Example sentences of "[noun] out at " in BNC.

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1 As he walked on to the first tee he could n't get any proper words out at all , and so I was frightened to speak to him in case he thought I was teasing him .
2 She bit the words out at him , full of anger and resentment .
3 Till the wedding of her sister To a mister out at Bicester , name of Jimmy , who said , " Gim me , " So without 'em she went home ,
4 A modern complex out at the back is now the College .
5 There are moves to get hunslet out of Elland road … in particular there are plans to build a sports complex out at Stourton … it would be perfect close to the M1 even close to hunslet … ! ! !
6 It consists of stripping these compounds out at sewage treatment works .
7 Apart from one thing , the the lads out at taking this .
8 Dad Jim McCloskey senior , Bangor 's youth team coach , will rush from his side 's morning match to see son Jim junior stride out at Windsor Park in the colours of Glentoran .
9 But Rush is confident that any animosity has long-since faded and that his former boss is due for a hero 's welcome when he leads his side out at the ground he graced for 14 illustrious years as player and manager .
10 I made a booking for erm , two doubles and two singles for the seventh and eighth you 've sent me the confirmation out at the non-delegate price .
11 David Bailey er they 've all given prints for them to sell to help the funds out at the ce at the er Photo Gallery .
12 Sometimes when I take Kodiak out at night , I see Tommy staring at the house . ’
13 This was to involve the construction of a new Entrance Lock out at the main fairway into the Western Harbour and the fitting of large capacity pumping machinery to enable the total water area within the enclosed system to be maintained at an almost constant level .
14 One came from a great fire on the shore where the pirates sat singing and drinking ; the other came from the Hispaniola out at sea .
15 He pictured Belpan 's President as he had last seen him , barefoot and casting for bonefish from the end of the dock out at San Paul Key .
16 Now go on , go home and make yourself even more beautiful than you already are — knock their eyes out at the party . ’
17 I cried my eyes out at that !
18 ‘ Hepzibah said it was just like putting a light out at the end of a day . ’
19 I do n't put the light out at ten do I ?
20 Their ages ranged from about fourteen to fifty , but the majority were youngsters out at work all day who were losing out on regular schooling .
21 Oh about erm three feet deep I reckon they were , I mean to load up er eight hundred tonnes , which we average these hoppers out at , er er we were getting a good soil we 'd load up eight hundred tonne in an hour and a half to two hours , between hour and a half to two hours we 'd be loaded , that 's all depend on what you was dredging , you might be interested in and , and go quicker , if you were dredging greenfly that 's be alright you 'd , if you dredged peat well that hopper would be full but it would n't be half lo it 'd be half loaded you see , be half way down to the plimsoll mark .
22 On sentry duty one night , in the magazine of all places , I propped myself with my rifle on guard in a corner and somehow or other managed to let my feet out at about 30° to 35° to the vertical , and I fell asleep .
23 And I said , You flat out there avoiding it so he said erm you 've accuse us of erm taking slates out at night .
24 Eva had pretended she would have to do office work until after lunch on the Sunday , when in fact she had wanted to have lunch out at a cafe with a girlfriend .
25 We thought the difference was going to work out at around £60 .
26 Kruger did n't soil himself with the lucre , but Lorre had his fist out at every opportunity , and was wadding the bills into a fat , healthy roll while his master attempted union with the Infinite .
27 If you are going up to senior positions movement is essential ; even people who may plateau out at middle management will have done a lot of different jobs for three , four , five years .
28 It may help him to take his wheelchair out at first : pushing it may help him to balance more easily .
29 She thought that if she went there while the maid was cleaning , Theresa and Anthony out at work , she could nick the netsukes if she was quick and clever , and the maid would not notice .
30 If somebody takes a Covermaster plan out at twenty five , we expect them to be paying it for a long time , if he takes it out at fifty five , we expect him to pay less .
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