Example sentences of "[noun] make the " in BNC.

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1 Nenna made the tea and lit the wood stove .
2 But there was no semblance of a fluke about the result — it was the fastest Gold Cup ever run — and as Norton 's Coin made the long walk past the stands to the winner 's enclosure he started to receive the reception he deserved .
3 A demand for dolphin meat for human consumption has been only a recent trend , but high transport costs from the remote Iki Island made the export of edible dolphin meat uneconomic .
4 Good manners demanding it , Luce made the formal introduction , adding perforce , ‘ Mr and Mrs Cook are staying in the same hotel . ’
5 After Charibert 's death Leudast made the mistake of wishing to see Tours transferred to the kingdom of Chilperic .
6 David Checketts was his first private secretary , a former squadron leader in the RAF who had been equerry to the Duke of Edinburgh , and was the perfect person to help the Prince make the transition from the armed services into a full-time working member of the ‘ family firm ’ .
7 The celebrated cases make the point that in spite of its ill-deserved reputation , Glasgow is actually more peaceful than a lot of other places I could think of … unless , of course , you were an innocent wee serving lassie in 1862 .
8 Why do authorities make the little things in life so difficult ?
9 In a story in yesterday 's Daily Mirror it was claimed that Arsenal centre-half Andy Linighan made the remark , including a comment about Adolf Hitler , after he refused to pay the fare to taxi driver Harry Levy .
10 An architect by profession , he took six months off work to help the builders make the house habitable , and then he and Anne painted it from top to bottom in a vibrant range of colour schemes , theirs is the tonic to take : the narrow winding staircase is an orangey red , the kitchen a pale blue , the living room a shade of yellow , the conservatory woodwork a blue-green , and so on .
11 The latest facelifts make the point .
12 In June 1913 the Union made the situation clear by issuing a booklet of eighty-five pages entitled Official Wages and Overtime List for all the Ports of the United Kingdom , the Continent and Australia on British Ships .
13 And the Union made the expected noises about not appointing a forensic scientist .
14 All summer English cricket has been highly suspicious about how the Pakistanis made the old ball swing about so violently .
15 With a few words of explanation Sophie made the introduction and as they walked together into the house her godmother said , ‘ I 'm afraid I 've got some news which wo n't please you , but first of all I want to hear yours . ’
16 It did n't take much anaesthetic to render the exhausted patient unconscious , and , as Sophie made the first incision , she put aside her dislike of being critically watched by her professional rival and concentrated on her life-saving task .
17 Durham County champion Craig Kilgour made the first steps towards his comeback last weekend when he was among a number of county players who took part in a coaching session held by English Golf Union coach Bill Ferguson .
18 A perspective of well working markets ( therefore the need for minimal government intervention ) and a balanced budget make the competing schools of thought more attractive to this group .
19 Takeshiba-O made the early pace followed by the two American horses Czar Alexander and Fort Marcy , while Piggott was content to keep Sir Ivor well covered up at the back of the field with La Lagune .
20 The egg shell skull rule and rule on extent of damage make the remoteness rules plaintiff friendly where personal injuries are suffered .
21 Swinburne read Greek and took English metric in hand ; Rossetti brought in the Italian primitives ; Fitzgerald made the only good poem of the time that has gone to the PeoPle ; it is called , and is to a great extent , a translation or mistranslation .
22 To begin with , people thought that electric charges could be arbitrarily big or small , but Faraday made the crucial step of showing that charged atoms , or ions , are always associated with a fixed amount of charge or some multiple thereof , suggesting atoms of electric charge .
23 With Marlboro 's backing , McLaren made the right decision : Hunt could continue to be himself .
24 The Norwegian biologist Thorleif Schjelderup-Ebbe made the first important observations on dominance , in the 1920s .
25 Wolverton made the wheels , track , track pins , turret base rings and powered mountings , and as the war progressed , produced this equipment for the A. 13 Cruiser , Matilda and Centaur tanks .
26 The 18-year-old 's enthusiasm made the first and third chances for Hendrie after 51 and 66 minutes .
27 A combination of impeccable service , lavishly decorated public rooms and fine cuisine make the St. Francis a landmark in itself .
28 Stoke made the breakthrough in the 51st minute , when Paul Ware scored from a 20-yard free kick after being fouled by Cooper .
29 ‘ So it was all set up , and your father 's known habit of shutting himself up with his scripts made the deception all the easier .
30 The bravery of men swimming ashore in these pioneer beach reconnaissances is beyond question , and knowing Norman Teacher as a friend , as well as being his CO , the Commander feels there is a strong probability that the young Lieutenant made the supreme sacrifice in swimming to his death rather than risking his capture , as others , too , may have done .
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