judicial protection .
19 If the tax base is too small to support the welfare burden , there is not enough money to provide for the demand of welfare services and people have to do without .
20 As far as the actual average salary is concerned if you look at page nineteen paragraph K a white page on your report , page nineteen , paragraph K and there you will see that you 're promised an audit report on the position relating to teachers ' salaries , I can confirm that the position is consistent with the remarks that , that were made earlier on , cos you have within the budget here sufficient money to provide for our current estimate of next year 's actual earning salary in these schools .
21 Britain never adopted the terms of the Convention because the Government Actuary considered that it threatened to usurp the husband 's responsibility to provide for his family and because it would have resulted in the payment of higher National Health Insurance ( NHI ) contributions .
22 Some are the head of the family with husband and children dependent on their salary some are single parents and some rely on their income to provide for the shortfall in their partner 's earnings .
23 On Sept. 21 , US President George Bush promised that the USA , the UN 's biggest debtor owing an estimated US$700,000,000-US$800,000,000 in regular and peacekeeping dues , would in future ensure adequate financial support to provide for UN peacekeeping and humanitarian work .
24 The pressure on computer manufacturers to provide for the proper disposal of used computer equipment , which goes beyond dumping it into approved landfills , continues to build from both within and without the industry .
25 The modern legal aid scheme , which provides financial assistance ( subject to eligibility ) in connection with proceedings in most of our civil courts , has come a long way since 1495 when statute provided for poor people , at the discretion of the Lord Chancellor , to sue without payment to the Crown , and to have lawyers assigned to them without fee .
26 Organizations for linking , such as those which many LEAs provide for the primary-to-secondary move , have also done much to encourage the pooling of detailed information about the curriculum up to the age of 16 and the curriculum either in the technical or vocational context up to the age of 17 or 18 or in a tertiary college up to the age of 18 .
27 Lay officers were more dependent on the rewards of their secular offices to provide for themselves and for their families .
28 The Department may make basic funeral arrangements for anyone who is a client at the time of death if there is no other responsible person to make the arrangements or insufficient personal funds to provide for a funeral .
29 If the foundation of the UGC stands as an attempt to relate narrowly-based civil institutions to the concerns of public policy and national agency , the proposals contained in the Newbolt Report represent an attempt to provide for English a similar link with national policy .
30 The Articles of Association of the Association provide for the Council to conduct an enquiry to administer disciplinary action and in the case of an appeal to nominate an arbitrator .
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