Example sentences of "[noun] [be] made " in BNC.

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1 Can the combination of both inward and outward investment be made complementary to rather than a substitute for domestic investment ?
2 I propose therefore that speakers in a locality should be supplied by the Agent in charge of it ; and that grants of literature and money to organizations be made through them .
3 There is a lower standard of proof required in civil cases , balance of probability , as opposed to the ‘ beyond reasonable doubt ’ needed in criminal trials and Lord Prosser commented : ‘ It is undesirable in the public interest , as well as in Mr Anderson 's interest , that a finding of probable murder be made in anything other than a supreme court . ’
5 He went on to propose that sources of party financing should in future be made public , that limits should be placed on electoral expenses and that procedures should be agreed to guarantee the impartiality of the media .
6 Should your goals be made smaller and then into a longer list ?
7 Thompson , the Secretary of the Yorkshire North District , and Littlecott , Secretary of the Western District , wrote to Jacques urging that a firm stand be taken on the issue and no further concessions be made .
8 Will it just be the material produced by the neatest and cleverest or will an attempt be made to ensure that in turn every child will have a piece of work exhibited ?
9 Rather , it seems preferable that , in making a general assessment of the quality of life of a particular old person , some attempt be made to examine the negative and positive aspects of the relationships which they presently experience .
10 Only when this has been done , can any serious attempt be made to analyse any crucial stratified groups from civil or military sites , since we have no knowledge of the origins of the pottery , nor can we give a proper scientific description of the fabrics .
11 Consequently , a nominal 60-year loan would in practice be made up of many short- , medium- , and long-term loans .
12 A prohibition notice can in practice be made only when the fact that there are dangerous goods on the market has come to the attention of the Secretary of State .
13 No longer need a search for set words be made ; it was now a matter of seeking words , or even deeds , which need do no more than satisfy the minimal essential principles of the law of trusts .
14 This was questioned by members of the parish council ; if the area behind the post office is to be used for staff parking , should not a separate planning application to this effect be made ?
15 Similarly , in completion of the Investigation part of each Short Course , it is again expected that appropriate acknowledgement of the Church 's teaching/practice be made .
16 How can our melodies be made both memorable and distinctive ?
17 Along what lines should further steps be made ?
18 At a second meeting it was decided that Waizero Zauditu , daughter of Emperor Menelik , should be proclaimed Empress , and Dedjazmatch Tafari be made Ras and heir to the throne .
19 How far down towards the locality will the decision on housing benefit be made ?
20 The fact that some deaf people appear to use a completely different form of coding just as effectively , makes it essential that some re-assessment of the models be made .
21 Should monetary compensation be made available as a remedy in public law , and if so , on what basis ?
22 As regards the police , should the publication of racist statements like the unofficial communique be made a disciplinary offence , or would this merely strengthen rank-and-file resistance to the implementation of antiracist policies within the force ?
23 Secondly , should the determination be made by an expert or by an arbitrator ?
24 Under no circumstances should frequent elevator movements be made with the object of maintaining a constant indicated airspeed , height or rate-of-climb , as this technique may lead to severe low frequency oscillation in pitch .
25 Equally , the valuation may take place just prior to the end of the month and deliveries be made after the valuation but before the end of the month .
26 Not until the 1920s and 1930s could a real clearance be made of this formidable mess , and a newer Nottingham begin to appear out of it .
27 June Peat and John Carlin ( above suggested that repair kits be made available for counter pen sets .
28 How can a distinction be made between trespassers of differing degrees of culpability , such as burglars and stray children ?
29 If the election were not to be held until May or June , would an announcement be made next time we have business questions ?
30 In what way could the truth be made acceptable ?
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