Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] use " in BNC.

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1 These words were used specifically of Whitman 's writing about lilacs or the mocking-bird , and revealing that at such moments his theories and beliefs dropped away like needless pretexts .
2 Both words were used to push the Morrissey vision of men 's liberation ; not , as it may sound , a freedom given to the Penthouse reading hordes but a glimpse of Morrissey 's ideal world where gender barriers are entirely dispensed with .
3 The same words were used when Princess Anne 's separation from Mark Phillips was announced , and Penny Junor believes that just as Princess Anne eventually divorced so she could remarry , so Prince Charles and Princess Diana will divorce in time .
4 In dealing with the allegation of infringement of a trade mark , Lord Justice Dillon said that there could only be such an infringement if the words were used by an offender in the trade mark sense .
5 In section 265 , for example , terms such as ‘ domiciled , ’ ‘ personally present , ’ ‘ ordinarily resident , ’ have had attributed to them , both in the context of bankruptcy and in that of civil procedure generally , a wealth of refined construction which it is difficult to suppose Parliament did not intend equally to apply when those words were used in the Act of 1986 .
6 In experiments by Beaton , Sykes , King and Jones ( 1982 ) low imagery words were used as well and the results suggested that there was indeed an interaction between these variables .
7 Both these words were used in medieval times ; and we can understand the word knacker as an equivalent for harness-maker when we learn that it comes from an Icelandic root , knakkr , meaning a saddle .
8 The same procedure was adopted as for the immediate recall part of the experiment but words were used from set B. However , before the subject was allowed to recall the words an arbitrary three digit number , provided below the word list for each trial , was given to the subject and the subject asked to repeat the number and count backwards by threes as fast as they could for thirty seconds .
9 I , I think they want to find out exactly how words were used
10 When steel was being tempered , hazel twigs were used to test the metal 's heat , the stick about a foot long was rubbed on the steel .
11 Isolated vesicles were used in the first direct demonstration of Na + /H + exchange , by Murer in rabbit jejunum .
12 I once taught a student who claimed to believe in Satan but thought that demons were used by the biblical writers as a means of explaining the sources of diseases and mental illnesses that were not understood in modern medical terms .
13 From 1910 , the loom sheds were used by Frederick Steele , a printing firm , whilst other parts housed Syrolit Ltd , a company that produced a variety of articles from one of the new plastic materials .
14 Changes in content and style — ‘ news ’ was now moved to the front pages , there were briefer stories , news stories grew in importance as ‘ opinion and commentary ’ lost favour , different typographical styles were used to attract readers and make newspapers less severe — reflected much more than a mere process of ‘ modernization ’ .
15 Published and unpublished lists were used in compiling the necessarily limited but , it is hoped , representative selection of Gaelic names that appears here , and help was given by Gaelic speakers in the Outer Hebrides and elsewhere .
16 The independent schools inspectorate , HMI , in a report published yesterday on the ‘ rather tentative start ’ of AS levels , said a quarter of schools were using these for the wrong reasons , often as a safeguard for weaker Alevel candidates .
17 These low potencies were often given over long periods , and frequently mixtures of different remedies were used .
18 These remedies were used to protect children from these diseases in the days before the vaccination and immunization schedules were developed .
19 Armoured men with swords had clanked down the stairwells here ; now the steps were used by gunmen in grubby camouflage fatigues whose rifles lay propped against the walls of the round towers .
20 For intraoesophageal pressure monitoring , a catheter with four piezoresistive pressure transducers ( Sentron , 9300 AC Roden , The Netherlands ) mounted at the tip , and 5 , 10 , and 15 cm proximal to the tip of the catheter were used .
21 Cranes were used to hoist it into place on the 8th March 1986 .
22 Six unco-ordinated offices were used for receiving revenue : the old Exchequer , the King 's Chamber — by now reverting to its old function of a domestic household treasury — the Court of Wards and Liveries , the Duchy of Lancaster , the Court of Augmentations , and the Court of First Fruits .
23 These offices were used by secular clergy and were particularly appropriate for lay use since they remained constant throughout the liturgical year and were not subject to the complex variations of the main office .
24 Measured aliquots of lipid stock solutions were used to produce a model bile with the desired composition : cholesterol — 10 mol% , bile salt ( sodium taurocholate ) — 72 mol% , phospholipid ( egg yolk lecithin ) — 18 mol% , total lipid concentration — 8.0 g/dl .
25 The following solutions were used for endoscopic injection : for the epinephrine group , we injected 0.5–1.0 ml of 1:10000 epinephrine at 2–3 mm around the bleeder with a maximum volume of 15 ml ; for the epinephrine plus pure alcohol group , we injected the same volume of 1:10000 epinephrine followed by 0.3–0.5 ml of alcohol ( 99.8% ) around the bleeder with maximal volume of 3 ml .
26 The sequence in which these test solutions were used was randomly varied .
27 They met in an undistinguished office block just off the Euston Road , two floors ofwhich were used as secure neutral territory for committees and meetings between Government depart-ments who would lose face by visiting the other fellow 's wigwam .
28 The looms were used in local cottages , and warehouses occupied much of this site .
29 It would therefore follow that unless Molla Yegan were using the title though in fact an ex-kadi , he must have become kadi again in the years alter returning with Molla Gurani .
30 Polanski arrived in Hollywood from Europe on the back of a spoof horror film called The Fearless Vampire Killers , a parody of the horror genre , which he directed and in which twenty-three gallons of imitation blood were used .
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