Example sentences of "[noun] now become " in BNC.

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1 June 's having noticed him when they first met and her ability to put things into words now became unbearable to Robert .
2 The investigator is now extending the system to include divorce and illegitimacy and reaching beyond the second to further kinship degrees , such as great-grandchildren and great-grandparents now becoming common .
3 Clients now became appreciative of specialisms and saw the basic good sense of employing the building specialist , not only to put right a defect , but also to refurbish entire buildings .
4 In 1371 the Black Prince , a sick man , retired from the thankless task of ruling Aquitaine , and the English command now became fragmented .
5 Her own small bedroom now became her reading-room and there she would sit and read most afternoons , often with a mug of hot chocolate beside her .
6 The justification for this chapter now becomes very clear .
7 This second carrier is reduced , whereas the first carrier now becomes re-oxidised .
8 This was not due to the fact that the evidence for the descent of man from animals now became too overwhelming to resist , though , as it happened , it accumulated rapidly in the 1850s .
9 Kraal who had been Woil 's greatest mocker and enemy now became his greatest friend , for he admired Woil 's cunning and quick thinking , and grieved to see him so downcast .
10 Finished in the temperate sea paint scheme similar to the Royal Navy Historic Flight 's LS326 , Bob 's aircraft now becomes the second airworthy Swordfish in the world .
11 Cordelia now becomes part of the tragic substance rather than the innocent victim everyone believes she is .
12 Previous dramatic increases in uptake have now begun to level off , with changing patterns within the participating sectors now becoming more significant ; for example , schools ' candidate registrations have almost reached parity with the further education sector .
13 As Elector of Hanover George I had been at war with Charles XII of Sweden , one of the outstanding soldiers of his time , since October 1715 and England now became involved due to the frequent presence of an English fleet in the Baltic , which the Swedes were inclined to regard , as the English did the Channel , as a private sea of their own .
14 Bunyan now became a hero in the prevalent Whig and Liberal school of history as a victim in the struggle for conscience and freedom of speech .
15 The question now becomes that of deciding what precise proportion of any unexpectedly high price is due to the aggregate demand shock and what proportion is due to the relative demand shock .
16 Their concerns now became far more parochial and ethnic , and party considerations undoubtedly began to play a greater part .
17 The new digital telephone lines now becoming common have higher band width while special data links have still bigger band widths allowing much larger amounts of data to be transmitted per second .
18 ‘ A lot of it is charming because the way of speaking and attitudes of people in those days now becomes an amusing factor .
19 The symptoms that he had put up with for 20 years now became a real problem .
20 The drive for diversification now became intense , covering all establishments .
21 First , the leader of the majority group now becomes the leader of the council — a position many officers were reluctant to recognise even a few years ago — and acts as a political ‘ chief executive ’ .
22 Talbot Square now became a focal point on the tramway system , where the new town routes met the busy Promenade track , newly relaid and extended to the Gynn .
23 As the habitat was reduced , many species of animals that were common before the war now became rare , and many , such as rhinos , tigers , gibbons , douc langurs , pheasants and the eastern sarus crane now face extinction .
24 The accountant now becomes aware that the 1993 accounts will be subject to the pay and file provisions and the first tax payment is due on 1 October — just nine weeks away .
25 Judging their welfare now becomes in many ways a much easier matter since we do not have the intervention of mysterious interests which , on Regan 's model , they must be supposed to have yet will be unable to give voice to since they do not speak .
26 Assumptions now become part of the information system and it is this aspect which must not be overlooked by the manager .
27 The mass rally now became a powerful expression of national feeling .
28 The agenda now becomes clear : champagne in an ice-bucket , a pair of crystal glasses , a platter bearing two cold lobsters , a little still life of perfect fruits in a silver bowl .
29 As well as rehearsing the Girls Jessie Wharton now became companion to Mrs Tiller .
30 In Germany the dukes and counts — old royal officers now become semi-independent feudal lords — had obligations to produce knights for the imperial army .
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