Example sentences of "[noun] do not " in BNC.

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1 What the layman is supposed to do the authors do not wish to contemplate . ’
2 The electorate did not need to be a democratic one , and as a general rule was not ; all that was needed was an electorate consisting of the men of substance , so that the government would be responsive to their choices .
3 In 1973 the government ran a considerable campaign to instruct electors how to record their votes under the system of proportional representation , but it was thought that after the experience of two proportional representation elections in 1973 the electorate did not need to be more than reminded of what was required .
4 Official figures indicated that more than half the 2,900,000 electorate did not vote .
5 However , the electorate did not trust the Conservatives on full employment policy , and this feeling was confirmed by the aggressive anti-socialist tenor of the election campaign , when the rallying cry was for decontrol as quickly as possible .
6 The secret news from Dunegal of Nithsdale , using a name that only Thorfinn would recognise , that Thorfinn did not talk of at all , at least before Groa .
7 Good words do not last long until they amount to something …
8 There are countless books and pamphlets on chairmanship but the words do not amount to much until you actually take charge .
9 The first and perhaps most important point is that these words do not attribute property directly either to the trustee ( B ) or to the beneficiary ( C ) .
10 The fateful words do not establish a trust in favour of him , but instead a trust at his expense in favour of another person .
11 Ulpian 's words do not at all suggest that a remedy available for legacies was extended to cover trusts as well , but the reverse .
12 Sometimes , with the best of intentions , the words do not come out quite right .
13 If what is said is contradicted by what is seen — that is when the words do not ‘ match ’ the facial expression — then , to the astute observer , it is the words which will be disregarded , and what is seen will a believed .
14 When we have a hunch that somebody is telling lies , for instance , ‘ what we really mean is that their body language and their spoken words do not agree . ’
15 It is a common critical stance to praise Tolkien 's conception , often somewhat vaguely , or with even more vagueness his ‘ mythological ’ or ‘ mythopoeic ’ powers ; but then to declare that the words do not live up to the things , the style ‘ is quite inadequate to the theme ’ .
16 The popular notion that words do not hurt you is by no means endorsed among women survivors of male violence .
17 However words do not combine arbitrarily to form phrases and sentences , so higher level constraints can be applied to reduce the remaining ambiguity .
18 These words do not have an absolute meaning , since it varies according to context .
19 There are two reasons for this : ( a ) the correct words do not have a proven semantic relationship ( unlike the semantic pairs ) , and ( b ) the control words are not artificially selected but instead are random orthographic derivations of the correct words and therefore not necessarily unrelated .
20 Bible words do not have magical powers in themselves , but because all words express ideas , and ideas lie behind action , the word of God is a mighty weapon to influence men 's convictions and conduct .
21 But whatever we call it , this sense that words do not just have their face-value meaning , but are to be critically interpreted as indicators of tone and attitude , is an essential part of James 's technique .
22 One difficulty is that the approach is not sufficiently general : many words do not in any straightforward way denote classes of potential referents ( consider air , some , usually , however ) .
23 The Court of Appeal in that case thought that the distinction between larceny by a trick and obtaining by false pretences depended on the presence in the Larceny Act of the words ‘ without the consent of the owner , ’ and , as these words do not appear in the definition of theft , the distinction is gone ; all cases of obtaining by deception , contrary to section 15 , are also theft .
24 Which of these words do not describe the character of the music ?
25 Which of these words do not describe the character of the music .
26 The grapheme is the dominant unit ( since , although most — ead words do not have ‘ ee ’ pronunciation , a large majority of the subjects gave this pronunciation ) but not the only one .
27 He emphasizes that words do not depend on reality for their meaning .
28 This reveals that these words do not just carry information about proportions but also about speakers ' expectations , and even speakers ' expectations about hearers ' expectations and so on .
29 A well-designed communication structure can do much to minimize this by recognizing the fact that words do not have specific meanings until they are defined for a particular purpose .
30 Briefly the requirements for short story are for fictional narrative based er narrative based scripts of two thousand one hundred to two thousand three hundred words do not use a factual accounts or anything longer or shorter on this , nor can we consider 60 Writers Monthly
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