Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh adv] well " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The debt burden which resulted in a net transfer of over US$30 billion in 1986 to the industrialised countries from the developing where well over 800 million people live in poverty and misery ( beyond any rational definition of human decency ) , in which over 40,000 children die every day from malnutrition and disease , in which 2/3 of the world 's people live — is a scandal ’
2 A manager is accountable to his superiors in the organisation for his actions and he is obliged to report to his superior how well he has exercised his responsibility and the use of the authority delegated to him .
3 Although as a breed pension providers act very conservatively , and moreover , your money would be protected under the strict rules brought in by the Financial Services Act , no one can forecast with total confidence how well or otherwise any particular investment will do .
4 But then I thought , Where would we be without the night watchmen of the world , guys with the talent to ignore totally what 's staring the rest of us in the eyeballs and tell us , in a good firm voice , preferably with a couple of well-chosen statistics how well it all is ?
5 Q. How well does your business fit in with the rest of Courtaulds ?
6 Properly calculated and regularly reported , intangible-asset values are an additional signal showing investors how well , or badly , bosses are husbanding a bank 's resources .
7 PAMELA : Do n't bid me say how well I can …
8 The next day I told my surgeon how well I felt .
9 However , it is not clear from the information presented by Burr how well he has been able to cope with the irregular morphological structure of English .
10 After he had left the office his senior colleague observed with undisguised admiration how well Fred knew his district and how valuable it was for an officer to have such knowledge at his fingertips .
11 Although there is a slight element of gamble with money purchase schemes , in that no one can forecast with certainty how well or badly a pension fund might do , in practice most trustees act very conservatively .
12 We asked men how well equipped they are for sex , both physically and mentally .
13 No matter how well intentioned an author may be , no matter how good his work is considered , a lavish photographic book of this kind , and of this price , must stand or fall on the sheer quality of the pictures selected and the way in which they are presented .
14 No matter how well you eat , your body ( particularly heart and lungs ) is bound to suffer if you smoke and drink alcohol .
15 His insecurity will persist so long as he bottles up change , no matter how well his ruling party behaves .
16 strongly of the opinion that the time has arrived when hasty experiments of a socialistic character , no matter how well intentioned — involving heavy public expenditure — should be scrutinised very closely … .
17 Some fruit trees produce crops on their own , but many varieties of apples , pears , plums and cherries will not fruit in isolation , no matter how well grown .
18 Since even the best attested fact of the history of the past can possess no more than a very high degree of probability and since , by definition , Christian and indeed all religious faith must from the believer 's point of view be absolutely certain and secure , can faith ever be said to depend upon an historical fact , no matter how well established ?
19 No matter how well you think that you know a river or loch , by the end of the day you will have acquired some piece of additional , vital information to add to your store of knowledge .
20 No matter how well produced , written reports sometimes fail to command the degree of attention or concern which the situation justifies .
21 It has generally been found that people can only absorb around seven key ideas in any verbal presentation , no matter how well conveyed .
22 The course , intended to occupy three years , was manifestly beyond the power of one single professor , no matter how well qualified .
23 Maybe you will have found that , no matter how well the bridle line lengths have been equated , all your left-hand loops are larger than your right-hand loops .
24 ‘ No matter how well briefed you 've been ’ , he says , ‘ nothing can prepare you for the shock of international rugby .
25 Hunt meant that no matter how well he now did , Niki had to do considerably less well than he had done so far if he , James , was going to have any chance to catch him .
26 To many economists the cause of the difficulty lies in an institution , central planning , which can not achieve balanced growth and innovation in a mature , sophisticated economy no matter how well it is managed .
27 In the long run it is not the game wardens — no matter how well financed by international organisations — who will ensure the success of wildlife conservation , but the people who live side by side with wildlife .
28 A group needs time for the processes to develop to turn a number of individuals into a group , no matter how well they know each other .
29 No matter how well an organization 's strategic actors perceive leadership issues and pursue solutions they must secure organizational dominance and consensus , or at least obedience , for their goals .
30 The video quickly became a mandatory part of the pop star 's armoury ; no performer , no matter how well established , could afford to ignore it ; the simple truth was that without a video a record stood less chance of becoming a hit .
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