Example sentences of "[noun] just [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , you will have gathered already that we are going to talk about Greater York , so I think there may be some distinct benefit and merit in you being he here to listen to that , er particular part of the topic , now the , I hope in fact that we can deal with the remainder of H One , because it it does lead quite logically into the next issue which we want to talk about , which is the new settlement in the Greater York area , er and I hope that we can get through this item by our morning break , that but whenever we do conclude on H One we will have to have a slightly longer break just to enable the seating arrangements to be sorted out properly for all participants who are involved in the discussion on the new settlement .
2 You have wi write about five hundred words just to cover each point .
3 Okay we changed a few words just to fit the words we could find , but yes , we , we had about a minute at the end , we read it through , and yes , it was fine .
4 I wish I had the nerve just to leave it , but I ca n't .
5 This acts as a commitment payment and demonstrates the seriousness of the vendors confirming that it is not their intention just to test the water and withdraw .
6 I told him about taking six months off and doing rep in the provinces just to get back in touch with live acting and live audiences and he reacted as if I told him I 'd had a mental breakdown .
7 So that if even if they reach through they 're going to have to break the lock just to get in .
8 And , and er then that midwife would po call and see them perhaps one well they call at six months just to make sure ev ev everything was alright .
9 It has taken Fraud Squad officers months just to obtain clearance from the Egyptian authorities for an evidence-gathering trip .
10 It 's expected to take two months just to identify and catalogue the antiques so they can be matched with items reported stolen.Two men are helping police with their inquiries .
11 So are you gon na have to restrict training in er operational flights jaguar at a stretch just to stretch out the hours ?
12 And once she 'd had the her arms in the dough , I had to stand by her side just to feed a drop of water gently .
13 She felt no particular guilt : merely that marriage was a kind of old-fashioned scale : a tray on either side in which the fors and againsts had somehow to be kept in balance , and that extramarital sex had sometimes to be heaped on one side just to keep it steady because indefinable things were piling on the other .
14 Those people whose names you 've just , you 've given me their details from , could I ask you er if the next time you see them if it 's within the next few days or certainly erm if , if you could over the next day or two give them a ring just to let them know that I do intend to contact them , I 'll probably contact them within the next week or so .
15 I used to play football just to get out the aggression .
16 Then she rang Information asking for the number of Clare Hall in Matson Illinois just to establish that it was real .
17 When , typically , TCG takes more than 20% of the proceeds of realisation , the investor would have to make a real gain of more than 25% on his new investment just to recoup the tax .
18 The introduction of the National Insurance and Workmen 's Compensation Acts meant that many employers were becoming reluctant to employ deaf people in case they had to pay higher premiums just to employ them .
19 Other people can be motivated into activity year-in-year-out just to acquire more and more money .
20 It was taking all her powers of concentration just to keep warm .
21 Well they have four cars they have this wee car for , to tow the caravan to the caravan sites on holiday and then he has his new car and the father has a Jaguar and then they 've some other wee car just to get them about you know .
22 I 've drawn some pictures just to show you what happens .
23 and proposals and I 'd like to start with a vote just to find out what kind of hundred this is , do you have a driving licence ? , button one for yes and button two for no seventy two of this hundred have a driving licence which I think is some way above the National average , let me ask you do you have the use of a car or other vehicle whenever you want it ? , button one for yes and button two for no and of seventy two er licence holders , sixty three have the use of a car which again I think is some way over the National average , now what cars do you have ? , now let see what people are driving here there
24 Get an upholsterer just to come and tidy it up
25 Glover grinned : ‘ I ran him at Ayr just to freshen him up .
26 Before this can be put into effect however , the Society must raise $110,000 just to keep its library open until 1 June , and must come up with an additional $2.5 million to cover a bare-boned operation from June 1993 to June 1994 .
27 Some market research just to see how many times you swear at me .
28 I 'll have to get this on tape just to prove that
29 You tended not to have room to use cameras on cranes , so you had to rely on pedestals just to get them in there .
30 It resembles the pictures of dancers frozen for all time by the potters who made the Greek vases just to display their feats .
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