Example sentences of "[noun] have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The language that the layman has to learn is not the original machine code or even the more modern FORTRAN or PASCAL , which is used by scientists , but is generally BASIC , which , as its name denotes , is a very straightforward set of instructions in simple English .
2 The next thing the retailer has to get right is the price of the goods he sells .
3 The retailer has to work out what the ideal stock level will be , and try to keep numbers very close to that .
4 Competition , therefore , is something the retailer has to consider very carefully .
5 Out of his profits , the retailer has to pay all the costs involved in running the shop , that is , his overheads .
6 In these unnervingly fast-moving times , even the most established on institutions has to keep recreating itself to capitalise on its attributes — or to avoid extinction .
7 Thus , it is suggested , the application of modern technology to housework merely changes the tasks a housewife has to do without significantly reducing her overall workload .
8 But in the end the housewife has to encourage and reward herself .
9 The housewife has to get the washing there in the first place , she has to unload it , sort it , sit and watch it wash and dry ( or dash out to shop in the interim ) and then pack it all up again .
10 Its building standards are far higher than present UK Building Regulations , and every new building has to comply .
11 The awful truth of Penny 's childhood and young womanhood is that the abuse never ended — and someone with the right counselling skills has to help her to unburden herself .
12 Moreover the interpreter of a text has to make a decision on the relative importance of the different elements in a work , and he has to find a way of relating these elements to one another .
13 Considerations of finance are important in relation to that , because I do not believe that British Rail has to build an underground station in order to achieve its purpose .
14 How can an environmental impact assessment state that there will be no likely impact when British Rail has to admit that people will have to be temporarily rehoused ?
15 Remains are scanty and conjecture has to take the place of evidence .
16 What can be found will inevitably vary according to the area under study and the survival of evidence , but it may be wise to capitalise on whatever special feature the particular settlement has to offer , perhaps an old building , church or archaeological site .
17 This is not easy , however , because the male has to build the nest and guard his partner at the same time .
18 In fact this is more interesting than you may think because female hyenas have a pseudo-penis , they have , they have a pseudo-scrotum and a pseudo-penis , reasons which are n't fully understood and in order to mate , the male has to insert his real penis into the female pseudo-penis in order to reach her her genital and it 's a bit complicated .
19 Each time she does so , the male has to dig down to the buried vegetation and cover it over again .
20 The new Christian has to learn the old hymns and to appreciate them .
21 A child is duly conceived , but before ever it is born , there is a breakdown of relationships between Sarah and Hagar , and Hagar has to flee into the desert .
22 If the excitation of A is removed and B is excited with positive current then alignment of the stator and rotor teeth has to occur under poles 4,8 of section X and poles 2,6 of section Y. The rotor moves one step clockwise to attain the correct position .
23 Now , on admission to hospital , the AL of communicating has to continue while assuming the sick role or patient role discussed on page 46 .
24 Removal has to happen very soon after death — afterwards the body is returned to the relatives for burial or cremation .
25 The way I wear my hair has to suit my dress . ’
26 The last story has to do with the girlfriend of a friend .
27 The story has to do with Titus preparing to inherit Gormenghast as ambitious kitchen boy Steerpike leaves a trail of death and destruction in his wake .
28 But the story has to move on . ’
29 But if that is our conclusion , then we miss perhaps the most profound contribution this story has to make to theology and to faith .
30 So , go to a considerable amount of trouble to , first , find the point where your story has to begin , where the first absolutely necessary fact has to be put before the reader , then work equally hard to find a form of words to state it that will catch your reader as firmly as Ruth Rendell catches hers .
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