Example sentences of "[noun] not have " in BNC.

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1 However the homoeopathic physician will also administer a remedy , as well as giving a prescription for the antibiotic , with instructions that should the remedy not have worked within an hour or two , the antibiotic should be obtained .
2 Ireland prepared to face Cuba today ( 11.00 BST ) with the unenviable record of being the only side not to have scored a goal in the 12-team tournament .
3 ‘ We are the biggest club in football not to have had any recent success , but right now the city is rocking .
4 In a later case in which service had been attempted in Belgium , the Belgian Central Authority certified that service had proved impossible , the defendant not having been found at the address given .
5 It was a disappointment not having children , but there were millions of couples who did n't have children , and of course there were far worse things than that , as the war had just displayed .
6 overpower , you know , creep up on you , I , I 'd , it 'd just get the better of me Eric that 's why I got really the other one you see and that , I , I have n't come to any harm not having it , and erm I 've just got to get rid of this because it 's , I 'd do a lot more Eric if it were n't for the television , I know I 'll miss it when I get rid of it you see , it has been described as a plug-in drug
7 He drew her close again and they fell silent , Rachel reflecting on how hard it must have been for David not to have told her what had really happened between himself and her sister , then another thought struck her .
8 An unemployed actor went to his agent to complain about his agent not having found him any work in months .
9 Simon Fraser , the SLF director , said : ‘ In spite of what Government and others might say about quota not having a value , there are clearly farmers willing to pay very large sums for the rights to Sheep Annual Premium .
10 Why , though , could these supposed championship contenders not have tried to emulate the fine passing that had sprinkled the previous weekend 's Merseyside joust ?
11 Would the same result not have been obtained without the group ?
12 This ‘ withdrawal ’ — which can be explained as a collective , dignified attempt not to have any truck with the enterprise except on one 's own terms — which an outsider can describe as apathy or schizoid withdrawal — has far-reaching political consequences .
13 It was also a change for me sea fishing not to have to wear clothes — at least not many .
14 wardens and whatever , we do n't take the double yellow lines half seriously enough , erm and I think parking generally is , is something we 're very bad at and I 'm an occasional sinner in this respect too , but it , it did strike me the other day , erm paying a fifteen pound fine for parking on a single yellow line on a Sunday afternoon but I had n't noticed a sign that said I should n't , erm paying that fifteen pound fine in other words not having paid the six pound instant fine , I remember thinking that , really there 's , there was no way of talking back , and I had in fact attempted an explanation as to why I 'd done it , and explained the reasons why I thought this really was very overlookable on the side of the law , erm I do n't suppose they paid much attention to it , I do n't imagine giving it a moment 's thought at all .
15 We are one of the few companies in the pet food industry not to have seen a decline in sales during this period as wholesalers and retailers reduce stocks to compensate for the high interest rates .
16 And it 's easier in the short term not to have In the long term you get more problems .
17 Mr Trimble told the Speaker he appreciated that it was the normal practice not to have immediate statements on specific terrorist incidents ‘ because that amplifies the terror ’ .
18 This may mean combining data from many centres of subjects who are shown on at least one occasion at the start of regular screening not to have polyps .
19 ‘ I 've come ter ask yer , if we car n't 'ave the 'all , would yer be kind enough ter lend us some crocks an' chairs ?
20 ‘ We car n't 'ave the use of the 'all Dad , and we car n't 'ave the celebrations in the yard neither !
21 ‘ We car n't 'ave the use of the 'all Dad , and we car n't 'ave the celebrations in the yard neither !
22 The local authority would have moved from E o to E 1 had the grant not had any conditions binding .
23 To which I might say that , rationalist or not , I had spent too many years in my capacity as church architect investigating the fossils of a dead faith not to have imbibed something of the old superstitions .
24 This now enables the Commission to investigate and control those " concentrations " ( i.e. mergers and takeovers ) which have a " Community dimension " , while those mergers not having a Community dimension remain subject to domestic policies .
25 First , it can be said not merely that C does not sue for breach of contract between A and B , but that his cause of action actually depends upon the contract not having been broken .
26 The evening was an enjoyable affair and it made a pleasant change not to have to leave Sally behind .
27 In the latter case , could the GP not have discussed this with the individual first ? why resort to possible compulsory powers ?
28 Could Puttnam not have done more himself to change the cultural attitude of governments ?
29 Even sellers may prefer their buyer not to have the option to assign the contract , given that one of the important factors for sellers when deciding to enter into a contract may well be the creditworthiness of the buyer .
30 They had become the first team ever to escape relegation from the top division not having won an away game .
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